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The biggest problem xg faces

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Is the community.


You ask for some things because you have troubles doing it, so you basically demand that the higher ups give you this that or this.


You +1 applications and requests just because you want to have a big e-peen with your post count, when really if you sit there and think about it for more than 2 seconds, you would be able to give your +1 a legitimate backing, or realize that there is no legitimate backing to give that thing a +1.


You want cookie cutter things instead of new unique things, such as plugins and maps, you always want to play those 2 maps you enjoy and always vote 1 for RTV.

(elaboration on this point)

You want a plugin that EVERY OTHER server has on their server because you think it is what makes it popular. granted a save and teleport menu does sound pretty cool, especially on those pesky course/obstacle maps on minigames, but where is the fun of being able to just instantly go back to the last part of the map on it when you failed your jump? granted i get very pissed when i die near the end too, but it's what makes those maps special. when you die you say hey, this is my furthest point here, i'm gonna try to do better next time it gets RTVd.

While those plugins work for those servers, it is because they are a smaller community generally based around one server, and that is what they want for them, yes it lets them keep their population on course maps. but what other maps do you see on those minigames servers? i don't really see any maps other than courses. minigames is just that, I don't think you as a whole understand what minigames is, if you don't know, maybe you should go back to mario party, those are what minigames are, and minigames maps are collections of various ones of them. not just courses.

(this part was directed at the CS:GO Staff who are just that, CS:GO Members and have not been around the community long, as to why I am denying their request on a certain plugin. and yet they still fail to understand my reason behind why I refuse to put it on.)


Black and White.

But Chrono, what do you mean by "Black and White"?

I mean there is no color, this goes hand in hand with what was said above in regards to the CS:GO Exclusive staff/community

What no color means is that you want the same things that other people have, because you think those are cool, granted some of them are cool yes. and some of them would be great for our servers, but what kind of community can take pride in their servers when all they are, are clones of other communities servers they already have played on? the only difference between the 2 servers now would be the staff.




That's great that you are bringing all these things to our attention as problems that the community faces Chrono, but how would you suggest we go about solving them?






Instead of getting frustrated at something and demanding we do this or that, or make massive amounts of incredibly specific and dumb rules, relax and say "hey that isn't fair, how would you feel if that happened to you?" and then settle the situations like that, or ask an admin to use that wonderful clause of "things admins deem cheap or unfair [not just locations being camped] that are not specifically stated in the rules are ILLEGAL unless approved by a staff member PRESENT at the time."


Sit back, relax, have a cup of tea if you are british, and think about the member submission or unban request you are reading, give it a good 2 minutes thought before you blindly post, or perhaps just not post at all if you are unsure. if you still feel the need to post but are unsure, give it a 0, then state your opinion, so your vouch is not affecting it, but still bringing what you wanted to say in the light.


Stop wanting to be a cookie cut server, be innovative! if you like something others have, bring it up in conversation and don't be put down if it gets denied, and don't say stupid things like "I am refusing to play on that server and none us will play on it until this is put on." If you really want something and are told why it doesn't work, maybe think of a way to fix it? Perhaps make a hobby out of learning to code or something, or seeing if you know someone who can code and would be willing to help out, if you hook them up with myself, we can talk to them and see what we can do for them.


stop bitching over everything, people all left xg because you newfags are fucking it up and making it more of a by the book community instead of what it was, a gaming community

lets get back to it


End of rant, for those of you who already do these things, I'm sorry to have clumped you together by using the word "Community" keep up the good work!


TL;DR... Read it fuck head.

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Never fear, america's hero, Neil Slothstrong is here.


I have come to save thy souls & praise thy lords.


I will fix xG in all ways needed !

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Perhaps make a hobby out of learning to code or something, or seeing if you know someone who can code and would be willing to help out, if you hook them up with myself, we can talk to them and see what we can do for them.

I directed someone in teamspeak to you for this, i dont know if you guys talked. Anyway, the people that are refusing to play on our minigames server just perfer to play on another one and dont see any advantages to playing on ours. Which i can agree to, why play on a server that doesnt have the advantages other servers have? Other servers have the cpmenu, hats, trails, /me, titles, all that jazz.

You want a plugin that EVERY OTHER server has on their server because you think it is what makes it popular.

In CSGO, this is a standard for most course maps. Its not because we want to be like every other server, its because its what the players want. (Remember how its not just what you want for the servers?) Do a vote at any time in the CSGO minigames server (When people actually play it if i might add) to see if they want it added.

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hink about the member submission or unban request you are reading, give it a good 2 minutes thought before you blindly post, or perhaps just not post at all if you are unsure. if you still feel the need to post but are unsure, give it a 0, then state your opinion, so your vouch is not affecting it, but still bringing what you wanted to say in the light.


This. +1

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In CSGO, this is a standard for most course maps. Its not because we want to be like every other server, its because its what the players want. (Remember how its not just what you want for the servers?) Do a vote at any time in the CSGO minigames server (When people actually play it if i might add) to see if they want it added.




but what other maps do you see on those minigames servers? i don't really see any maps other than courses. minigames is just that, I don't think you as a whole understand what minigames is, if you don't know, maybe you should go back to mario party, those are what minigames are, and minigames maps are collections of various ones of them. not just courses.



If you had listened to the reason behind why I stated it doesn't belong on our server, instead of the group of you blindly saying that all servers for minigames have it, and then continuing on with the ill-informed thought that we MUST have it, you would realize why I am stating that I will not put it on. not only does it ruin the idea of course maps testing your skill, and being something to brag about being able to beat, it also ruins other maps, so when it gets put to a legitimate minigames map, you create the problems of people being stupid and teleporting to locations, like teleporting to the chooser spot and picking a map etc.




also before you say "restrict it to only course maps!" think about what you are saying, there is no easy way to restrict a plugin to only work on certain maps, without going in and breaking apart that plugin. something I am incapable of doing.



I directed someone in teamspeak to you for this, i dont know if you guys talked. Anyway, the people that are refusing to play on our minigames server just perfer to play on another one and dont see any advantages to playing on ours. Which i can agree to, why play on a server that doesnt have the advantages other servers have? Other servers have the cpmenu, hats, trails, /me, titles, all that jazz.

as for this, the only person who ever once talked to me about this is nom, and he said to me one time that he had a friend who could code, and when I asked him to hook me up with a steam chat or something, I never heard back, not even after I made that point very clear to him in the "abuse" report. since then, there hasn't been a soul of a coder around.

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I don't mean to butt into this discussion as i'm not a CS:GO player, but you need to cut Chrono some slack. Our CS:GO server is a fairly new one, and we only have very few people who know how to work things such as coding or programming or whatever the fuck it is you do.


He, unlike most others has taken the time to learn to do as much as he can for the server. All that he is asking for is some patience and understanding that he can't do EVERYTHING whenever you guys want him to. Atleast, that's what i've gathered so far.

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You want a plugin that EVERY OTHER server has on their server because you think it is what makes it popular.


What do you think makes xG popular? Because from what im seeing every other server is ranked higher than you guys. Maybe listening to what the community wants is not so bad of an idea. But then again xG's community has made a lot of bad decisions in the past, so I guess its kinda like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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alright ill be your warden today

when the cell doors open all tees gun check freeze no detours no delays

ok all tees face your cells, crouch at all times,

guards plz check their anuses for contraband


all tees u now have a bar of soap attached to the rope, do not drop it at any time


all tees walk to disco no detours no delays



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