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P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2

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Ugh. I can't "ugh" enough at all of this.


I understand that passions are high and people are mad. I get that. It happens quite often. But it gives no excuse to bring the argument to petty insults and nasty posts. I like to think that we as a clan are above such immaturity, but when it happens, I begin to have my doubts.


I get it. I understand. Whyte is upset because of H0b0's hostility towards Hachi and Dethman. H0b0 is upset because he feels he was wronged in Jailbreak, and his encounters with those involved led to sensitive personal information about him being exposed, which he clearly did not want to be made public knowledge. What's worse is that AFTER this information was made known, some, (not all) of our members who CLEARLY KNOW BETTER begin to harass and insult him because of his lifestyle. This is completely unacceptable. As someone who heavily supports the LGBTQ movement, this REALLY hurts my heart to see happen in the clan that I call family.


I understand that there were threats made. I understand that there were hostile things said, but, as I said above, that in no way gives ANYONE the right to be so cruel and malign. If this didn't end so horribly for H0b0, I wouldn't have been surprised to see an abuse thread made after these events.


Nobody wins here. Absolutely nobody. Sure, H0b0 gets banned based on the threats he made towards other staff, but xG is successful in showing its ass when it went to handle the situation. I'm aware that those who instigated were dealt with, but come on. It NEVER should have came to that.


I'm not advocating that H0b0 acted in the right, because there were things said that clearly shouldn't have been said. But I AM advocating that we as a clan SERIOUSLY need to reevaluate how we handle these kinds of situations. It goes much farther than just the individuals who were directly involved. If you check the shoutbox, the same posts persisted LONG after the thread was closed, and I'm sure people were still chuckling about it even more after.


But don't get me wrong. I'm not frowning at all of you. I do want to take a moment and thank those who were in charge of damage control for acting accordingly. You guys did awesome at making sure this didn't get blown completely out of proportion. Thank you so much for that, at least.


I implore you guys to handle things better in the future, because this was just appalling to read through. I know we push the envelope a lot, but when it comes to a serious issue, we need to learn to straighten the fuck up and handle things in a much more professional manner.


End rant. I'm off to bed.


tl;dr Shit went sour and Scoots doesn't like how people acted after the fact, on BOTH sides.

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All my personal bias about h0b0 aside. What some of you guys did was %100 wrong. You exploited and exposed a secret about someone that he did not want anyone else to know. You harassed him for it and that is extremely immature of you. I might not have the best view but just because you don't like him or what he is does not mean you should make fun of him. Scootaloo put most of what i want to say on here already. You guys really should feel ashamed.

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All of the evidence has been reviewed and investigated. The DDoS threats were confirmed to be he said/she said, so that evidence is deemed not viable. The skype accounts in question were confirmed by both parties to not be in use. No ACTUAL trolling was committed. The only thing that was admitted is that h0b0 wanted his grievances to be righted and that he was upset with a few people.


All bans have been served and everyone is aware of the future consequences if something like this should happen in the future. I sure hope it won't though.




As a measure of good faith, BMK has been asked (and agreed) to cease trolling on xG servers. If any future trolling on their part is found, they were warned that they will be banned.



Evidence of cleared up DDoS threats and BMK's warning to cease trolling:






The ban is being rescinded, as it has already been served for long enough. ~Closed

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