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Zerothemedic - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

The Grim

Steam ID:


I understand that this ban is not permanent but what happened should not have lead to this. The people upset with me were not following the server's spawncamping regulations and were completely trapping the other team to a point where they couldn't free themselves with anything. I didn't want to have to bother a mod or admin so I cleared it out and moved on. I understand that I should have called a mod/admin ( my friend Demonic Disaster told me off about that for 30 min ) but I just thought it would be easier and faster to fix a simple problem myself. I'm sorry I didn't realize that was donator power abuse at the time, I was just trying to help.

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I personally think it should have been just a warning but again you did abuse your donator. It is a weird one because you thought you did the right thing and end up being punished. @Ohstopyou can elaborate some more and the conclusion.

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Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....


I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...


It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.

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specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.

Thats great and all but from what i remember you record all of your sessions (at least from what i remember in css.) I hope you report the abusers to higher up staff and something gets done about. Saying something like other people abuse donator and hardly get punished for it is like just pouting and witnessing something happening. And if they do abuse a lot and dont get punished, then you report the higher ups for showing obvious bias to the cls. You might already do this, but this isnt just directed towards you. Just people who do this. Im sure you do your best to catch them all but if the dms and dls dont do anything then you gotta come clean with the cls.


Now he should have called an admin regardless of his intentions if he feels its too hard to break, however i still hold that any sotsort of spawn camping is bbreakable if the teams really work togetheR instead of just suck and die. We also have always taken donator abuse very seriously, all the way from paid mods having only a couple chances before being demoted if they had multiple offenses. This is one of thithose cases which he is let off with just a 12 hour ban which i agree with @Ohstopyou. just wait out the ban because by time ohstopyou sees this is when there is only like a few hours left and im sure you wont do this again. Next time if you arent sure of the rules, call an admin.


Have fun.

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The spawn camp you broke was tiny. Bonk scout beggar's soldier coulda got that easy. Donator abuse is frowned upon here, and personally I think you should have had a longer ban and possibly your powers stripped.

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Okay seriously. We literally just talked on Steam and you were fine with it.


Half of the people on the thread wanted a warning, and other other half wanted blood. Get over it everyone. I went with the midpoint and did a short ban.


By now, your ban is expired; you shouldn't have even made this thread.


Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....


I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fricking easy when you have either stupid or just buttholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...


It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.


People wanted to strip him of donator or remove the commands. By comparison, I think this is a much better choice. Also, the difference between Grim and the other people that "actually abuse", is that no one reports them. If you see someone, take a screenshot.


Of course, no one is going to agree on this. For the people that wanted him banned, be happy I didn't just drop the case. For the people that didn't want any punishment, be happy I didn't strip his donator or remove the commands. It was 12 hours, I think he can wait.

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Vector said it best.


Don't break spawn camps using donator perks or any other plugins. It's that simple.


You had no authority to decide if the spawn camp was unbreakable or not. 12 hours is NOTHING. Be glad you didn't lose donator perks, because that constituted as serious abuse.


This thread is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary, considering the ban is already expired. You're just stirring the pot now.



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