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Diamond 3 Quinn Main, Giving Tips Or Any Help On League

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IGN: KingAegean


I want to practice on my analysis so if you have any questions about league (climbing soloqueue, champs, map pressure etc) or want personal help, feel free to message me here or add me in game. Remember, I'm not at the highest level but I'm still top 3000 (0.3%) of all players in NA



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@SolairefAstora A big difference in my opinion is map pressure, and objective control. Rift herald and sometimes dragon do still get ignored time to time, but other than the obvious cs differences, there is way more roaming around the map for towers and kills (as TP isn't always taken anymore) and waaaay more outplays.


Another big thing, is people in Diamond are usually VERY confortable with 1-2 champions, and it really shows when you see champs being played at a very high level. 1 trick ponies who play shaco or TF for example are super scary to deal against.


People also know HOW to lose lane in Diamond, you don't need to be even in CS with the other laner if he's just going to bully you and set you up for ganks from the enemy jungler. Just cs what you can, and roam and apply pressure elsewhere. If the enemy laner wants to be a farm bot, show him you'll be bot lane or mid getting kills just because he's lazy.


Itemization as well is much more creative in Diamond, as people understand the reasoning behind getting the items in a team comp.


Hope that helps!

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Hey king Aegean, thanks for posting on this reddit, I'd really love to see your opinions and thoughts on caitlyn and jhin support, note I'm bronze 3, but over 75 games on both of them and I feel like they're very powerful supports right now, with tons of poke and great cc / zoning potential with their traps. I know i'm better than the vast majority of bronze but for the past 4 seasons I just havent been able to carry my self out, thanks in advanced for a response! ign: SoloDinoGnar Paypal: [email protected] Blackpeoplemeet: PrinceNigerianCupCake

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Yes, I have a couple of inquiries:


It seems like whenever I play Crittlesticks I get a lot of flaming and general bad attitude. What can I do to avoid this issue?


I have also noticed that when I lock in with Fiddlesticks as ADC, the lobby always seems to crash when there is five seconds left before the match starts and I get thrown back into match-making. Is my game broken? Thanks in advance.

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I think people tend to underestimate Fiddlesticks in general. Probably why everyone thinks you're a troll. Then when you crush them with a "troll" champion, they get all ragey and spout off.


But I'm not even ranked, what do I know . . . ;)

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There must be problems with the british servers, or I think there's problems with the servers connecting to your IP and not finding the xGCL tag in your name, I would definitely find those to be the problem


@PlaysWithSquirrels I played with an ap cait support in ranked last season when her traps still did AP scaling damage, and she almost hard carried the game, quite the top kek. Jhin is op, bronze is even more OP

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my ranked climb struggle:


So last season I ended gold 5 but was still climbing with ease, I made it to g3 by screwing around soon after the season ended. But now in season 6 i'm struggling to climb from silver 5 back go gold. I bounce back and forth between silver 3 and 2.

1. I'm better at jungling but most of the junglers I play can't carry a game very well if there isn't damage coming from my other teammates to finish a fight, so I'm stuck in mid and adc.

2. When I'm playing ranked I feel like i'm not thinking similar to my teammates. I might want to make different engages or take different objectives after fights and the team ends up splitting and spreading out.


Champions i'd like pointers on:


Rengar: I don't know what happened but his bola strike feels delayed now when I'm doing his burst combo. It leads to me missing his e quite often now.


Corki: For some reason I can't deal nearly as much burst as I normally would see a corki player do


Vayne: I'd like to say I have okayish mechanics but I don't win very much with her.


And could you recommend me AP champions for the mid lane. I can play most mids but AP feels obsolete

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