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Donator Abuse

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@kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty


I just need to point something out really quick. I've been getting called on JB a lot in the past couple weeks due to people abusing donator powers and breaking the rules (i.e. resizing themselves, running away, getting ammo, and killing all of the blues).


I don't know if anyone specifically allowed people to be resized on there, but I personally told them that if I see anyone resizing themselves and running around on JB, I will slay them. I pointed out that we have FOUR trade servers, in which they can resize themselves to their heart's content and that JB is not the place to be doing this.


Nine times out of ten, when I get called on the JB server, there is some form of donator abuse going on.




I know some people weren't abusing it, and they were doing it completely fairly, but a majority of them were not following the rules. So to counter that, I think we should make a specific rule that says you cannot resize yourself unless it is a custom LR that is approved by a mod, admin, DM, etc.


Let me know what you guys think; I'm just trying to resolve some issues that occur on a daily basis.

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In all honesty, I think it'd be better to not even fiddle with the donator perks on JB. I agree with Ohstopyou on this one. I'd probably motion to disallow all resizing on JB just for the sole purpose of making it easier and whatnot.


Record that as my vote. :D

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Resizing yourself larger is fine honestly. It makes things more entertaining. However, it's not allowed at all on any server to kill anyone while using resizeme to be smaller.

(There's a fly in my room, halp. I can only hear buzzing)

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yeah, its really annoying when i go on jb (which barely happens) and a donor is abusing. some of them think they are like mini mods and that they can abuse to kill people they think are doing wrong. when i played on jb more, i saw a donor give himself that uber vacinnator ability thing and kill all the blues.

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