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Sabrina - Counter-strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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I was banned from the TS3 server unfairly. At first i was banned for 20 something days for channel admin abuse (which i admit to). I tried rejoining a few days ago and it said i was banned permanently for threats of DDoS and channel admin abuse. I never threatened to DDoS. And if i did, then i would like ot see the proof. This was an unfair ban. Proof:
(Sorry for putting the wrong division. TS3 isnt an option)

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Sabrina, Sabrina, Sabrina...

You are a cool person to talk to, but seriously lose your temper way too fucking fast.

Not to mention how you lose it INSTANTLY if somebody who you don't like (@xSuicidalCowsx ) joins a room.

You started hinting towards DDoSing, also abusing your channel admin powers on people you didn't like by kicking them from the server repeatedly for no VALID reason.

"Where the fuck is cows? *he had already left* Oh, he ain't gonna be happy when he gets back...

Let's see.. hackforums.idontknow" and many other hints later on.

When i pointed such things out, you did not even think of denying it, instead you repeatedly said in an angry/sarcastic(?) tone, "you gonna ban me? huh?" x15



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+/-0 i banned her for 3 weeks for channel admin abuse(kicking from server multiple times no valid reason) @Britt was kicked by her multiple times and maybe @Tsuchikure idk much about the ddos threats, she hinted to it but never said it directly. Could have been anything from what she said. She looked for @xSuicidalCowsx steam ID (i'm assuming for her gmod server to ban him there)


ps. will probably post more details later

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-1 shes a jerk i havent seen her on ts because she was banned (for a reason) and i have never seen you ingame. Ive only seen you ingame in minecraft, never have I seen you in CS:S once.


Tried to DDOS me but failed fortunately :D


Counter-Strike: Source

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Steam ID:



I was banned from the TS3 server unfairly. At first i was banned for 20 something days for channel admin abuse (which i admit to). I tried rejoining a few days ago and it said i was banned permanently for threats of DDoS and channel admin abuse. I never threatened to DDoS. And if i did, then i would like ot see the proof. This was an unfair ban. Proof:
(Sorry for putting the wrong division. TS3 isnt an option)

My god damn ass you never threatened to DDOS, you threatened me 4 times and other people.


Abuses admin powers given to her in teamspeak, i literally join the server and she kicks me.

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I was kicked repeatedly for joining a channel with people to play LoL, which apparently she had admin in. She wasn't even in the channel with me and continued to kick me. The other person she kept kicking was some guy named Penguin. Prior to being kicked multiple times, she came into a gaming public channel and started cussing at this other girl, TayTay<3 and myself over someone being in the channel with us. There was also multiple people in the channel with us when she was screaming at us calling us bitches for no valid reason. Aside from all of this (and I am fully aware it has nothing to do with xG) she proceeded to ban us from some Gmod server for 16,000 days with no reason given. (She of course lost super admin from 2 different clan servers) The point is she has some anger issues to work out..

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I was kicked repeatedly for joining a channel with people to play LoL, which apparently she had admin in. She wasn't even in the channel with me and continued to kick me. The other person she kept kicking was some guy named Penguin. Prior to being kicked multiple times, she came into a gaming public channel and started cussing at this other girl, TayTay<3 and myself over someone being in the channel with us. There was also multiple people in the channel with us when she was screaming at us calling us bitches for no valid reason. Aside from all of this (and I am fully aware it has nothing to do with xG) she proceeded to ban us from some Gmod server for 16,000 days with no reason given. (She of course lost super admin from 2 different clan servers) The point is she has some anger issues to work out..

she wants the only vagina in xG.

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she wants the only vagina in xG.

If that's the case then I'm sorry. Whether I'm there or not, I guarantee there will be more females around xG whether it's today, a week from now, or a month from now. It's going to happen. I used to scrim with all girls and TayTay<3 and I play on a regular basis with like 5 other women. I love it and I really think we should band together against these men. ;)

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If that's the case then I'm sorry. Whether I'm there or not, I guarantee there will be more females around xG whether it's today, a week from now, or a month from now. It's going to happen. I used to scrim with all girls and TayTay<3 and I play on a regular basis with like 5 other women. I love it and I really think we should band together against these men. ;)


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Ok Sabrina, I am going to say this as professional as I can and speak as fair as well. Sabrina, you repeatedly kicked Brit when she was in a separate channel and was not in any blacklist under that channel. You continued to harass her while she was minding her own business and harass other players she brought in to play with in her own channel. You have no grounds to kick her and that you did kick her with no reasonable grounds resulted in you being banned for abusing ts3 powers. it is also stated in the RULES that if you abused the admin powers, you will be subjected to an ban. You were on my cool list untill you showed the pure immaturity. Sorry to say , but actions like that is what this clan needs to get rid of. If everyone did what you did, there would no longer be anyone left in the clan because everyone would just kick people they didn't like. Do this next time in the future, if you do not like someone then just block them in ts3 and it will be okay, if they started bugging you after you warned them to leave you alone, then simply report it to an ts3 mod/admin. I am going to -1 you since you basically lied in your post . Please for once just grow up and learn to be mature. Thanks.

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