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Please read before entering! Rules change all the time, make sure you are up to date!



  • Staff members have the final say.
  • English only
  • Chat spamming or microphone spamming is not allowed.
  • Don't wear the [xG] tag unless you're in [xG].
  • No immature voices.
  • Racism is not allowed.
  • No exploiting
  • Respect every players
  • No advertising on our servers
  • No cheating or hacking of any kind.
  • No impersonating an admin
  • Do not troll or try to upset other players
  • No Voice changers or soundboards over the mic.
  • You must have at least 3 non special characters in your in-game name
  • Do not try to loophole any of these rules
  • Saying "No balls" And then following it up with "Kick/Ban me" will get you kicked/Banned.
  • ALL STAFF MEMBERS MUST WEAR TAGS! Unless undercover.
  • Unless FF is on you may not TeamKill.

-Kbraszzle Dazzle.

© Property of Xeno Gamers, Original Author(s): "MuffinMonster", "Link".

Saying "No balls" And then following it up with "Kick/Ban me" will get you kicked/Banned.

General MOTD.


Welcome to Xeno Gamers!

Website is: Xeno Gamers


1. Admins must follow the rules and have final say about decisions on a server.

2. No advertising in our servers.

3. No cheating on our servers. This includes wall hacking, aim bots, transparent texture packs etc.

4. No impersonating admins or other members.

5. No trolling whatsoever. Verbally attacking a person will get you banned.

6. Keep all language PG- 13 on the servers, forum, and Teamspeak. *You will not be kicked/slayed/banned for cussing. However, if you are doing it excessivly to troll or abuse someone it will have repercussions.

7. Do not bring up or make remarks to political stances, religions, leaders, nations, or touchy subjects.

8. Do not whine or suck up to admins.

9. Do not argue with admins.

10. All sprays and avatars must be PG- 13 and cannot have nudity in them.

11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.

12. No using voice changers ingame, if a mod or admin asks you to turn it off, you must turn it off. (must be obvious ie. autotune)

13. No special characters in your in-game name, you can have some but there has to be enough legible characters (a,b,c,d etc.) in order for an admin or mod to target you, if you are asked to change your name by an admin or mod, then you must change it, punishable by kick/ban if you don't.

14. Any unspoken loopholes in any of these rules are up to the discretion of staff members, if you try to use loopholes intentionally, you can be punished.

15. If you pester a co-leader and up into banning you for no reason other than to ban you, they have permission to do so without fear of abusing powers (ie. saying "ban me, no balls").

16. Bans from one account carry over to other accounts, meaning if you are banned for a week on one account and you join the server while you're still banned on your other account(s), you will be banned on that account as well.

17. If you are a staff member (mod, admin, etc) and you are on an xG server that you have powers in, you MUST wear your admin tags in your STEAM NAME, this is no exception, failure to follow this rule will lead to a demotion. [undercover admin is the exception, but if there is staff on with tags, or you have no reason to be undercover, you may get in trouble.]

18. No teamkilling

(Updated as of 04/05/2013)



If you get 5+ offs from players (Staff members count as 2 votes) on one song while playing HLDJ, you may not use HLDJ for the rest of the round. Failure to comply with these rules will result in a mute for 3 rounds.


© Property of Xeno Gamers, Original Author(s): "Rhododendron".

15. If you pester a co-leader and up into banning you for no reason other than to ban you, they have permission to do so without fear of abusing powers (ie. saying "ban me, no balls").

Not to be a rule whore or anything, but since when did TF2 Staff have the jurisdiction to do this, and when/who permitted this to be allowed? I realize each Division has their own set of rules, but the general consensus of being a Staff Member carries over from every Division, ingame rules don't. Staff don't get their own special brand of law within another Server last I checked. Should also remove the whole "noballs" thing as that was phased out with the introduction of the Community Leaders. :coffee:

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[uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]

I'm all for changing it!

Was already agreed upon that the Community Leaders would not have these benefits (the noballs) as they do not have any Server-side powers in regards to their position. This allows them to be a Moderator/Administrator/Division Manager/Division Leader (keeping their current position) should they choose so without adding a new rank, as like their name suggests, they are community leaders.


Although I'm getting the feeling I'm misinterpreting what it is you are agreeing on changing, so correct me if I'm wrong

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