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So I'm in silver 5, I play mid lane and I need some tips on how to do a few things.

1. I need to focus on when to go in and commit and when to not commit and stay out, I'm constantly out of place in team fights or I'm just not in the fight at all. Don't get me wrong, I have really good games and really bad games. I usually dont have bad kd's as I play really passive early game. I then to focus on out farming the other mid laner, then after I have a good amount of farm I start to fight 1v1's against them.

2. I need some good tips in the jungle. As I said before I play a lot of midlane but sometimes I get stuck in jungle. I'm usually 1st, 2nd, or 3rd pick on the team. I'm only last or 4th pick when I duo with @Leotekk other then that I'm higher up. So I just need tips on ganking and how to get either ahead of the enemy jungler or I need to know which lanes to help and which ones not to. I don't really know what junglers I like to play but I kind of like lee sin, udyr, or vi. I can record some games of me playing mid and jungle, If someone who is decently experienced with either role that would be really helpful.


Edit: Here's my lolking Amegod - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Thought Ive been doing really well lately, just need to start carrying harder


~Thanks Eden

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Here's a tip for jungle: Junglers have the mind set that since the lane is pushed they can't gank. Ganking a pushed lane can put pressure and allow a turret to get taken or secure objectives such as dragon.

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As for committing, I usually give the torch to strong initiates that know what there doing, Iike a Mundo or Leona. They usually know when to fight or wait it out. For positioning (Mid), I situate myself between the tanks and the ad, soaking the dmg and dishing out the dmg.

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I play and have played league for a long time, let me say if you are in silver, playing jungle is like committing suicide. Don't do it. I've mained mid for a really long time, so here's what I have to say to play mid well.

1. Don't be a pussy, learn each champion and how they play. Don't all in with brand if you didn't land a stun already, and don't play passive farming leblanc unless you're getting zoned. Learn how to perform in your lane in regards to champion play style and you can come out ahead.

2. Probably the biggest problem I see is people feeding mid then going "I'll just farm!". No. He'll just dive you. If you're getting shrek'd early, farm and play passive under turret until around 6 - 9 then go roam and snowball the shit out of other lanes and just leave your lane. If they get mid tower, you can then farm more safely and they have to overextend further to farm if you can freeze the lane.

3. Teamfights: Don't play like you're the tank, because they will focus you. If you are ahri, don't go balls deep on graves because he is "their carry". Everything is situational. If your adc is mega fed, then you should consider peeling more and trying to damage/cc the assassins and tanks more. Play the teamfights to help your team win, not for the kills or "focus".

4. Most importantly, learn how pushing works. If you push your lane and sit around waiting for your chance to farm again, you're gonna get ganked 9 times out of 10. Here's a trick, push the lane, then go roam/take jungle camps! Don't sit around just hoping they will try to go in on you or thinking you can 1v2. You probably can't. Also, if they push to your tower, then roam, if you DON'T follow, PUSH the shit out of mid lane until someone comes to stop you. Buy wards too.

5. Don't play shitty champions.

6. Play the shit out of broken/good champs in the current meta: (Malzahar, Gragas, Leblanc, Yasuo, Kassadin (LOL), Brand, Ziggs).

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the trick to playing league is to not be bad like @Volt and pick a champ that is good so you carry yourself and others to diamond 1. i did that in 1 game. went from level 22 to diamond 1.

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I'm probably not a player you want to get advice from but I can help you with number one.

1.Before the teamfight even begins, gather data on the players like if their ult or summoner spells are down.

2. As yasuo I would not recommend going in head on, try to e in from an angle so you can land on their adc that's hiding in the back.

3. If you're just all-inning the person you're leaning against, think about the consequences of the trade.


P.s. Your initiations were ok when we duoed. You went in after they started focusing me or the support.

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spec someone's game on your friends list who is at a higher rank than you, to see how the whole group of players play it out differently than you would. if you have me added, and I am playing solo queue, just spec me. you don't even have to let me know or anything, to see how the teams play it out. look at what different mids to depending on their team comp such as if yasuo mid has a pretty good tank line like renekton leona (leona can play babysitter for adc while renekton goes to shred) then the yasuo will probably go ham, but if he has a pretty squishy line (such as kha jungle, annie supp, and a less tanky top/more all in dive top) he may end up being more passive, waiting for his stacks to get up to attempt a 5 man knock up for his ult before he goes ham.

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I main Jungle, and the mind set is, Don't gank a pushed out lane. Unless they call you for it, DONT DO IT. Try to not take the kills if you can. The laner needs it more than you. IF you get well gj. stay positive dont feed. and hold lanes when they b.

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I main Jungle, and the mind set is, Don't gank a pushed out lane. Unless they call you for it, DONT DO IT. Try to not take the kills if you can. The laner needs it more than you. IF you get well gj. stay positive dont feed. and hold lanes when they b.

this is a level 2 mindset.

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this is a level 2 mindset.

yea. True. I'm still finding what i think works best, this seems to have for me in the past but now, i find taking those kills really helps mid-late game for me.

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yea. True. I'm still finding what i think works best, this seems to have for me in the past but now, i find taking those kills really helps mid-late game for me.

Just because a lane is pushed does not mean it is un-gankable. you can do what is called a lane gank, go in the bushes when they are out of vision, and then sit there for about 20 sec and go on them when they push out a tad.

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