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Regarding "Calling Warden"

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So it has come to my attention that as days pass without the "Warden" plugin, a lot of confusion and frustration has been going around lately. Arguments on who called it first and on who literally called it by giving orders is another problem.


I'm posting this thread with the hope that we can have a temporary fix (Until the plugin is re-implemented or rather IF it is).


Now back when we Didn't have this plugin, Warden was called Vocally in phrases such as the following:


"I Call Warden"

"I'll be your warden for today"

"I'm Warden"




Now I may not be like you fancy city folk with your fancy plugins and such, but I reckon we go back to them olden days. What I mean by this, is simply the following:


The round begins with a CT calling Warden, if there is any confusion (Multiple CTs calling it), any current Moderator/Administrator will deem who called it first, and the day will continue on.


If the Warden wishes to pass it, it will be Vocally passed as such "I pass my Warden onto [insert Name]". Now, "Warden" may Only be passed to someone who has a mic, otherwise it remains with the current CT who is Warden.


The predecessor Must give at least One order before they are permitted to pass it on to someone else, however; it may Not be passed back to the previous CT who had "Warden" if they do not wish to have it. (This is to prevent a situation of "Hot Potato" with "Warden")



These are just my thoughts on the matter, what do you guys think? +1 to abide by these hopefully Temporary rules, or to just keep going as it is?

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Another thing that we have to address is when the original warden is killed, and someone else tries to call warden. Usually, once the first warden dies, the next person will immediately just bark out orders, usually something along the lines of "all T's freeze". However, they technically never physically called warden, and without the plugin there is really no way to distinguish who the new warden is, especially if multiple people are vying for control. In my opinion, (until a new plugin is found/updated) to call warden and start giving orders after the previous warden has been killed, is to literally say "I call warden" , or something else along those lines. This way, people know exactly who the warden is, and it avoids confusion when people flood admin chat when a situation like this happens, claiming that they were freekilled because technically, the new warden never physically said "I call warden". Just my opinion.

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In all chat state this to clear confusion.


If all goes chaos, /mute @ct and then /unmute @(warden). Then after orders /unmute @ct.

ShadowSpy for the idea.

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+1 But seriously, need a warden plugin. I know @@HighSociety is trying to find one. The old version wasn't compatible with the current version of Source(?) so it continuously caused the the server to crashed(Remember when the server kept crashing and everything broke? Yeah, that's what caused it)

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I keep getting freekilled because someone tries to call warden, one person gets it and someone else tarps and says "Take a step out and gun check freeze"

I just got freekilled two rounds in a row over a random CT yelling out orders to take a step out, and the warden killing me for doing it. I've lost two large bombs in just these two rounds. Its really getting annoying. We need a new plugin ASAP>

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