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Goat Sim Giveaway 2.0

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giving away goat simulator (or a game that costs 5.99 or collection of games worth 5.99]) undisclosed amount of winners, i make bank at disneyland so abuse it right now.


only bitches and pussies ask for something other than goat sim, and will be publicly ousted with their new games that are not goat sim.


Blah blah paragraph about @Forest fires blah blah





Previous threads for reference, blah blah no copy pasterino blah

Putting that prize money to use | Xeno Gamers

Goat Sim Giveaway | Xeno Gamers


only 3 entries per person, you can win multiple times.

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So our great Co-Leader @Forest was walking home to his british canadian land in the forests of England. As he walked into his home, the @Forest , he heard a whisper in ear "Don't turn on the lights." Forest being his beautiful self decided to not turn on the lights of his home but instead is oven, a gas oven no less, to make some crumpets. After lighting the oven @Forest starts to make his tea and a bit of hot water hits him and he falls backwards and hits his light switch. The lights turn on, and @Forest smells some smoke, its not any smoke though, its Smokey the Bear coming to rain down upon @Forest for hbis insolence on almost starting a @Forest fire. Smokey takes his big bear claws and picks up @Forest and throws him outside into the raging inferno. @Forest quickly says a prayer and in that prayer he wishes for his clan XenoGaymers get hub for the Counter Strike: Source division.

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There once was an AD Carry Maokai. This Maokai was forced to go to the mid lane against a Brand. As the Brand continuously .lit Maokai on Fire, Maokai ran towards blue where he set the @Forest on fire from Brand's passive. The @Forest fire could not be stopped, and continued spreading to the rest of Summoner's Rift, eventually spreading to the Twisted Treeline, where Nami was finally able to stop the fire with her Tidal Wave, but it was too late. The @Forest was never the same again. FIN

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Forest got set on fire.

It was a tragic event when LapisLazulia pissed off Aubri by not giving her some cards she wanted. So instead lapis gave me the cards and I took them, lit them on fire, and threw them into Forests pants. BAM fire every fucking where. Branches, leaves, trunk and all. Shit nigga I didn't even know what the fuck to do. Anyway, sorry for setting you on fire forest. Notice me pls.

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There once was an AD Carry Maokai. This Maokai was forced to go to the mid lane against a Brand. As the Brand continuously .lit Maokai on Fire, Maokai ran towards blue where he set the @@Forest on fire from Brand's passive. The @@Forest fire could not be stopped, and continued spreading to the rest of Summoner's Rift, eventually spreading to the Twisted Treeline, where Nami was finally able to stop the fire with her Tidal Wave, but it was too late. The @@Forest was never the same again. FIN @ThePenguin

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Forest was on a walk with his inflatable dragon Doritio. You see, him and Doritio where lovers. Forest was never loved ever by anything ever so he retreated to inflatable animals. They bring him happiness and joy so he has a collection of inflatable animals that he likes to finger day and night ,right in the air hole. While on this walk the dragon leaned over to Forest and whispered in his ear and said "I need you right now." So they went home and lit a candle and went into Forests home and turned on some IceJJFish to really get in the mood. Forest got a wee bit moist just thinking about the nice, soft, delicate inflatable masterpiece. When they were about to get frisky they smelled smoke. They turned off the IceJJFish and went to see what the problem was. When they walked out they saw that the candle they had lit earlier had caught there curtain on fire. Forest not wanting his lover to catch on fire he through himself onto the fire trying to put it out. What he didn't know was that that fire had already spread to his lover Doritio. When he saw this he put her in his arms and they both caught on fire. The End

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forest entered a forest of forest and was in horror of seeing his brothers in pain screaming out for help all Forest could do was burn the screams away burn them untill there was nothing left to scream...and then he went to buy ice cream. THE END

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Forest got set on fire.

Once a long time ago there was a beautiful man named Forest, and he owned a forest for some fucking odd ass reason, I have no clue why the fuck anyone would even give him the ownership of a whole fucking forest. Someone was fucking drunk or some shit I have no clue. Anyway, since Forest is a fucking drunk nigger he was smoking some fucking pot with his buds. (He doesn't really have any they were just using him for the pot) and one of the STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLES DROPPED the fucking blunt and BAM. Fire everywhere. RIP

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Forest got set on fire.

Characters: Forest, and Fiddlesticks


*In a nice house by the summoners rift, Forest is sitting on the chair laying down in a recliner watching Transformers (The new one with the cool robot sniper head shit with Mark Whalberg)*


*Fiddlesticks walks in*


Fiddlesticks: Hey babe, got off early today. Simple match, i'm plat 5 now. But oh my god it was such a stupid match... *fiddlesticks puts his scythe down next to the fireplace below the tv* our adc had noooo clue how to cs at all! But I carried us to victory at least, friggin 12/4/1 *fiddlesticks climbs on top of Forest to lie down on him and give him a hug*


Forest: Ohhhohoh my big boy getting larger in the divisions isn't he? *as Forest lifts up Fiddlesticks chin and places his lips upon Fiddles soft wooden lips* I love it when my champion comes home a bit bigger each time. Not too far from LCS. *Forest smirks*


Fiddlesticks: *Smiles and sits on top of him in a sexual position with clothes still on* Ooooh, why do I feel like i'm getting a little bit more then just a promotion today? Sure hope something good happens. *Fiddle smirks*


Forest: *chuckles as he pulls down his pants* Hell yeah you are, come here and take this and enjoy it as much as you want babe.


Fiddlesticks: *Fiddle quickly pulls himself onto Forests large throbbing trunk and starts thrusting his small thin wooden hips up and down* *panting* w-we sh-should really u-use some lu-lube before something b-bad happens l-like l-last time hon-honey!


Forest: *Forest moans a little, seeming like he is playfully annoyed* Nothing will h-

oh FUCK ITS HAPPENING AGAIN. *Forest throws fiddlesticks as he quickly realizes since they are both wood (Fucking idiot forest HONESTLY) Forest's large throbbing trunk has caught fire because they were banging too fast/hard*


Fiddlesticks: QUICK GET THE FUCKING LUBE *Fiddle looks around panic because his sexual partners wooden penis is now on fire* oh my god its spreading, its SPREADING!


*Forest is quickly engulfed in flames along with fiddlesticks because fiddle has a stick for a brain and tried jumping on his penis to put out the fire*


R.I.P FireDickForest

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The forest spirit known as @Forest ventured across the forest, the angry little men we call xG, constantly worship the forest. Forest tells the little ones that they shall not worship for he is not higher then them. However, secretly forest loves the attention he gets. One day, an unknown, however very familiar man begins roaming the forest. as the unknown man is walking through the forest at night with his lantern. Hears some very disturbing sounds. He moves closer to the sounds and finds a man whispering to himself about how he will ruin the little xG members. The unknown man shocked by this confronts forest. Forest could feel an eerie presence of this man demands he identify himself. The man tells forest that he will never get away betraying the xG members, so he dashes away with forest hot on his tail. the unknown man makes insight of the xG member village. However just short of the xG village, a branch forest created from one of his minions penetrates the unknown man's chest. The man falls to his knees as the xG members run towards him questioning the barbaric attitude forest demonstrated. The unknown man tells the little xG members that he wishes he could of exposed the horrors forest makes. and soon dies. The xG members bring the unknown man to a an alter and give him a proper funeral. The unknown man's body is burned as they all cry at the lost of an innocent. The flame became violent for no reason and caught fire to the village. the village burned and soon spreads throughout the whole forest. @Forest, who is bound from leaving, could not escape like the xG members could and perished in the flames. As the little xG members come back to their burnt home. They cry, however a little xG member looks over and notices a little branch. The member brought some water over and poured water on it to start getting ready on building their new life. The branch eventually grew huge into a magnificent tree. the members of xG named the tree, @tree. As the xG members all circled around the tree they smiled in delight. they all closed their eyes and listened to the magnificent tree. Finally, @tree said "Treeday" symbolizing their victory over the tyrant @Forest

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Entry 1


On a rather hot day in mid-July, the counter-strikers memming about and little children asking for a condom from their mums, it was really just another day on The Forum. DeathGod smoking a fat joint, Chrono creating meaningless threads, and @Forest being his usual self by ignoring his friends and not moderating any servers. @Forest living in a small jungle cabin with himself and his pet orangutan named "Billy", they lived a very frugal yet fulfilling life together as they seemingly aged on endlessly (@Forest was now at least like 108 years old).


However, peace could only last for so long in this nation. After all, Winter is coming.


Many people did not know that on the 109th Winter Solstice, @Forest would become enraged.

His usual kind appearance was instantaneously replaced with hatred.

He began with burning all the rhododendrons as it reminded him of whenever the forum broke and people complained. He was very cross with the small kinds of act that he gave out during his mid-life (circa 78 years old).


Before long, the hatred spewing from his spirit had managed to catch fire physically, and soon everything was set ablaze. There was no more xG. Nothing of xG remained, and it was thought that it would stay that way.

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Entry 2


But no. It didn't end there. The adventure wasn't anywhere from over.


Decades passed, Earth as we know it had changed over the years.

We human beings were able to set apart our differences. PC gamers and Console gamers united, Australians no longer mocked for their everythings which were out to kill people, and North Korea was finally renamed Best Korea proceeding the domination by an actual Team America World Police, led by Matt Stone and Trey Parker themselves.


However, none of this came without a sacrifice. Following @Forest having his tantrum across the world, over 90% of the worlds population ceased to exist.

Yet much like a campfire, after the last ember was out, fresh tinder was laid down and a new fire went ablaze.


As with the fire, many important historical pieces were lost. One of the most important art pieces being this.

No records of @Forest having a rampage were left either. It was as if he brought upon cleansing across the globe, to restart everything as we knew it.

Some say it was WORTH. After all, people were now finally at peace and nobody has ever heard a squeaker on a TF2 server in forever.


Unfortunately, things were about to change with the discovery of one man.

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