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Hold a man to his past and don't get to know the new him since hes been gone fore probably over half a year that's cool too.

Any other person could mass freekill intentionally a few years ago and I would still remain where I stand. Its one thing to mass unintentionally (which is why they are allowed to protest their ban and possibly get unbanned) but to mass intentionally is a whole different story. Anyone who does so realizes the consequences of their actions and should have to deal with said consequences.


To be honest, I think there should be a new policy that states that those who intentionally mass freekill may not protest their ban, simply because its stupid to even consider letting someone off the hook for something they thought would be funny or whatever. Maybe I'm just being a hard-ass, but letting anyone go for intentionally breaking our rules just shows weakness.


If you're hell-bent on getting unbanned, just like anyone else, you can try the few options given here: Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers

I'm sorry that I provoked you into doing it, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you did it regardless. Nothing against you personally (just as I've said in the other threads) as I would say the exact same thing to anyone else who intentionally mass'd. Hell, I even -1'd that baddie Papi.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Exactly what Forest said. I like it when you post because then I can quote and not write anything.


But seriously, too many chances sorry brev. Opinion seems unanimous. Gonna close soon unless others have something to add or offer a differing opinion.

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Lol ok guys. Well thanks for the comments. I understand where you guys are coming from. To be honest I probably wouldn't want me unbanned either. But its w/e. Someone can close this I guesss. No one wants me unbanned. T for life I guess. I mean I guess I can look at the bright side because atleast im not banned from servers. :P

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\atleast im not banned from servers. :p


I think that's a challenge. Get on it @DrLee @Bleed @Legend @Tsuchikure , and of course our wonderful Co Leader, @Forest

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