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Hey Guys I'm Back

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So I haven't really been here in the equivalent of forever, but I have returned.


I have returned solely to tell you I'm leaving forever. I actually got my shit together and realized there is literally no point in being in this clan for me. I mean some of you are alright, others I don't even remember. It's been a long run of salt and aboose, but at last I'm throwing in the cum-stained towel and going home, even though I've always been at home. I'm sure to bm the fuck out of a ton of people in white at the end of this, so make sure to tune in to that. So uhh yeah if any of you faggots actually want to still play games with me, no. I have a group of friends to play with and probably will be on league 9/10 of the time being a CL in my own respects. Since everything is fine I don't want to salt your xG steak.


Goodnight and goodbye,



I lied, there are only feels.

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Rip Iggy. We had some good times brother. Never forget that first day you came into teamspeak. Hope things go well for you man

I don't really remember that day much, but I'll remember every shitpost.


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I don't really remember that day much, but I'll remember every fudgepost.

As a side note I will be back for shitposts in the future, but I have no interest at all in participating in the clan past an occasional visit to teamspeak.

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