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Active Division:

Team Fortress 2

Previously a Member in xG:


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Time Active on Servers:

2 years probably more



Reasons for Joining:

I've played on xG for quite a while, probably spent way too much time on Trade Gaming History. I've also donated so might as well be a member of the servers I donated to.

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Consistently active on TGH. I'm not entirely sure about maturity, but I assume he's pretty mature as he has reported server issues in the past. +1


A: 8/10

M: 8/10


@Liekos @Fiery8022 Close and accept him, please.

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+1. Over the top weird obsession with gardevoir. Kind of an butthole. Tryingest of the tryhards. A rood dood. Pretty much why he's great and deserves in.

A 7


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