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Where Is Everyone Who Knows Majorb

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I recognize alot of you guys still, but I notice alot of old comrades still MIA. I hope I get to hear from some of them soon. I'll be doing recruiter assistance duty here in myrtle beach for the next month working on my re-enlistment and while I'm up there doing that I wanna hear from my clan how things have been, whats new with life with you guys. Bring me up speed and tell me something interesting you have done while I was gone.


I'm looking at going back to EOD as a MOS if i go back into the marines, or possibly going in to spechal forces school with the army.


Also if you'd like to stay in touch fee free to ask to be added on facebook if you would like to show your support for my re-enlistment. I'd appreicate it and so would the ladies begging me not to go back to active duty.

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I don't know you, but I used to live in Wilmington, NC. Went to Myrtle Beach all the time for vacations, mini-golf, hookers, etc.


Also, thanks for serving.

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I recognize alot of you guys still, but I notice alot of old comrades still MIA. I hope I get to hear from some of them soon. I'll be doing recruiter assistance duty here in myrtle beach for the next month working on my re-enlistment and while I'm up there doing that I wanna hear from my clan how things have been, whats new with life with you guys. Bring me up speed and tell me something interesting you have done while I was gone.


I'm looking at going back to EOD as a MOS if i go back into the marines, or possibly going in to spechal forces school with the army.


Also if you'd like to stay in touch fee free to ask to be added on facebook if you would like to show your support for my re-enlistment. I'd appreicate it and so would the ladies begging me not to go back to active duty.


Billy left clan with aegean

Lots of others left

Gmod division (Sham/Charrax/Xemmnas/OtherRandoms) all left

Bleed new div for gmod

Gmod sucks

Mc sucks

Css sucks

Tf2 looks like its doing fine but fuck tf2 it sucks

Hg crack house is fun

My ts admin taken away because chrono is a bitch

Forest got co

Forest steppped down

Now were here

I still have fun admining jb when it is actually populated though, still a fun job.


Nearly every div is not populated the clan is small as a starving ethiopian child.

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My ts admin taken away because chrono is a Kevin Bacon

Actually I complained about you for numerous things, the TS was because I also included a general complain about people not DM/L having TS powers, which meant everyone that had Admin. Not my fault silence chose to only take it away from you.

And the rest of the complaint was a completely valid point about how you were basically running CS:S when you were MC Div and should not have had that much influence over the division (hence your ban was only about 1.5 hours and you only got demoted from Admin to Mod and shortly re-promoted to admin after smite @all, along with numerous other things) because Darkwolf wold come to you asking about promo demo and rules and shit, or you would go to him and complain. guess what was there the next monday? everything you said. and just like I said in the thread, no use denying it, because everyone who could read the thread has witnessed it all happen numerous times, and agree. Would you like a copy paste of the several month old thread?

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Actually I complained about you for numerous things, the TS was because I also included a general complain about people not DM/L having TS powers, which meant everyone that had Admin. Not my fault silence chose to only take it away from you.

And the rest of the complaint was a completely valid point about how you were basically running CS:S when you were MC Div and should not have had that much influence over the division (hence your ban was only about 1.5 hours and you only got demoted from Admin to Mod and shortly re-promoted to admin after smite @all, along with numerous other things) because Darkwolf wold come to you asking about promo demo and rules and shit, or you would go to him and complain. guess what was there the next monday? everything you said. and just like I said in the thread, no use denying it, because everyone who could read the thread has witnessed it all happen numerous times, and agree. Would you like a copy paste of the several month old thread?



I love you chrono

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Seems, the clan needs to be working on its infrastructure, and regrouping as a team. Aftering reading some other post. I notice people butting heads and immature comments and arguments. SO let's work together to make sure we become as strong as we were before. It takes a group effort to be a successful clan. We can do it. let just try. Yall are lucky, someone hasnt promoted me to a position to be able to make effective changes to our system, or I would have helped out already.

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Seems, the clan needs to be working on its infrastructure, and regrouping as a team. Aftering reading some other post. I notice people butting heads and immature comments and arguments. SO let's work together to make sure we become as strong as we were before. It takes a group effort to be a successful clan. We can do it. let just try. Yall are lucky, someone hasnt promoted me to a position to be able to make effective changes to our system, or I would have helped out already.

Well what did you have in mind?

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so did everyone else

Yeah, C9

Also yeah Major, I remember you. Old name Was xshadowspyx/ ShadowSpy, was a mod before you stopped playing. Whether or not you remember me doesnt really matter, but no doubt CSS and most other divisions lost their touch. Hub went down on CSS, and since then things gradually declined, not saying its only because of hub though. Some people have thought of things to get up population, but even when we do something like community nights(which is harder with our loss of servers like deathrun), population is only picked up for a day. It cant really be blamed on lack of organization, or even the staff. Id bring up why I think CSS is dying, but ive brought that up before, and nothing really resulted from it.

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