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FIGHT THE FUCKING POWER! remove this mod/admin and higher ups ts rule

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Teamspeak 3 Activity

So we had a discussion about this subject. It is now REQUIRED that you be on Teamspeak when our servers if you're a mod/admin or higher.

I know a lot of you have argued that we can reach you in game, or on Steam chat, but if we have to get in contact with you quickly, Steam and in-game chat isn't good enough.

The rule for Teamspeak is be connected to it. Being in the AFK room or in the Waiting Room counts. As long as you're connected to the server.



Here is the punishment that already has been decided upon being handed out if you're not on Teamspeak when on the servers.

  1. Give a warning to get on
  2. Ban for 1-hour as a warning.
  3. Ban for 1-day.
  4. Demotion to the next rank down






+1 it if u would like to see this rule remove

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+1 for many reasons.


1) For some reason I have a serious problem with TS3 and CSS running at the same time, it causes me to lose internet connection constantly. Although I think I got this fixed, still something that was an issue due to this rule.


2) People have lives outside of xG, but would like to multitask and play some jb at the same time. There are many cases where I will get on css for 20 minutes or so just to play a few games and make sure everything is being handled. I don't see the reason to be on ts for the short time im on.


3) People forget to get on... are you really gonna ban someone for this?


4) Lets say I get on jb, forget to get on ts, someone tells me to but im afk. Get banned for an hour. How does this ban help the community?


Lets ban those people that are on the server because they aren't on TS. It'll be great when there isn't anyone on because the admin that was gonna play can't.

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They can just go AFK the whole time, they don't have to talk, so I don't see what the big deal is. If people want to help run the servers, they should atleast BE on TS. Maybe banning and demotions are a bit much, but if people just don't understand the concept, maybe they will wake up from the ban alone.

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why care if they are on TS if they could be on TS in the AFK channel with all sounds muted. I don't understand the logic of banning people for not having another window open, however useless it may be.

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why care if they are on TS if they could be on TS in the AFK channel with all sounds muted. I don't understand the logic of banning people for not having another window open, however useless it may be.

exactly. what is the point on being on ts anyways then

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It's a stupid reason to ban/demote admins/mods for not being on TS. Some of us don't like TS3 and don't like to talk. Some mods/admins don't even have mics.


We've requested to just Steam Chat and/or in-game chat us since it's faster.

Teamspeak used to be just a luxury, a convenience, now it's some requirement.


The best mods/admins can be banned/demoted for not being on something that shouldn't be required.

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I get admins and mods should be active, most of us are anyways.


But what's the point of forcing mods to be on teamspeak?? You can easily contact us through the ingame or via steam.


It's come to the point where admins are being banned because they aren't on teamspeak. Admins that are spending their time to help the server.

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"The rule for Teamspeak is be connected to it. Being in the AFK room or in the Waiting Room counts. As long as you're connected to the server."


What? just what? you can be afk in TS which means? just what? Being afk in the TS3, you cannot contact the people in afk room easily. so yea just wtf.

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+1 I just don't think admins or mods should always be on TeamSpeak when they can just talk in-game which is easier. Some people use skype etc.. so it's harder to stay on more than 1 chatting system.

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why care if they are on TS if they could be on TS in the AFK channel with all sounds muted. I don't understand the logic of banning people for not having another window open, however useless it may be.


you'd have to contact them through something else to get their attention (in-game, steam) if something were to happen. and it would just be a lot easier to tell them through chat other than waiting 5 minutes for many stages of starting up & joining ts goes by..


+1 for change or removal, it should be that you have to connect for a little bit every once and a while. but not be on every time you log on.


(I'll still do it because it's fun)


3) People forget to get on... are you really gonna ban someone for this?

And you usually get warned for this, or just asked to get on. The serious shit only comes when you constantly deny to join.

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