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bonk2 - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

In-Game Name:

Bonk the Skittlefart

Steam ID:




Previously in xG:


Active on Teamspeak:




Further Information:

I try to warden when other wardens die and nobody else calls it. I love playing xG CSS JB and would really appreciate it if I could join.

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Oh wow this application has been open a long time.


My vote is a 0 for now. You are active from what I can tell but I have never seen you on TeamSpeak. You have to be active on TeamSpeak. I'll tag some people since this has been open so long.


@@MegaRobin @@StartNow @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Kirito @@daddiodoug @@diabeetus @@PiNoYPsYcHo


If you guys can think of anyone else who is active and might know him tag them. Also, I think this thread might be too old and he might need to re-apply.

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i think it's up to the 3 DMs whether or not this can even continue...

*4 DM's.


We will give you a week. Seeing as no one commented till now. Get on Teamspeak more often to familiarize yourself with other community members.

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yea rainbow linked me this before you came across it diabetus. but i thought it was to old so i didnt say anything but now..

i have seen you on and you never really break rules you are pretty active like your on right now while im making this :)




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i'll +1 for now. I do see you on from time to time but be a but more active on teamspeak. other than that i have nothing bad to say.



~Kirito-san Master of the blade.

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You've been an active player and you do know the rules, I'm not sure at all why this hasn't been more popular. Bumping and vouching.

M: 9/10

A: 9/10

D: +1

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#Closing this thread as it has exceeded the allotted amount of time given for Membership Applications. You may submit a new submission whenever as this application was not denied.


~ Forgotten in the Lost Woods

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