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Community Day #3

Community Night or Competition??  

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  1. 1. Community Night or Competition??

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I'll help host the events tommarow. Just a quick question though, whats the use with the poll? The competition day is still going to be happening on 4/20 regardless right?

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whats the use with the poll?

Before all this got updated, there was a poll between Community Day and Competition. I decided to stick with Community, and Echo took head of the Competition portion. So to begin with, I was the only one planning, and I didn't want to plan two seperate occasions.

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Also, @@diabeetus @ShdowSpy @@Chrono @TheLostCause @@DeathGod @@Gawd @@Sporky


I may be late getting on, so i'm hoping you guys will do fine without me!! Keep it fun guys!!

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Thanks to everyone who participated in the Community Night! Apparently we had a full MiniGames server, which is great! I hope everyone had a great time and had lots of fun. I'm going to keep this thread open as I would like a lot of constructive criticism and any other comments on how it could be improved! Also, @diabeetus @ShdowSpy @Chrono @TheLostCause @DeathGod @Gawd @Sporky for the list of player's names who earned Credits!

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Here is my List of Winners (this was a total list of winners, not just the people who won my questions):


Turdwig x 2

Minecrack x 4

Stumpy x 1

MegaRobin x 2

IAmLegend x 2

GloryGuy x 1

Klure x 2


North (or whatever his forum name is) x 1

I kinda stopped paying attention once we hit GunGame, so if I missed anyone from GunGame or during the "bonus server rotation" during BuildWars, send me a message and I'll correct this list.


Now onto my thoughts on Community Night. For the most part, I thought it was a success. It was great to see the Minigames Server full, but we definitely need to increase the amount of time spent on Minigames, because those 45 minutes FLEW by. I would suggest increasing the amount of time on Minigames to at least an hour, or even an hour and 15 minutes. We should also decrease the amount of time on DeathRun, as it kinda got boring fast (or maybe change it to RPG Surf or Bhop). Overall, I thought it was a pretty good time, and a success. I didn't really like it when Charrax decided he got bored of DeathRun, and started spamming chat to try and get people to come on Gmod, and skip out on the rest of Community Night. I'm sorry Charrax, but if you want more people to come on your servers, or to have a Gmod Community Night, schedule it on your own time and let people know, instead of stealing players from our event. I was about to hand you a kick or ban, if you didn't get off and immediately go to TTT.

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Speaking of which @@Charrax, just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't advertise your own division during a CS:S event mang. Or at least discuss it with me so that we can include Gmod into the Community Night if you want that sort of thing happening. Just wanted to let you know that it was uncalled for as it caused a lot of players to leave. By all means, if you wanted to host an event like that, go right ahead, but don't interrupt a Community Night for CS:S just to raise the number of players on Gmod. Ur still cute btw.


Also, thanks for the input Diabeetus! I'll definitely increase the time for the Minigames server and decrease the time for certain other servers!

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