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Goat Sim Giveaway

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giving away goat simulator, to enter you must write an entertaining story about @Forest and preferably involve a fire. You know... Same drill as last time I gave shit away outside of league.




Reference for the full rules can be found here: Putting that prize money to use | Xeno Gamers


plagiarism of any kind results in disqualification (you know what plagiarism is, nice try if you think you will get away with changing a few words.)


only 1 name per entry this time, no extra names for top 3

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There once was a tranny named Forest, Forest was a Canadian.. It lived in the streets of Detroit. Everyday at 6:00 A.M. someone pooped flames onto Forest. Forest soon became enraged, so it called da "Po Po". Da "Po Po" said, "Forest, I'm afraid we can't help you." Forest asks, "Why?" They reply, "I'm sorry, but you are both Canadian, and a transvestite. We simply can't help because people will just have no respect for us." Da "Po Po" soon receives an anonymous report saying, "There has been a transvestite raping innocent 12 year olds. The victim's names were @Bleed and @DrLee." So da "Po Po" send out a warrant for the arrest of Forest. After countless minutes of searching, they find him raping @Warriorsfury in the ass. They soon light Forest ablaze and walk away.


-The End

Copyright © 2014 Hexx Tells Stories Inc.

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Ther once was a brit named Forest. He was so british that he was kicked of of britain land. He comes here to Americant and accidently gets on teh wrong plane to the Adirondacks. So he ends up in California to find our friend based @Chrono and beds with him. But once more Forest is a brit, very british so after 2 weeks of consistent " Chroonoo teeeeaaa tiiiime" and "blimey" Chrono ties up Forest and starts the wood burning stove, and slowly chpping bits and pieces of forest of till he has lost all of his limbs. Criying and dieing Forest is thrown into the flames. Later that night it was said that Forest found mother nature who had loved all brits and sent an Earthquake to California to wreck havoc on based @Chrono

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Are story begins with a forest way out in eastern Montana. A man called forest which is very ironic. Forest was had addiction to drinking coffee. If you ever walked by the man you can smell coca beans right off the bat. He sat in a little ditch with a wireless internet router and a desk along with a computer. He had family and friends but he ended up living the life in a forest just for the comparison. Forest the young man playing CS:S moderating a server. But suddenly a wild raccoon jumped out surprising him. As we all know Forest he had a cup of coffee in his left hand. The coffee spilt across his left jugular. He ran and screamed while the raccoon was tearing his legs. Forest eventually he died from blood loss and his rib cage became a raccoon nest. Forest then slowly started to sink in the ground throughout the years. But suddenly two Boy Scouts named Insane and Kendrick passed by his corpse. Sadly the boys were lost and they couldn't figure out CS:S. They downloaded TF2 and played hours and hours on and on. Suddenly Forests body started to shake and then quickly sank into the ground. He popped out of the ground into a tree. The boys frustrated at the game pushed the computer over and broke it. Forest was angry then he took out a pepper shaker. He grabbed Kendrick and lifted down his pants and peppered his anus. Insane running relentlessly trips over a lantern and scolding his face with third degree burns. The fire spread and and forest fire had began. Forest was scared he had run out of pepper to pepper is own anus. Kendrick, anus filled with pepper began to act like a fish out of water. Forest eventually caught on fire and the entire forest burnt down. Kendrick somehow survived and stored Forest's ashes in a jar. Forest now just a pile of ash was a great Father's Day present to his friends alcoholic dad. Happy ending! OKAY THIS CAME OUT OF THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART PLS READ

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Forest and the Grinch walked into a bedroom. "You want the D?" the Grinch asked. "Yes you mudafuckin thot." Forest replied. The Grinch got his (tunnel) snake and slowly rubbed it over Forest's tiny poop hole. IM GOIN EEENNNNNNNN! #LilWayneAintATruNiggu "OH BABY!" Forest said. "GIVE IT ALL TO ME!" The Grinch grabbed on to Forest's nipple rings and pulled. The gloves were coming off. The Grinch shoved both his fists into Forest's abdomen. His asshole was so huge that it inhabited celestial elves. "GET OUT IMA BOUT TO CLIMAX YOU FUCK!" Forest said. The Grinch took out his wee wee. He sprayed his semen like a watergun all over Forest's pubes. Unfortunately, the semen was toxic #LoLf3gets and set Forest's pubes on fire. Forest was lit and so were the celestial elves. The scene was said to look like "Phoenix, Arizona burning in the ashes." Rest in papayas elves. Kill yourself if u cri evry tim.

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TL;DR: U wot m8?

Once upon a time Forest was a Britfag in Brittain... One day him and his pals were going to the store. Pics related




Forest and his friends got on the trolley and began their britfag journey




Once on the trolley they decided to go to the market and get tea and stuff









Srs question, do british teens go through pubertea?

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Once upon a time in a grand forest that spanned for kilometers around there lived a man named Jeoffry and a chimpmunk named Rousil. Jeoffry and Rouslil were great friends and spent their days among the company of the many trees of the forest. They would spend their days going through the forest collecting food, Jeoffery collecting the lower fruits while Rouslil climbed trees. Every day was peaceful for them, that is, until the fire nation attacked and burned down the forest D:

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Then a young man with luscious hair rised from the ashes. He took the name Robertito, he would go on to become a famed moderator of some internet forums and Counterstrike servers.

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On a cold, rather dry September morning, everything stood still. So still that you could almost hear the soft 'mem' croaking of the inhabitants of the vast lands of xG. Many came in and out of a small, yet lively town in the heart of this world. People watering their nice pink flowers, being careless of what is to become the biggest happening of this quiet town.


And so came, the fact seagull from the flash zone.


The inhabitants soon begun to lose their minds, everything that they lived up to and for had now been destroyed by this avian species. Left and right, people had been lit ablaze as if people were told they would be rescued from the devastation by doing so.


And so, all the people ablaze struggling to end their lives soon spread and caused a forest nearby to catch fire. Within minutes, what was a peaceful community had turned to nothing but desolate land with no hope.



And then Forest woke up. With sweat running down his luscious beard, he turns to his side to see Smokey the bear. Smokey whispers to Forest, "Shhh....no tears, only dreams now". It was hard to imagine how it would've been for him to witness his fellow kindred burned alive by plebeians, but it's all ogre now.

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Forest the fawn awoke to flames ablaze with the furious desire for destruction. Without any thought he fled frantically. Looking back he saw the black smoke engulf his home. Unable to comprehend the situation he was currently in he continued to run as fast as his limbs could carry him. The thick gunk that polluted the air made breathing difficult. Gasping for air every few seconds was like swallowing a cup of maple syrup. The putrid smell of burning nature was foreign to Forest's nose and he couldn't stand it. The black cloud had begun to limit his sight and Forest realized he would no longer be able to see directly in front of him reasonably soon. Realizing he was becoming pressed with time he quickly glanced around in search of his Mother who he just noticed was missing. Panic began to set in as the fact that he was all alone in a land of death became apparent. Forest instinctively dashed back towards the tree he had once called his home shouting his mother's name. He wasn't sure whether anyone could possibly be alive within the inferno that faced him but he knew that his mother was the most important thing in his life and that he would save her no matter the cost. It was too late. The fire had consumed everything he ever loved. All that remained was a barren wasteland in place of what he had loved.


"The forest fire that occurred Sunday afternoon was finally extinguished this morning by the local fire department. It is currently unknown as to what caused the fire to start in the first place but experts speculate that Diabeetus is to blame. We'll make sure to keep you all informed as the situation develops."


"Guess I'm finally done with that shit fest. I'll have to think of a more creative exercise for next time."


Chrono let out a big yawn as he reached for the remote. He powered off the television and grabbed his Hello Kitty blanket.


"Time to get some sleep."





Was gonna write something trolly but I became bored and ended up taking a different approach. Doubt anyone will see what I was going for here but I told Forest I'd write a response so I'm gonna post this anyway.

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