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Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source

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+1 lmao, honestly yes this was a dick move but it's just a smite.

It shouldn't have been perm.

As in if he did something worse, etc. then yeah I would have said perm ban.

But overall +1 to unban,

I think the only reason he was permabanned was because no one likes him lmao but he's chill.

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Alright so, here's the deal. Whenever something like this is done, it almost entirely depends on the context, scenario, motives and etc. Before going any further, I am going to say now that the Cons heavily outweigh the Pros.


First, From what I heard, this was done upon a "No-balls" request, and because of that, it already isn't looking good. This isn't something like killing a T upon "No-balls" request, not only was it considered a mass-freekill/teamkill, but it was also an abuse of power and rank.


Second thing I will point out is that it was recorded and posted on YouTube. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, however it was being done on an xG server, with the offender wearing xG tags, so not only does this give our Server a bad name, but it also gives our Community a bad name.


Third, I understand that Sinly was given leniency when he did it, however he has been a long-time member who had done a great job as an Administrator in our CS:S Division. Also, don't think he got away scot-free, because he will never have the chance to achieve Staff Powers again, at least not in the CS:S Division. I will also point out that our CS:S Div Leader (@@HighSociety) carried out the ban, and he believed it warranted a 2 month period. In this case with Mythic, the ban was given out by our Leader (@autumn).


My Fourth and final point. Recently, Mythic had intentionally trolled on TeamSpeak, and it wasn't even done on Our TS3 server. It was done on another TS3 server that had ex-xG members present during the time. This caused a demotion from Div to Member status, and after being discussed amongst our Co-Leaders, was given leniency in which Mythic kept a Moderator position and was allowed to remain an xG member. He was given a second chance to prove to us that he wasn't immature and could remain such a position. Now because something like this has happened, he has given enough proof that he is not ready for a position of power nor is he mature enough to handle something such as a "No-Balls" request.


My final decision; I'm going to -1 the request to be unbanned. I am in no way saying this with any intention of Completely hindering any chance of Mythic being on our servers, but it is our responsibility to weigh the situation and decide whether or not it warrants an unban. I want everyone to be aware of the amount of Cons there is to Pros, and to consider what I have said before coming to a conclusion. I have Nothing against Mythic, I think he's a great guy, but when something like this happens, it's just not tolerable. Sorry buddy, but not this time.


TL;DR - Being thorough is what is needed as a Higher-Up. If you Actually care about the subject at hand, then you'll take the time to read all this.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Okay, so I haven't gotten around to posting on this, cause my computers been fucking up when I try to load a lot of stuff. Firstly, let me point out exactly what was done on that day that Mythic was banned/demoted from moderator.


I had a long talk with him on Teamspeak as soon as it happened, because I was in the room with him. He was immediately permanently banned, as you saw, by JohnWilkesBooth, and then was demoted within the next ten minutes of it happening by Serbian.


About him being unbanned, I'd like to point out a past ban. Sinly; he did !slay @all, then proceeded to permanently ban Lollerskater from the server, and received a demotion and a two month ban. I understand Sinly was around longer, but the point of the matter is he did something double the abuse, and gets nowhere near the same punishment as Mythic.

[i read back and haven't confirmed it, but apparently Poncher let his ban be shortened, so that leaves my argument invalid.]

My thoughts are he should have at least 2-4+ weeks of a ban to wait out, then be allowed to get unbanned or request to be, but never allowed to purchase or receive position as any staff rank.

So should he be unbanned? In my opinion, not yet. Let him wait 2-4 weeks. He did abuse, and he does need to understand he can't be doing that sort of thing and expect to be unbanned immediately.

-Dis furry DarkWolf6052

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lol -1

you did so many annoying things and it all led up to you being stupid enough to do a no-balls !slay @all (or something)

You spammed your mic, you trolled, you troll on TS as far as i know too. You hardly do anything to help and are an overall annoyance to me and other people.

(this is why i said don't let these hoes buy pmod!)

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@@John , yeah but he wouldn't have gotten mod without buying it unless hes one of those people who humps their friends legs for +1s( @@Forest he prob thought friends would help him be unbanned lol) and he was still a previous paid mod anyway.

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I can tell you straight up he didn't think that. He never asked us to +1 it. He just said he was making a ban protest.

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I understand completely, what i did was immature of me and this clan has given me so many chances i took for granted. The only reason i made this post is because of how sinly only got a 2 month ban, i had no idea that it would end up being this big of a argument over it. I admit, What i did was stupid, and if i dont get unbanned, so be it. But as i say this a lot, i am just asking for a second chance.

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