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Counter-Strike: Source

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Previously in xG:


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He is active and knows the rules quite well. The only times he isnt mature is when is joking around (and it is pretty obvious) and it doesnt happen alot. However i dont comprehend why he even left in the first place.

A:9 - From all the times that he has been on xG jailbreak and DarkRp which like almost all the time

M:6.9 - I mean he is mature a good majority of the times, only time ive seen him be immature was that one week where there were 2 ban requests up for him

D- +1

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+1 is a Kewl Kat

A 8/10

M 8.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10

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A: 8



Based on when i've played with him in cs:s all he did was constantly spam and use racism, so from that I don't find him that mature but he does seem active.


SO -1. (C-c-c-c-combobreaker)

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A: 8



Based on when i've played with him in cs:s all he did was constantly spam and use racism, so from that I don't find him that mature but he does seem active.


SO -1. (C-c-c-c-combobreaker)

Uh, you have to be a member to plus one or -1.

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