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Challenge Day.

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Oh my god I just watched that video...this is the kind of ♥♥♥♥ that creates stupid emo kids that like to write poetry and and wear make up. Men who wear make up are gross and sometimes look like very ugly women.


Quoting this! lolsa

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I did this in leadership camp for my province, it gets people REALLY emotionally together, it's very nice and lots of times, people realize that really bad situations in their life didn't only happen to them, but it happened to many people even around them. Just be honest, don' t tell a story that you think people will go aww too, just tell a real story from your heart that has really affected your life (good or bad) and just be ready to take in all the stories at once cuz it does get overwhelming. I had stories about abuse from their parents, brother dying to a drunk driver, drug use at the start of 12 years old, a girl even came out of the closet, like... it gets pretty intense

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Relax Duckii Jr, it will be okay. Whatever happens, happens. We're still here for you, and who knows? Maybe after tomorrow you'll have someone else there for you, too.

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How did it go? did you pour your soul out or just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ through it? did it change the way you see people, and how you interact with them?

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Challenge day at the beginning was fun and happy. Near the middle of the day it started getting a little more serious. We got into a small group of people that we didn't really know or like didn't hang out with. They told us all not to hold in our emotions. They explained how it was like a balloon if you hold in your emotions...eventually it will pop. You will take anger out on yourself or others and might hurt them. I was last in my group to speak. I explained to them about my nephew. How my brother and his fiance got in a fight and she moved to Florida. She took my nephew with her, and so I probably wont be seeing my nephew again anytime soon. Then I explained that "if you really knew me you would know that accept for one person, all of my friends are on the internet." What hit me hard was explaining that "If you really knew me you would know that my dad is physically abusive and verbally abusive." I explained how my dad used to hit me and my brother Ian. He even used to stomp my brothers head into the floor. That's when I really cried bad. I couldn't even finish. Then we ate lunch after that. A little after lunch...was one of the most emotional and saddest things I have ever had to do or see. We had to do something that they call "cross the line" where we all stand on the same side and a lady asks questions, and if that question applies to you...you cross the line. That's what really got people to cry. The lady asked question such as "please cross the line if you have ever been beat,hit,smacked or physically abused"...i crossed. "Please cross the line if in your family you are yelled at or put down daily on a regular basis." Many people crossed. It made me look at people in a different way. It made me realize that I am not the only one that goes through this stuff. One girl I stood next to probably the whole time I noticed crossed the line a lot when I did. So both of us just stood next to each other sobbing putting our arms around each other. I am glad I had her there for me even though I don't really know her. She is in my computer graphics class though. I am also glad I was there to comfort her. I could tell you all many of the line crossing stuff and the lines I had to cross...but eh :/. That line crossing was difficult...cried on that to...actually I think everyone did :/. Though one kid...he was laughing making funny faces and crap when HE CROSSED THE LINE. He is asian, and the the lady said "Please cross the line if someone has ever put you down or treated you badly or made fun of you because the color of your skin." He just was laughing making funny faces...idk how you could do that in a time like that. Such a serious moment for everyone but him it seemed like. After that we just went hugging everybody. Near the end of the day when everyone for the most part was calm, we all sat down with our groups. People were then asked if they wanted to read there small letter that we all wrote. We had to think about someone we love, and write a short letter. This is the only one I will tell you about the letters. A man who was a volunteer for this stood up and read his letter. This one touched a lot of people hearts and stuff and did to mine to. He wrote about his daughter and how she is 16 years old with a drug problem. How it was her choice...but that she will always be forgiven and loved. One of the two main people who actually do Challenge Day for a living told him that he should be proud. That he is a great father because he had courage to stand up in front of everyone and speak about his daughter like. Then people started to get up...and apologize. Some got up and specifically said they wanted someone to come up...and then they apologized to that person...in front of everyone! It was really amazing. People who I thought not in a million years would care and actually have the guts to stand up and say sorry...stood up and apologized to people on the microphone. Also how this day has changed them and they way they will act to people. It made many people realize not to judge someone right away and to be kind to each other. This day man. This day I wont ever forget.

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See? Challenge Day is a great experience, and I personally believe that it should be a requirement in High Schools to do it every few years, it helps prevent and/or stop drug abuse, suicide, violence, hate crimes, racism, etc.


I'm glad you had this experience and came out of it with a positive mindset.

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