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Genesis/black Rock - Mmo

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Staff Name:

Genesis/Black Rock

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Playing with Genesis on a non xG TTT server, when I killed him he kicked me. Every time I would try to ask why I was kicked he would kick me again.


Reporting abuse because he is kicking me from the TS server for actions that had nothing to do with Xenogamers what so ever.


First kick was funny, other kicks were annoying.

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I'm sorry you were inconvenienced for the total of of a minute. If @@Chrono wishes to restrict the channel from me, then that is fine. However, server kicks on our TS is a common occurrence and everyone who owns a channel is probably guilty of doing it for no reason as well, even more-so than this incident. @@Yu_Narukami , You and I dick around with each other all the time, and why of all things this bothers you the most is rather strange to me. You yourself are guilty of kicking me from the channel for no reason, multiple times. Upper Staff, do what you will.

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I'm sorry you were inconvenienced for the total of of a minute. If @@Chrono wishes to restrict the channel from me, then that is fine. However, server kicks on our TS is a common occurrence and everyone who owns a channel is probably guilty of doing it for no reason as well, even more-so than this incident. @@Yu_Narukami , You and I beef n' fixin around with each other all the time, and why of all things this bothers you the most is rather strange to me. You yourself are guilty of kicking me from the channel for no reason, multiple times. Upper Staff, do what you will.

but that's not the point. its not the point that if everyone does it why does it matter. if he had a problem with it and you continued then there is clearly something wrong. however it was all for fun then it would be alright which it is most of the time. if you had a problem with him kicking you why didn't you bring it up?


while it is aboose i don't think it's worthy of a demotion. more of a slap on the wrist. i don't know the story so i can't give full imput but here are my two cents.

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@@Yu_Narukami , You and I beef n' fixin around with each other all the time, and why of all things this bothers you the most is rather strange to me.

There's sometimes funny abuse, which nobody gives two craps about, and then there's the times when it goes too far and just plain annoys people a lot.

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I believe this was to be a joke thread lel.

Anyway, this really is not that bad, I am pretty sure we all kicked each other from the server, multiple times for no reason.

This at most deserves a slap on the wrist and saying "Don't do that again, you crazy kid"

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What genesis does sounds better than Mega making everyone stickied in his room :|





During the gap of time between the 2 circled images, did you ever say any of the following, or a different variation of: "Stop kicking me." "Why are you kicking me?" "Could you stop?"


or any other way of saying you were annoyed by it?


While I personally don't like the fact that channel admins have access to kicking from server within the channels they have admin in, it has been there for a while since @@Rhododendron was playing around with teamspeak permissions, and made it so that you can't kick server staff from your channel to waiting room, but you can kick them from the server.


In all honesty, no channel admins should ever be kicking from the server, unless it is in the case as described above where you physically cannot kick them from the channel because the permissions don't allow for it.

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If it's a joke and you're in on the joke, then it's harmless fun. Just don't flood the channel with kicking, otherwise it becomes a problem.


If BlackRock was notified that it was no longer funny or being treated as a joke and did not stop, a stern talking-to is in order.

If BlackRock was not aware that it was becoming an annoyance (In other words, was not told by Naru that it was bugging him) then it is not his fault.


Bottom line is, if you and a friend are jokingly dicking around like this and you both realize it's being done in a playful manner there isn't much harm. If you start getting annoyed, then you should let the other know (preferably by saying something like: "Stop, it's starting to annoy me"). Merely asking "Why are you kicking me" when it was being done jokingly is only going to prompt another kick since you two were messing around, as how is the friend supposed to know you are being serious? Another alternative would be to just not use the "Server Kick" in the first place.

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You do know that there are no "chapters" in the bible. They are referred to books. Kthx babe

Each book has a chapter and a section actually. Granted Genesis is infact the name of a book, so he did messarooni up there. but Genesis 3: 3 refers to the Book of Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 3 (i pulled the numbers out of my ass, because I am not personally religious, but I do take it upon myself to be culturally versed.)


Some people go by saying 3: 3 would be section 3 verse 3, others go by book 3 verse 3 (since technically each "chapter" is really a different book that was used to compress into the bible. but books from that time are really only the length of a paragraph to a chapter nowadays.), others also go by saying the first defining number is a reference to a paragraph, not a book, not a chapter, not a section, i personally go by chapters such as chapter 3 verse 3, since I read a lot, it feels more natural to me.

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Down with Genesis!


But in actuality I don't think anything needs to be done other than Genesis being made aware of the fact this guy no longer appreciates the kicks. It's clear the time for dicking around with this kid is done.


Now Genesis it's time to roll out and say "Later Bitches".

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