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How to find out where people live (easy)

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This is a simple way to find out where people live. This is intended for stalking/kids who don't know how to do it other ways.


We will be using me as an example:


1. Go to Xeno Gamers - Players


2. Search their name (Colour if you are searching me)


3. Go to their profile (There is usually several, those are all just the names the server has seen the person go by)


4. Under the "Player Profile" section, there is a "Location" spot. This displays the city/town and country that person lives in


5. If you want to find out who else lives there, or who lives in YOUR's, click on the city/town and a list will come up with everyone in that area. (For me, you would click "Colorado Springs." Sadly, no one else lives here D: )


Happy hunting.



ooo ooo, and also, fun facts:

Silence lives in Pittsford,

Duckii lives in Hollywood (who would have guessed?)

Excision lives in.... wait what he was banned...? Xeno Gamers - Search

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The trick is on you because i went to all 450 member's profiles and got each one of their locations hahahhahahahahahahah ah a ha hah ah ha haha you wanna try me?!

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