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Allartdo - Counter-strike

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In-Game Name:


Offender's Steam ID:


Rules Broken:

Freekilling in every way (LR, in cells, and for fun.)

Ban Type:

Team Ban






This was very short but obvious, he constantly has done this to me for the last 8 rounds and he killed me during LR and as soon as he kills me he gives everyone else freeday (they are his friends).

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Provided that the clip only demonstrates one instance of freekilling, I don't think a permanent CT ban could stick with this guy like Lithium said. At the most it would be a CT ban for a week, though that's entirely up to the CS:GO Higher-Ups.


For future reference, your evidence/proof should provide support for your claims. In this particular instance the only thing that is proven here is that he freekilled once which in itself isn't substantial enough for what I assume you'd like to be a permanent CT ban. Unfortunately, because the recording doesn't demonstrate anything other than the freekilling (such as killing during LR, freekilling over the course of 8 rounds, and favoritism [in the form of consecutive freedays]) and because it was just one freekill, anything more than a week wouldn't be justified.


+1 to administer a CT ban to the offending player for blatant freekilling [maximum of a week] at the beginning of the round. (Didn't see Lithium post till now)

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