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my brother is the same way he will lose hes ♥♥♥♥ing mind if he doesnt get to play minecraft or any other game on the computer and worst of he has aspergers or something like that also hes autistic and sucidal which scares me alot the diseases little kids can get can ♥♥♥♥ up parents and brothers and sisters even a neighbor hood

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My dad used to physically abuse for no reason and used to bash my brothers head in the ground stomping on his head :/ My dads got a little better though...thank ♥♥♥♥ing god 1 of my brothers arent like that...my dad woulda broke someones bones thats for sure...HAPPY HALLOWEEN btw :)


he should have knocked some sense into you, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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All I can say is ... your brother is why they have day time talk shows like Maury. It must be hard to have a sibling that refuses to grasp common sense or curtsy. If he can't develop social skills now imagine what he will be like in 10 years. I'm sorry to say this and I mean this in the best of ways, If you don't get serious help for him soon he will be dead or in prison by 21.

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It's a ignorant kid with no grasp of reality or manners. This is why I prefer moving into a life of solitary like into a a cabin of the Siberia outskirts and just spend my peaceful days dropping by the city to grab a couple of books. Ah~ :)


Anyway, if I was that kid's parent, I'll just ground him for a year after pulling a knife on me and take away most of his privileges. I'll also give a threat that I'll disown him.

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