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Deathrun Server

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I have been hanging around the Deathrun server a lot lately and there is much abuse going on within it, including chatspamming, cheating/abusing certain things about playing as the scout, and general trolling/lack of respect for the rules of the game, and it is ruining the fun for some people. A long time ago I submitted a thread to join xG and it never got finished because mods and admins weren't on often enough to be able to get enough ratings to determine whether or not I'd be a good member to have around. I'm here to urge you to try to do something about it, and already have a few ideas that could work if you'd be willing to help.


A. Get mods and admins on more often. I can understand if this isn't all too possible, but it would be a great help.

B. Set up the server so that votekick can be enabled when mods and admins aren't on it. I've seen it done on other servers and it usually works pretty well, but it's not a guarantee.

C. Just take down the server. If it isn't being monitored and people are going to cheat on it 24/7, then why bother holding it up if its no fun except for the person that's cheating who's only doing it because he thinks it's funny.


I know I'm not an official member or anything, but seriously, there really ought to be something done about this.

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i agree, death run can be a whole lot of fun! but we need more admins and stuff on there. i'm an admin of TF2 maybe ill pop on from time to time since people are having fun on this server @MuffinMonster

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I have been hanging around the Deathrun server a lot lately and there is much abuse going on within it, including chatspamming, cheating/abusing certain things about playing as the scout, and general trolling/lack of respect for the rules of the game, and it is ruining the fun for some people. A long time ago I submitted a thread to join xG and it never got finished because mods and admins weren't on often enough to be able to get enough ratings to determine whether or not I'd be a good member to have around. I'm here to urge you to try to do something about it, and already have a few ideas that could work if you'd be willing to help.


A. Get mods and admins on more often. I can understand if this isn't all too possible, but it would be a great help.

B. Set up the server so that votekick can be enabled when mods and admins aren't on it. I've seen it done on other servers and it usually works pretty well, but it's not a guarantee.

C. Just take down the server. If it isn't being monitored and people are going to cheat on it 24/7, then why bother holding it up if its no fun except for the person that's cheating who's only doing it because he thinks it's funny.


I know I'm not an official member or anything, but seriously, there really ought to be something done about this.


1. Honestly I try to get on as often (I'm a mod on TF2 servers BTW @Torixon, hi!) Hell, I populated this server WAY more when I was a non-member.

2. I agree, since we have this on jailbreak, lets add it to death run and saxton, two servers that aren't usually populated with mod. To that I will add that mods should get active on other servers other than mod spamming on JB1 huehue.

3. If someone is cheating (or has cheated) and you have a demo or pics to back it up they could be banned by posting it on our ban request page here on forums.


Other than that, enjoy this cup of coffee! :coffee:

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1. Honestly I try to get on as often (I'm a mod on TF2 servers BTW @Torixon, hi!) Hell, I populated this server WAY more when I was a non-member.

2. I agree, since we have this on jailbreak, lets add it to death run and saxton, two servers that aren't usually populated with mod. To that I will add that mods should get active on other servers other than mod spamming on JB1 huehue.

3. If someone is cheating (or has cheated) and you have a demo or pics to back it up they could be banned by posting it on our ban request page here on forums.


Other than that, enjoy this cup of coffee! :coffee:

Well, the prime person that was cheating and trolling and had absolutely no regards for the rules was yesterday with someone by the name of "Player" and he had a picture of Sonic the Hedgehog for a profile picture. Doubt that helps, but furthermore, he was managing to leave the spawn before the countdown timer had finished. Also, he was using the atomizer to gain double jumps to cheat past traps. When anyone tried to tell him to stop, he made some sarcastic "twisting words" kind of comment followed by a binded statement, and also had an inappropriate message "Raise your dongers!" binded and would spam it as well. But seeing as he's named "Player" he's probably going to do all sorts of things he can to perform ban evasion, and keep coming back again and again and again. I'll see if I can't catch a screenshot of it sometime.

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hmm seem to remember somebody spamming "Raise your dongers!" once when I was playing, Not sure if it was a xG sever at all but could of been the same person, if it was hes a moron.

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Got some screenshots this time, don't think Mr. "Raise your dongers!" was there, but as you can see in at least two of the pictures, scouts are already leaving the spawn before the timer has finished ticking down. I think just going back to the way we had it with no scouts would solve a lot of problems, especially with the jump cheats they keep using to evade traps.


And THEN I read the part about ban requests, lol. I'll go do that now.


And then I see I can't because I'm not an official member. What a world XD




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