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Minigames Revamp?

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As of right now, minigames has some pretty old content. On top of that, several broken maps and a lot of crappy maps that are never chosen. (will be listed the broken ones, and other people will give input on terribad maps).


This thread is made to bring awareness to silence, and so that players who enjoy minigames, but stopped playing because lack of content to suggest content they want to be added (mainly maps/removal of maps). I sincerely think this would keep minigames active once again with a lot of course maps/GOOD multi game maps.



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What maps are broken? AFAIK everything works just fine apart from minor incompatibility issues. Find some replacements or new maps but I only have one rule. NO COURSE MAPS! Most are hated, if not all :p

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all tron maps broken/bad, LEGO COPTER IS BROKEN AGAIN FFS T-T, half of them arent played, we play 3 overplayed maps then minigames crashes and we re-pick them.

+1 this should also be a minigames map suggestion thread too

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What maps are broken? AFAIK everything works just fine apart from minor incompatibility issues. Find some replacements or new maps but I only have one rule. NO COURSE MAPS! Most are hated, if not all :p


The thing is, a lot of the staff/members enjoy course maps. BUT, it's usually not played unless it's late night. If it's possible setup some type of system for that?

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What maps are broken? AFAIK everything works just fine apart from minor incompatibility issues. Find some replacements or new maps but I only have one rule. NO COURSE MAPS! Most are hated, if not all :p


The thing is, a lot of the staff/members enjoy course maps. BUT, it's usually not played unless it's late night. If it's possible setup some type of system for that?

Uhhh worry about the main server for the moment I'll think about a way to accomplish that later.

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+1. I love going on Minigames, but the maps are so old and stale that I just don't want to get some friends and hop on the server. Updating Minigames could be a huge success not only in reviving the CS:S division, but could also bring a lot more people to xG.

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@autumn Peple like office,compound, and jakes course is ok, we should have SOME more course maps, but not overloaded with them.

I do think we need some more multigame maps that are better.

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@autumn Peple like office,compound, and jakes course is ok, we should have SOME more course maps, but not overloaded with them.

I do think we need some more multigame maps that are better.

Find some I think we have most of the good ones. I'm also not adding Jak's since it has blatant porn on it.

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An example of maps that would be considered broken are the "tron" maps, which are mario maps.


They consist of players running through a series of teleporters to some battle ground, but they're a lot of portals which leads to mass chaos and long rounds of confusion... On top of that there is no signal to which teleporters are open.

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@autumn I think you are thinking of something else, we already had a map "Jake'sCourse", and i think we still have it, even though i didnt see it or compound on the list a few minutes ago

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Bad Maps (not from my opinion, but how a new player would react to the map).


Item Fight - You spawn with random object on you which you can barely see because you're in them. It's confusing, makes no sense, and it's just knife fights.


Busses from Hell - This map has mixed opinions, but the bottom line the server tends to empty out every time this map is selected (or people go afk).


Boss fight Maps - I've played on tons of maps, and some multiple times. It's pretty pointless because you never when. Also the objective is to shoot a dragon sitting still while you & your team mates are constantly taking damage.


The Ship - A very confusing map which is very buggy. Players fall through the boat, the objective in the end is kind of unclear.


Tank Base - Another map which tends to kill the server. It's a series of laggy+buggy vehicles that don't do much. It's rarely planned but when it is a lot of people leave the server.


Geek Pacman - You run around a maze and shoot each other. It's a hosties map, and the spawns are close. It doesn't belong in minigames. (Play it to get a better understand).


Quake - It's kind of like golden eye/other variants. MG already has two golden eye versions, quake is just formated differently for choosing weapons. Personally, it shouldn't stay as well as it's rarely RTV'd to. People should give input on this!


mg_4all - It's a broken multigame map (some of the minigames) and a low quality multigame map. Play it for the shitty experience.


Beach VolleyBall/Battle Force Soccer - Maps that make people scream RTV and go afk. The objective is lame on both, and when it has around 20 people on the server it's a moshpit of knifing the ball. It's not really fun and kills the server. It shouldn't be in multigames.


Break Floor maps - There is around 3-4 on MG. The only exceptionally good one is citadel. It should be up to you to keep the rest but anyone with experience on MG will usually go for citadel if it was a terrible line up.


Warmcup Arena - One T basically gets god mode, a bug suit that does 10 damage per second if you touch it, and a knife. In a nutshell that T slaughters the CT team, simple as that, THE END!


Human Tetris - With a few people this map can be awesome. But once teams get 6-7 people each, it becomes a mess. Possibly @@Gkoo can edit it for more lanes? (Everything helps the MG servers).


That's all I can think of. You don't have to take any of the recommendations for removal I have given but bottom line the MG server is pretty much empty. Only filling up to 5-10 from bored people during the day which doesn't last long. And at night of course my regular members that are frequently around.

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Maps that should be added off the top of my head is warmcup headshot/100traps/so high course/bobiii. Most are course maps but they're the best of the best.


I will go through the multigame maps I have as I'd need to find the latest versions.

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