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Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

In-Game Name:

Xerses: Lamb of God

Offender's Steam ID:

Rules Broken:

Disrespect of another player + "kill yourself"



The offender was on the Trade History server, and BLU team was spawncamping with a sentry or two and some players. General disrespect ("get a life", "whiny little bitch") was thrown around until the events in the video happened, where Xerses said "why don't you shut the fuck up and kill yourself"


The player who recorded this was an engineer in the spawncamp, and while some other BLU players bodyblocked (pyro standing in the warp spot flaming constantly) the player who reported this did not use his buildings to block.


Xerxes later attempted to justify his behavior with the "it was a joke/sarcasm" excuse over voice chat.



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Death threats aren't allowed, but whoever was recording instigated that as well. Especially since he/she continued after they said they recorded him.


Also, spawn camping is not allowed on maps where you have to teleport out of spawn. I think Scoot made that pretty clear. I can clearly see the person is an engi and only assume what was happening.


I'm okay for a short ban for Xerses, BUT I want Ace to speak here first. Only then will punishment be dealt.

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Funnily enough, Xerses came on Pokemon trade a little after this and was asking "why are there so many butthurt people on xG servers today?". I recorded a demo (that is not focused on Xerses) but I'm too lazy to upload it.

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If this was a map where you teleport out of spawn (I.e. nimbusland), then you shouldn't be spawncamping. I'm okay with a short ban (day or two) since he went over the line, but this was all sorts of instigated. If I had been on while you guys were spawncamping a spawn teleport, your camp would have been nuked and the buldings destroyed. Also people purposely bodyblocking... where the hell were our mods?

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Also lets get rid of frantic factory and nimbusland. They're fun maps but people can't handle nice things and choose to camp teleports everytime. The players aren't mature enough to just have fun.

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Not on my computer to watch the demo yet, but possible +1 for the same punishment of those who instigated let's nip this shit in the butt right now

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I'm okay with a short ban (day or two) since he went over the line, but this was all sorts of instigated

I know I'm not a member anymore and my opinion doesn't matter (as if it ever did), but regardless if it was instigated, he still randomly told someone to kill themselves = Perm

Sorry @Xerses , but what were you thinking? :L

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Death threats are NOT to be taken lightly, regardless of any instigations or anything of the like. I'm advocating for a permanent ban. I don't care what rules are being broken. Telling someone to kill themselves is NOT okay and we have no place for ANY individual who would do so in our servers. You don't verbally assault them until they stop. You get a mod/admin to fix the issue. For Christ's sake, we just put into place a bot for this very reason.


That being said, we DO have to also deal with the fact that this individual was clearly spawncamping in a spot where it is unallowed. This is a blatant breach of the rules that have been set regarding spawncamping a teleported exit. If it pleases the other DMs, I'm moving to ban Xerxes for his heinous comments for a lengthier time, up to and possibly including a permanent ban, and administer a minimum of a 24 hour ban on those responsible for camping the teleport exit.


I don't know how many times we have to repeat the same rules before people understand. It really is starting to become quite irritating. -_-

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