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k brb removing slap from gmod (again)

gmod =/= ttt slap is useful in TTT for when someone gets stuck in other areas of the map, but bringing them to you is a bad idea. (ur a T) and it happens a lot in gmod, not in CSS.

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Alternatively he does not listen to you or is ignoring it, you slap instead of slay, when the guideline is to slay him. the guideline also says anything above or below is considered abuse.


I'm not going to continue arguing with you about this... I was simply commenting about the use of the "fun cmds" and how they CAN be used effectively and explaining it further when asked a question.


The "guideline" doesn't actually say that but thanks for playing, here's your prize :finger:


Also... of course the "guidelines" wouldn't mention when you should slap someone....since people didn't have access to slap, and don't call me a kiddo it makes you sound like purple and you aren't that cool.

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I'm not going to continue arguing with you about this... I was simply commenting about the use of the "fun cmds" and how they CAN be used effectively and explaining it further when asked a question.


The "guideline" doesn't actually say that but thanks for playing, here's your prize :finger:


Also... of course the "guidelines" wouldn't mention when you should slap someone....since people didn't have access to slap, and don't call me a kiddo it makes you sound like purple and you aren't that cool.

The guidelines solicit an order in which to do things, the order is one given down by Co-Leaders and Div Leaders alike. The order for dealing with a camper is a generally accepted way that has been given clearance since long before you came to xG, and even before I did. It is the expected way to handle it, and still is, the guidelines state that giving punishment above or below is abuse in itself. Thus by not following the approved method to deal with a camper, and instead using your own method, you are abusing, I'm not saying they should be removed, or stay. I am neutral on that, you described situations in which you used them, and decided you wanted to be a complete prick to others in the thread with your idea of how you think it should be, thinking your way is right and theirs is wrong. So I took it upon myself to "put you in your place" by explaining in detail how YOU are indeed wrong.


I call you "kiddo" because that is the way you are acting, you act as though you are right and will always be right, and nobody can be right without your say so. That is how a 12 year old acts. If you don't want to be called "kiddo" stop acting like one.

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I have seen Hella use the cash command on more than one occasion. I don't believe any major form of punishment is necessary but we really don't need that command. Also, @@Matsi, you need to stop being so inflammatory. Every time I see you in a thread like this, you tend to cause problems. (Undoubtedly due to your arrogant/whiny nature.)

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Matsi's use of slap while it may not be valid through the guidelines, does happen to work well in the situations he's used them in, now when was the last time we changed the guidelines, never? as they should be updated according to the new commands,(fun commands, !cash) as Matsi's way is more effective at teaching them what not to do, gettign them to listen without completely altering the flow of the game

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Matsi's use of slap while it may not be valid through the guidelines, does happen to work well in the situations he's used them in, now when was the last time we changed the guidelines, never? as they should be updated according to the new commands,(fun commands, !cash) as Matsi's way is more effective at teaching them what not to do, gettign them to listen without completely altering the flow of the game

that's just not the point, those commands are in the basic sourcemod, they were REMOVED prior to the guidelines being set. they were removed and the guidelines were made taking into account that they were indeed removed. Explain how that is "outdated". the only reason these "new" commands were on the server was because when NFO updates sourcemod, they put the GENERIC version of sourcemod in which includes funcommands.smx and an un-edited playercommands.smx


The guidelines do not need updated as they are not outdated, the commands were removed for a reason.

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that's just not the point, those commands are in the basic sourcemod, they were REMOVED prior to the guidelines being set. they were removed and the guidelines were made taking into account that they were indeed removed. Explain how that is "outdated". the only reason these "new" commands were on the server was because when NFO updates sourcemod, they put the GENERIC version of sourcemod in which includes funcommands.smx and an un-edited playercommands.smx


The guidelines do not need updated as they are not outdated, the commands were removed for a reason.

Sorry be being a huge ass derp as i did not know this, and can we get this back to hella and take this to another thread where we can rage about it?

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@@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo

The only problem is all three of them are currently M.I.A. I told Hella the command was fine so long as the whole server agreed with it. It was never brought to my knowledge that @@Forest said this was not allowed. If this was before Forest stated that the !cash @all command was not allowed then there is no case of abuse as I stated that it was allowed so long as the server agreed.


@@Uryuu_Minene So what date was this from? I don't see anywhere you saying when this happened. Also, I need Forest to tell me when he said that !cash @all was not allowed. For the future better communication such as a forum post on such actions needs to be made. I can't be in every conversation with Co-Leaders at all times.

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I don't really see the huge deal here...


He did a vote and gave the server cash, its a command that will only impact the server for a few minutes. Seriously, loosen up guys, you all just look for the dumbest reasons to target one another. I see nothing that warrants any sort of action.

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To summarize this, hellafun wanted to know if he could do this, he asked gkoo who didnt respond, he asked john, and john said that he could if everyone agrees, not knowing Forest had said it wasnt allowed.

Id say that everything that took place was just confusion, hella was told he can, but john didnt know forest said it wasnt allowed.

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There's a thread specifically for the sole purpose to notify the staff to not abuse/use the fun commands for no reason at all. You completely disregarded that thread and used the !cash @all command, I've seen you do it before on multiple occasions and I barely play jailbreak anymore. You should be punished just like anyone else who abuses their powers on a mass scale, regardless of the command. You disrupt and ruin jailbreak for a short period of time, just like anyone else who uses a mass command.


Also, I haven't read all the posts but if you "didn't know" or "got mixed approval" and could keep up with your divisions board, do you really deserve your rank? There was a clear warning and if you get a 50/50 approval from div managers, why do it?

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@@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo

The only problem is all three of them are currently M.I.A. I told Hella the command was fine so long as the whole server agreed with it. It was never brought to my knowledge that @@Forest said this was not allowed. If this was before Forest stated that the !cash @all command was not allowed then there is no case of abuse as I stated that it was allowed so long as the server agreed.


@@Uryuu_Minene So what date was this from? I don't see anywhere you saying when this happened. Also, I need Forest to tell me when he said that !cash @all was not allowed. For the future better communication such as a forum post on such actions needs to be made. I can't be in every conversation with Co-Leaders at all times.

this was about 2 days ago from today, i made a thread the day it happened but then the website went wacky as did Teamspeak and when i checked some of the threads from that day (including mine) were gone.

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I was there when Forest did specifically warn us to not us the command. While in my opinion, using it once every once in a while isn't such a big deal (especially with the approval of the players), Hellafun did basically disregard Forest's warning. Then again, he did get permission from John. I think that people really need to be all on the same page for future situations.

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