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Metalslug53 - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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Last night, I was invited to play on a Jailbreak server by one of xG's moderators, Moosty. I had never previously played on a Jailbreak server before, so the entire time he was instructing me on how the game mode works and what is and isn't allowed. There were some slip ups here and there, but for the most part I got the hang of it and had some good fun with some good people.


I was online with him for a good hour or so when another moderator, (Hachi), logged on to play. For the entire time that I was online with her, she was belligerent, rude, and offensive, insulting the items on my characters as well as the items of other players in the server. She used such insults as "Your unusual is shitty" on multiple occasions to multiple players, as well as making an uproar and being disruptive on the mic, talking over other players and even other mods. Before Hachi had arrived, we were generally playing around and not taking things too seriously, but after she came online, things quickly changed in that aspect. I commented to Moosty that I was no longer having any fun, (in chat nonetheless) and decided to log out of the server for the evening. It was rather late and I needed to be up in the morning to go to work.


However, when I went to log in earlier today, I found that I had been banned from all xG servers for a 24 hour duration. From what I gather from Moosty, I was told that after I had left, Hachi wanted to ban me for a week for supposedly "Freekilling" another player before I logged off. Luckily for me, Moosty had calmed her down a bit and she only set the ban for 24 hours.


This is not the first negative encounter I have had with Hachi in the past. In one instance, I was kicked from the xG trading server by Hachi for using the word "Period" in a sentence. She even commented "Don't be a sexist asshole" on the kick reason, completely taking my sentence out of context, without giving any sort of warning before acting. She has muted me numerous times on many different occasions without giving reasons and without giving warnings. Now, it has progressed to bans.


Hachi seems to be the kind of moderator who acts impulsively and without reason. I feel that these actions taken against me are unjust and unfair, without merit or warrant. I feel that if these actions are going to continue, Hachi should not have access to administration powers. This is not the kind of moderator that should be working on these servers. xG is legitimately my favorite TF2 server to play on, so much that I have even taken the time and effort to raise the currency to become a U-Donator. I have been attending this server for as long (if not longer) than most of the active mods, and NEVER in this time have I ever received a ban or caused any issues to warrant such action against me.


I respectfully ask that this ban be repealed, stricken from my squeaky-clean record, and I URGE the admins to reconsider Hachi as a moderator within these servers. I am sure that I am not the only person who has experienced the negative end of her moderator abuse, and I feel it needs to stop before things escalate.

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thats unacceptable especially on the trade servers, I play with Scootaloo a lot and he is very understanding of what is right and wrong within server rules and would never break them knowingly.


+1 for unban


and I want hachi to explain her actions.

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Yes, PLEASE tag Hachi in this thread. I REALLY want to know why I am always catching shit from her. I NEVER have any issues with any of the other moderators, but it ALWAYS seems to be a problem whenever she is in the same server as me.


I don't want to have tension with anyone, especially since Vector has already asked me if I want to be a moderator and has told me he is working to get me added.


I'd rather work things out civilly, but if this is going to continue to be the norm, we are going to have issues.

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I'm down for a +1. Known Scoot as a regular well before I even started with xG. He's never been one to act out of place and has always been a respectful member of the community. @Hachi , y'all have some s'plainin' to do

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@Hachi delivered the ban.


I was present the entire time. he did have some slip ups with rules but it was 1am jailbreak and everyone was just screwing and having a good time. Hachi did come on and make some snide comments about the hats/miscs of players on the server, though it seemed to me like they were mostly in jest. nonetheless they were repeated a bit too much. when he had finally tired of playing, he said he was gonna leave after the round. the round lingered on for a while though, and he decided to leave early. before he left he lit a T on fire during his lr, and left before the fire damage killed him, effectively denying the lr. he hadn't read the rules, but was still on blu because nobody else had a mic. i tried to help him with the rules best i could but i hadn't got a chance to explain denying yet. had he remained on the server, i have no doubt it would have been talked over and he would of been very apologetic. the person who was denied (a random i hadnt met before) was not upset at all. and had scoots not left this ban most likely would not have happened. this is all partially my fault too, for allowing someone new to jailbreak to be a ct, but you gotta understand nobody else had a mic. i believe that an hour ban would have been sufficient, but a day ban may have been a bit excessive for one freekill.

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@Hachi delivered the ban.


I was present the entire time. he did have some slip ups with rules but it was 1am jailbreak and everyone was just screwing and having a good time. Hachi did come on and make some snide comments about the hats/miscs of players on the server, though it seemed to me like they were mostly in jest. nonetheless they were repeated a bit too much. when he had finally tired of playing, he said he was gonna leave after the round. the round lingered on for a while though, and he decided to leave early. before he left he lit a T on fire during his lr, and left before the fire damage killed him, effectively denying the lr. he hadn't read the rules, but was still on blu because nobody else had a mic. i tried to help him with the rules best i could but i hadn't got a chance to explain denying yet. had he remained on the server, i have no doubt it would have been talked over and he would of been very apologetic. the person who was denied (a random i hadnt met before) was not upset at all. and had scoots not left this ban most likely would not have happened. this is all partially my fault too, for allowing someone new to jailbreak to be a ct, but you gotta understand nobody else had a mic. i believe that an hour ban would have been sufficient, but a day ban may have been a bit excessive for one freekill.


with this being said, I too agree with removing the ban or at the very least shorten it.

just a heads up though, this is a ban protest; not a report abuse so focus on the subject at hand.

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just to confirm, scootaloo broke rules, he did. but he was kind of thrown into a position guaranteed to fail by me, and he wouldnt have done so on purpose. i can vouch for his character and that this would have been different had he stayed. +1 for unban, time served basically.

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I will own up to the "freekill" I committed if that helps. I feel that ignorance of the rules is not a sound reason to appeal anything, but I do feel that punishments can be too severe.


I know now what is and isn't allowed when it comes to said types of kills, and it will not happen again on my part.

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