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JB is full of retards.. I'm finding another server

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This is how my night went on xG JB server(exaggerated a bit):


Random person: Faggot nigger faggot bitch nub jew
Random person: Faggot nigger faggot bitch nub jew
random guy: FREEKILL FREEKILL!!!
random idiot: FREEKILL FREEKILL!!!
Random person: Faggot nigger faggot bitch nub jew
Random admin: Faggot faggot nub
Random person: jew
Some guy on voice: some stupid warden made us face north and go all the way there the other day.
admin: that was me
Me: I would expect you to do that cause you're an asshole...
admin: Matsi stop disrespecting me.
random guy: FREEKILL FREEKILL!!!
some retard: FREEKILL!!!!11111!11111eleventyone
Me: how is that disrespecting? what you make them do as warden falls under the definition of "ASSHOLE"
admin shoots at some CTs that are knifing him and doesnt kill either of them and then gets knifed.
Me: fail! you are so bad admin.
*I get kicked from the server without a reason listed*


So ya.... that's how the admins work.... they only care about the rules if you are "disrespecting" them or if you kill them....


I dont mean ALL of them.... some of them are good and other are acceptable but like half of them are complete retards....


and there's the admin that is telling someone to learn rules while at the same time telling people they have 5 seconds to drop unholstered guns..... GOOD FUCKING JOB!!!! and that is why you dont give admin to every idiot that asks for it or pays you five bucks!


Anyways.... I deal with stupid fucks enough at work, working as security.... I don't need this shit when I come home and try to have some fun!



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Give us the name of the mod! Wtf is wrong with people! If you want us to fix the bad mods, we need to know who they are!


It's not any one person... it's just the way the admins do stuff that i am sick of.... I go through the day on the server watching some rules enforced while others aren't... some are broken by the admins themselves... some admins say something is a rule and others say it isnt.... it's very inconsistent and im sick of it.


Also... most the time you cant get any "proof" because the server will not tell you which admin is banning/slaying/ kicking unless you yourself are an admin.


again... it's not any ONE person... and the disrespect thing i was being a smartass about it... saying omg you bad... OMG I CALLED YOU BAD DONT KICK ME FOR DISRESPECT!! T_T.... but i didn't think i would actually get kicked for it.... and that's prolly due to me going through the day watching people get away with it all night long....


Another thing is that.... the admins will slay/kick/ctban/etc and what they should do is instead say something like hey *name* you cant do that, or you can't stand there it's called *insert rule here*....


Admins should be around to not only enforce the rules by slay/kick/ban but to actively TEACH people the rules....


Also for the love of god.... admins should learn the rules themselves before trying to tell someone they are wrong.... I am not even an admin but if I am not 100% sure what i am telling someone is actually a rule I type /rules and find out before i tell them they are stupid....

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Also... most the time you cant get any "proof" because the server will not tell you which admin is banning/slaying/ kicking unless you yourself are an admin.

I did not realize that, I'm changing that tonight, so hopefully reports will start coming in.


It's not any one person... it's just the way the admins do stuff that i am sick of.... I go through the day on the server watching some rules enforced while others aren't... some are broken by the admins themselves... some admins say something is a rule and others say it isnt.... it's very inconsistent and im sick of it.

When I make all admin actions public, hopefully this will change.

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As i told you and a few others, I am not going to see everything. if you have an issue with the staff don't just say "this guy asdhjgfashjkdgfajkhsdgfjasdfa" you need to present proof. if you present proof of things then we can act. also, posting a leaving thread where you insist that admins are faggots and you put an (as you said) exaggerated synopsis of what you believe JB is like in which you call the players idiots stupid and faggots is considered disrespect.

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As i told you and a few others, I am not going to see everything. if you have an issue with the staff don't just say "this guy asdhjgfashjkdgfajkhsdgfjasdfa" you need to present proof. if you present proof of things then we can act. also, posting a leaving thread where you insist that admins are faggots and you put an (as you said) exaggerated synopsis of what you believe JB is like in which you call the players idiots stupid and faggots is considered disrespect.


as stated above.... there is no way to get proof a lot of the time as you cannot see which admin is doing what....


as for the disrespect thing.... I was trying to show how... for the entire day I see people calling other's faggot/stupid/bitch/jew/nigga..... and noone cared.... but when it was an admin being called a name suddenly it was a big fucking deal...

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but when it was an admin being called a name suddenly it was a big fucking deal...

If you punch somebody nobody cares.

If you punch a cop, you're gunna get killed lol


Although this shouldn't be happening, give us some suggestions on how to prevent this from happening.

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the sm <admin name> slayed/kicked/banned/<admin commanded> <player name> plugin would work wonders on helping get proof as all you have to do is take a couple of screen shots. (idk the name of the plugin)


I hope you can stay if this problem is resolved. Bye if you don't stay.

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If you punch somebody nobody cares.

If you punch a cop, you're gunna get killed lol


Although this shouldn't be happening, give us some suggestions on how to prevent this from happening.


i thought you were supposed to be inactive :3

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Making some of the admin commands a bit more public might actually help. Or maybe, this is just an idea, maybe add something where when we slay, we have to put a reason, like !slay <user> <reason> and when they die, its either a public chat announcement, or just to the person who was slain, saying "You were slain by <admin name> for reason <blah>" @autumn Does that sound like a good idea maybe? If it can be set up, of course.

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Learn to record demos, bind a key for it if you have to. Sure, maybe through talking and debate some admins will change, but without proof we can't target them for training, punishment, or even demotion.


Get some proof to share, QQ

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