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Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source

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Im gunna say 0. Personally i like duckii but if he said this then this can turn all the way around. Proof was provided by Superkiller but i have yet to see any proof from other people. He is a nice guy but when he posts threats like that its nots funny it gets serious. I know I didn't write much but I hope I gave my opinion in the right way.


~Thanks Eden

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This is very harsh as he has been an active member of this clan. You might have your reasons that I am too new to understand, but no matter the reason, there should be warnings to this. Duckii Jr was banned at a random moment without a warning. He has done nothing recently that entitled him to this Permanent Ban. Permanent. That's like serving two life terms with no bail.

All I'm saying is that you give him one warning. If he messes up, then go ahead ban him. But just give that warning before.


+1 for the unban.

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All I'm saying is that you give him one warning. If he messes up, then go ahead ban him. But just give that warning before.

for the 13478956198345618927365th time to people, he was given that one warning, about stopping and not doing something as serious as he did, and he did still do it. he was told the consequences, and he would definitely have to suffer them for it this time, yet he still did it.

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My god, to all the people saying "You can't just randomly ban someone," take a look at the servers. Do you warn people that start hacking that they are about to be banned? No, because that makes them do something really stupid before they kick the bucket. If someone had a valid reason to ban someone, they don't have to tell them that they are being banned most of the time. Plus, Duckiijr had so many warnings against him, which Chrono has been trying to get into your heads during this whole thread.

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which Chrono has been trying to get into your heads during this whole thread.


for the 13478956198345618927365th time to people

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Also, with that screenshot (no names shall be named) but my opinion was based on 2 years of dealing with suicide threats and all-around controversy. He causes nothing but issues. Also you cut out the part in the screenshot when you agreed with me, but hey, bullshitting evidence really strengthens your case :/

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Well, he was warned multiple times for what he has done, he goes through alot of shit, if you guys were in his position, then you would feel the same way, you have no clue what he goes through, +1 for unban, but duckiijr shouldnt be making suicide threats, unless it affects the clan in some way, then personal buisness should be kept to self/ counseling etc.

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<11:46:00> "Duckii Jr.": Duckii Jr to Silence: I was not given the full conversation. That was the screenshot I was given because the person was asking you about me and that was it. If what you say is true I would like the full conversation if possible.

<11:46:18> "Duckii Jr.": NOT copy and pasted. Screenshot. from duckii jr btw

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he goes through alot of shit, if you guys were in his position, then you would feel the same way, you have no clue what he goes through, for unban, but duckiijr shouldnt be making suicide threats, unless it affects the clan in some way, then personal buisness should be kept to self/ counseling etc.

Everyone goes through a lot of shit in their lives, and we all deal with it in our own ways. If you go back and read any of the posts he has made after his dad was "an abusive asshole" to him, or remember any of those times in teamspeak the day after, he would say that his dad took the computer away from him because he was on it late at night and then he got yelled at when he went and took it back, and was plying on it again, later at night. A lot of the "problems" he has are brought on him, by himself. And he deals with it by blaming others, and then going to the extremes, tell me, if you were in his shoes knowing this now, would you make the same decision and threaten suicide on multiple separate occasions? Doubtful. He comes in the Teamspeak server, and on the forums venting to us about his own issues in his personal life that are mostly self inflicted, and threatening suicide. We are not professional counselors, and we do not want to have someone in here that is doing that, it is better they do get professional help and or talk to their parents who will then most likely go and seek professional help themselves for him.

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+1 For the unban.


We all go through things in our life though. Chrono was spot on with that. We each deal with things differently. If someone's a big meanie face to you, don't let that effect you. If you let peoples words and actions towards you have power over you then they have won. It's LIFE it's not fair.


Duckii Jr. if you read this on whatever other account you have. You should seek professional help with your problems. There are plenty of counselors who can help you. We have all been down at some point in our life. Sometimes others just need a boost back up. Getting help isn't a sign of weakness.

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From Duckii Jr.


I never did anything. I don't know why people still have to bring up this whole suicide thing. I NEVER mentioned anything like that. Some asshat started a very bad rumor and that is what caused all of this. This is not a deservering ban. Why I am the one banned when I literally haven't done anything to deserve it. Whoever started the rumor is the one who should have been banned. I know back then I was really down and in a very dark place. But for quite a long time now I've kept that shit AWAY from you guys. Now out of the blue someone has to start shit because they think they're hilarious picking on me. And look... despite being wrongfully permed I am STILL here fighting for an unban. Despite being trolled and spammed about suicide I'm STILL here.


TL;DR A rumor was spread. I never did anything wrong. When I had a room in teamspeak I was simply sitting in it all alone. When suddenly this rumor was told and spread. People came in my room started spamming and trolling. I haven't mentioned anything related to suicide. Whoever started the rumor is the one that should have been banned.


Also, newer members have the right to give their opinions as much as anyone else weather it be +1 -1 0 or just a general opinion about something. That kinda pissed me off that someone would put down newer members just because they haven't been here as long as you have.


This is based on the rumor and now. Not my shitty past.

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I don't know why people still have to bring up this whole suicide thing. I NEVER mentioned anything like that.

You should have seen some of the messages he sent me after I -1'd his moderator application. Was not pretty at all.

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Also, newer members have the right to give their opinions as much as anyone else weather it be -1 +1 0 or just a general opinion about something. That kinda pissed me off that someone would put down newer members just because they haven't been here as long as you have.

I pointed it out, because I have been here, and I even specifically said:


You are entitled to your own opinion, but this is mine, in my long time now that I have been a part of this community, I would just like to point out that the person ing other than me at time of writing this post is muffin, who created his forum acct. in jan 2012, and myself (forum acct. from end of summer 2011, but had played long before.) the person posting this is a VERY new member to the community, and Zeal who is not OLD but is a couple generations older than OP, but was inactive for a while. and Takibo had a soft spot for duckiijr, and rarely ever goes on the servers, TS, and checks the forums once in a blue moon. he is an old fag, but not active in anything much to know the goings ons.

It is because we are older we are giving the -1 instead of the +1 like the new members are because we know of your past, we were here for it, and that kind of attitude is something that does need professional help, not us, and the fact is that you have threatened suicide numerous times on our forums and teamspeak, to your "friends" and nobody wants to receive messages like that.



This is based on the rumor and now. Not my shitty past.



Everything was taken into account on this ban. Your "shitty past" was a big problem considering you have threatened numerous times to commit suicide, each time you were told after you calmed down not to ever do it again. That is something that is just wrong and we wanted no part of someone threatening it, nor did we want that to be messaged to our members. It is also not based off rumor, if it were based off rumor then there would have been someone obviously trolling saying what went down to us in teamspeak without anything backing him/her.



A rumor was spread. I never did anything wrong.



"I never did anything wrong." Is a bit of an overstatement, you have done many things wrong, whether it be personal life, or your "internet life" with xG, from hacking to trolling to being a straight up nuisance, as well as the suicidal thoughts that are harmful to not just yourself but everyone around you. even if you were applying that statement to just this scenario here, it doesn't work, you did do something wrong. You had those suicidal thoughts you were warned about several times in the past to not bring up again and that if you were being troubled by something there are always professional counselors you can talk to at school, or a trustworthy friend here you can just vent frustration to, but not suicidal feelings.


Bottom Line: (for this post) Your negative attitude overall and your trolling others is a problem that you had been told about several times, as well as the suicidal thoughts both past and present. You had gotten down in your life again, and when that happens it seem like "suicide" is the best option to you each time, i put suicide in quotes because luckily you have not actually commit suicide but you have threatened it numerous times. That is not good, not for your health to even be thinking about it, not for others health to be thinking about you and your attitude towards life if you are going to it fairly commonly, and that is not healthy for this community to have someone like that before you even take into consideration that that same person also posted about it many times on the forums and talked to numerous players through steam and teamspeak.


For those reading this other than Duckii Jr. because I know he will actually read the whole post, do not complain about there not being a TL;DR actually read the whole post, there is some very important information in it not just as to the reason why Duckii Jr. was banned, but as to why the ban is sticking so far. It may seem a bit harsh that he is being banned, but it is in the better interest of everyone, It helps the community, it helps the players, and it even helps him because he cannot come on the forums and vent out his thoughts it almost forces him to seek outside help, like a counselor.

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