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I brought this up with @@serbiansnaga

You should NOT loose member just for mass freekilling.

You should be permanently banned from all source servers.

Loosing member is just a little too much.

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I brought this up with @@serbiansnaga

You should NOT loose member just for mass freekilling.

You should be permanently banned from all source servers.

Loosing member is just a little too much.


Permanent ban from all xG servers vs. 2-week member probation

I guess that would be a good idea too, let them learn that we don't take that shit as a joke.

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What the hell? Being permanently banned from all xG servers is practically losing the membership. They can appeal the bans after months which is less difficult than re-applying.

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What the hell? Being permanently banned from all xG servers is practically losing the membership. They can appeal the bans after months which is less difficult than re-applying.







Perm being you can appeal it after a year!

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What the hell? Being permanently banned from all xG servers is practically losing the membership. They can appeal the bans after months which is less difficult than re-applying.







Perm being you can appeal it after a year!

Actually I'm pretty sure if you get banned from SourceBans, doesn't it carry over to any other Source Ban servers? In other words, banned from CS:S, also banned from CS:GO, Gmod, etc.

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+1 because if you are a xG member and you mass freekill on our servers imo is just as bad as going onto another server with your tags on and being a troll / breaking a bunch of rules

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we still have mc that isnt connected to sourcebans, if u are banned on sourcebans u are banned from any servers that are hooked up with sourcebans, u are still in the community unless u decide to leave on your own terms, also warrior a perm is a perm, there is no "appeal after a year", dk where the hell you got that from :/

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we still have mc that isnt connected to sourcebans, if u are banned on sourcebans u are banned from any servers that are hooked up with sourcebans, u are still in the community unless u decide to leave on your own terms, also warrior a perm is a perm, there is no "appeal after a year", dk where the hell you got that from :/


Yes because it's not like everyone who ever gets permed comes back a month later.

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Im gunna put my 2 cents in here. I realize what I did was childish, I will not be playing as much in the summer as I did in the winter. Since I hardly play CT anyways I thought what the hell why not. Plus being ct banned pushes me away from xG cause I did something bad. I dont wanna sit inside all day and play Jailbreak or DarkRp for a day. Personally im gunna +1 this idea, cause in the future there are gunna be more mass freekillings. Well atleast I hope there wont be, but I like @@Forest's idea of they know what they are doing is gunna get you in trouble anyways so I think there should be a larger punishment. I do think that a perm from the server is a little overboard. @darkwolf said that a probabtion from their membership for 2 weeks, I like this idea. Maybe go back to the old rule, three strikes your out. Do it three times or how ever many times you wish, they are permed or revoked of their membership. That is all I have to say, hope this helped you guys in some way.


-Thanks Eden

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DarkWolf I like the probation idea to be honest . But the people might complain (the people who got mass freekilled by an xG member) if the guy only got a probation instead of a huge punishment. Thoughts on this one guys? <---




@@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest

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@@DarkWolf6052 the perm ct ban is still in place though right? therefore they are still getting PUNISHED for what they did

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DarkWolf I like the probation idea to be honest . But the people might complain (the people who got mass freekilled by an xG member) if the guy only got a probation instead of a huge punishment. Thoughts on this one guys? <---




@@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest

Perm CT ban + a 2 week member probation period. Or even 4-week, if you'd be up to that.

The Perm CT ban would happen regardless. Just because you're a member doesn't make you immune to punishment. Hell, even if one of our best admins decided to mass, they'd get the same minimum punishment.

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