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Freekilling on JB

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There is alot of freekillers on JB and I feel they don't like me or something because I get freekilled every round, and I mean EVERY ROUND. Also "Jskillz" killed me before cells were open and I was not doing anything wrong and I told Health100 to slay him but he did not care and any other admin I ask does not care. It is not fair for me or anybody else to be freekilled repeatedly and no admin caring or helping. I need alot of help by telling these admins to pay attention or whatever else needs to be donr.e.:mad:

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ahahaha u got freekilled :) dont worry i alrdy teambanned him , and sometimes its true many admins aren't really paying attention to anyone kills like i do :D when i suspect a freekill i ask for a reason for freekilling no response i take it as freekill, other admins need to start watching kills and listen to the orderes please and thankyou would be alot better instead of leaving it by and getting those T's who were freekilled spamming ,

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kaka, sry man, but i was ive tried this before, but its too tempting for t's to lie just to get a ct killed; i call a vote and see whose been freekilled. Again, sry.

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um yeh health if u mean by using the admin vote don't do it haha most T's just push yes to get the Ct's kill just watch closer to who kills who and the orders and question the person why he kill someone if u think it was a freekill

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