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Doogalou - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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The video url attached is a short one and a halfish minute clip of just moments from a game I played recently. Now I received a ban for multiple hacks on the majority of xG's TF2 trading servers. I supply efficacious evidence to show a full startup of TF2 with no hacks/external programs and joining a server. Then some footage of a few kills as a sniper.


Now other then the video evidence I play with a rather large mousepad(I enjoy the amount of mobility) and use a sensitivity of .75 this means I can snap my hand around very quickly to line up any of my shots.

The weapon loadout I was using when banned was as follows

  • Bazaar Bargain

  • Darwin's Danger Shield

  • Conscientious objector

Both my primary and secondary have useful bonuses on them, being an increased charge rate with more headshots then a health bonus alongside bullet resistance. Having accurate aim with the Bazaar Bargain is deadly, allowing fast quick kills with most classes due to it's charge rate for heads. On many games and first person shooters in general having a higher ground is much better then low ground( Sniper wise at least). Maps like the Minecraft trade map, not NeonHeights, have a huge area to shoot around if you are on any of the corners. Add people running in predictable patterns, good aim, the viewing area and bam you have one hell of a sniper to reckon with.


I ask now to the recipients of this protest that you think about this appeal at least. I enjoy xG servers greatly, yet was highly shocked when the ban popup appeared on my screen and was booted of the server.


In best regards,


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I will stay neutral unless bello has evidence of you hacking. Like @Chrono has said before, us staff need to have evidence of you hacking before we make the decision to ban you. I wonder if he also got other staff to approve of it either.

@Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz

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That video doesn't even show you starting up, you start recording while already started up.... and lol at making a video to prove you don't have hacks.. but I blame the people that always say you need proof you weren't breaking rules for a ban protest.... that said.... I glanced over that video and your ability to track people that are flying through the air and headshot them looks a tad fishy to me....


What really has me bothered is that looking through the last TEN pages of events log on you shows you NEVER, LITERALLY NEVER, getting a kill with your Bazaar Bargain that isn't a headshot.... a lot of them are also while people are airborn and they are within seconds of each other.... I don't care how good you might be, even the best snipers will still get some body shot kills.



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That video doesn't even show you starting up, you start recording while already started up.... and lol at making a video to prove you don't have hacks.. but I blame the people that always say you need proof you weren't breaking rules for a ban protest.... that said.... I glanced over that video and your ability to track people that are flying through the air and headshot them looks a tad fishy to me....


What really has me bothered is that looking through the last TEN pages of events log on you shows you NEVER, LITERALLY NEVER, getting a kill with your Bazaar Bargain that isn't a headshot.... a lot of them are also while people are airborn and they are within seconds of each other.... I don't care how good you might be, even the best snipers will still get some body shot kills.




Sorry if you would like I can get a complete startup from desktop/steam library to tf2 if you prefer, and yes a video I want to at least try my best at this protest.

In relation to the ten page's on my event part could I see it please? I do however agree that the video didn't show the full startup sorry, I meant in terms of my homescreen and joining a server.

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Alright. So here is what happened:

It was 3 am for me, @kbraszzz told me that people were complaining about a hacker on Trade Gaming History. I joined and watched you for like 30 minutes.

Firstly someone was playing hide n seek. (Basically he was hiding and the first one to find him got a free item). You found him immediately twice. I don't have evidence about that so.. Who cares.

After the guy was done, you were sniping. I think you gave headshots although you were aiming at people's bodys. I took a demo, I'll upload the video in like 20 minutes.

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Sorry if you would like I can get a complete startup from desktop/steam library to tf2 if you prefer, and yes a video I want to at least try my best at this protest.

In relation to the ten page's on my event part could I see it please? I do however agree that the video didn't show the full startup sorry, I meant in terms of my homescreen and joining a server.

Xeno Gamers - Player Events History

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Thank you greatly, I viewed it and looked through a bit. I do have a few normal kills in there that aren't headshots, some of them are also a few seconds from each other yes at least 2-10 sec. It also honestly is not hard to follow someone and click on them, would you still like a full start up, I can get that some time today or tomorrow when I'm not busy if you want?

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Alright. So here is what happened:

It was 3 am for me, @kbraszzz told me that people were complaining about a hacker on Trade Gaming History. I joined and watched you for like 30 minutes.

Firstly someone was playing hide n seek. (Basically he was hiding and the first one to find him got a free item). You found him immediately twice. I don't have evidence about that so.. Who cares.

After the guy was done, you were sniping. I think you gave headshots although you were aiming at people's bodys. I took a demo, I'll upload the video in like 20 minutes.

Hi, The first part with hide and seek I admit I did cheat, my friend was in spectate when he hid then joined red and told everyone in team chat. I could not access the demo you linked, I try to run it and nothing happens anyway you can help?

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+1 for unban. Like already mentioned, Bello has high ping so lots of shots will certainly look BS. And considering he actually took the time and put effort into the ban protest, I'd say he isn't hacking. Typical hackers would just "lol ok next server" but he came back to our specific server to start playing on it again.

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