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Server Commands

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Ever since we first implemented donator, I've always wanted some of the commands we have just as basic server commands that anyone can do. Like Robot and Resize their hands and other parts. (not their whole body though) I just think it's unfair to not give anything fun to regulars and such without them having to pay for it. Lots of servers have server side commands + donator so why can't we as well? Some of these commands would be server specific, of course. And we would have to replace what we take from donator with something new. Which, I have an idea for.


I go on this one server that lets people do !taunt, letting them pick whatever taunt is in the game and also letting them add an unusual effect to it. I think that's a great replacement since we don't have unusual weapons anymore. They also let players add whatever unusual to your hat that you want. ALSO, they have a command that lets you turn your weapons Aussy.


I just think it's a good idea. Like I said, I just wanna add a little more equality to the players and donators.


@Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Moosty

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Personally, I think it would draw in a lot more server attention if everyone on the server had access to !kson OR if they all just started with a 100 killstreak because people could show their Pro KS. There has been multiple occasions where I picked one server over another because of !kson.

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i dont see anything wrong with giving kson to regulars unless you want to make donating more enticing. On the other hand, we should definitely not have resize or robot. Also starting with a 100 ks would suck because i like to earn the effect.

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i dont see anything wrong with giving kson to regulars unless you want to make donating more enticing. On the other hand, we should definitely not have resize or robot. Also starting with a 100 ks would suck because i like to earn the effect.

What would be wrong with having !robot being server wide? Not alot of people would go into robot. Even the donators who have it don't use it.

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Also starting with a 100 ks would suck because i like to earn the effect.

Yeah I understand that ^^ maybe there could just be a command to turn it on?

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My Personal Opinion.... Donators Are Donators, People Donate for the commands just for whatever, Regulars are regulars because they already like the servers, We shouldn't mix them up, if regulars want the donator commands they can donate, I mean if they're on the server enough already :)

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No. No. Also no.


If anything, put it lower on the donation list. But we added these commands to entice people to donate.

It does nothing for us making it available to all.


I fuck around on servers with commands like that all the time, as have other people. Its like a preview of what they can have.

(Other than robot. Cause like. No one ever does robot anyways)



Go away.



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I'm not saying "hey let's make spawning bosses server side"

Simple things like Robot and.. Hmn.. I can't really think of anything other then robot lol. No one uses that shit.0

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I don't want to make robot and resize public. The amount of abuse that would ensue, and there would be no way to keep track of it. Kson on the other hand, idc; up to kbraszzle. THIS IS HIS TERRITORY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.


inb4 whenever anyone asks for free stuff @kbraszzz



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