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A critical analysis of xG

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As many of you know, I enjoy writing lengthy posts on issues I feel need to be addressed. This thread is directed at the Xenogamers community as a whole. Included within are the flaws of Xenogamers, what I think needs to be done, and lots more.


This isn't a thread where all I do is complain about how this community is terrible. No, this is a well thought out essay fueled by my thoughts and previous experiences in xG.


Part I



In this part, I explain how I feel about the community and what I think needs to be improved in general.


The Community


Sub-Categories included

- Judgement

- Emotions


So let's start off with the community. At this very moment, I'm almost positive that someone is whining about the admins. They probably got freekilled by accident and are spamming admin chat with things such as "Oh em gee, this guy just freekilled me!!!111 Do something about it you badmins!"


Okay, let me put this bluntly. If you get freekilled, all you have to do is use admin chat once or twice and explain your situation. I've said this before and I'll say it again, it may not look like we're doing anything about it but we are. Next, if you complain that there are people in Xenogamers that can do a better job than our current admins, consider joining another community. Admins and moderators already go through enough things throughout the day, we don't want to look at poorly structured sentences that do nothing but whine.


Sub-Category I



This part is mainly for the admins and moderators.


Warning: If you get offended easily or can not take constructive criticism, I recommend you don't read this.


Now that I've put that warning out there, let me start off by saying the majority of the judgement I've seen thus far in our admins has been poor. Why, you might ask?


Admins let their emotions get in the way of doing their job. This leads me to my second sub-category, emotions.


Sub-Category II



To begin this part, I would like to provide a real example of emotions getting in the way of an admin doing their job. I really didn't want to call anyone out while making this but I've decided it's necessary. If what I'm about to say gets me in trouble, oh well.


Example number one: Recently, Mullin has been put on probation for possibly the oddest reason. For those of you that don't know why, it was a warday and he was running around the tunnel in Surf/Climb that leads to the outside area of Ski. He most likely had his guns holstered and was going to wait for an opportunity to shoot the CTs that were camping outside. However, he had his knife out at the moment and some CTs saw him and he told them that they can't shoot him until he has a gun out or he steps out the tunnel, which is correct. What happened next was that Duckii slayed him for not participating, which is unjustified.


I've seen many admins on at the same time witnessing Terrorists who think it's funny to stand near an exit with their knife out screaming "You can't kill me!" What have these admins done about it? Nothing.


So, to continue my example, Mullin thinks that what Duckii did was uncalled for and all Duckii did was disregard anything he said. Shortly after, jailbreak crashes and so both Duckii and Mullin go on minigames. Mullin continues the argument, calling Duckii out for abuse. Duckii first warned him to stop but Mullin continued. Duckii then kicked him but Mullin came back and continued and so Duckii permanently banned him.


Why? Why would you permanently ban him for calling you out? You didn't want him to prove you wrong and so you ignored anything he said which evidently lead to his ban. Plus, you permanently banned him for THIS? I think a day ban would have been a lot more reasonable.


Aegean, I also want to confront you about something. I would like to thank you for unbanning Mullin. However, you decided to put him on probation. Why? For arguing with Duckii? That's really, really dumb.




Part II


In this part, I further evaluate this community with more sub-topics.


The Community


Sub-Categories Included

Opinions & Constructive Criticism

Freedom of Speech


Alright, so apparently many of you guys don't understand the difference between an opinion and constructive criticism.


Let me define both for you, shall I?

An opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Constructive criticism is criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions.


Do you see what I bolded? One isn't based on facts or knowledge while the other is and it helps to improve something.


Now, let's take a look at an example of an opinion and constructive criticism.


Example I (Opinion): I think that this clan sucks.

Example II (CC)): This clan has many faults. To start it off, this person needs to improve on this based on this.


So explain to me why I'll get in trouble if I criticize other people. I hate to call Duckii out again but whatever.


On the thread 'Merry Christmas everyone!' made by Duckiijr, I told him that Otherworldy made the same exact thread a few hours before he did and therefore he should use that thread. Everyone pretty much jumped me saying stupid things like "Wow trif your an @sshole"


Any who, Duckii said "Continue with this and problem will occur

Ignore what you don't wanna see and just skip what is posted. You don't have to post anything and let the day go by. It's your decision what you post and what is to happen , the criticizing is caused by what you have done and posted. To avoid it don't bother posting.


Good day sir."


Okay, so you're basically telling me to stop posting, all in all. You assume that my feelings get hurt when other people criticize my actions. How wrong you are, really. I honestly don't have a problem with other people criticizing me as long as they can back up their argument with facts. Also, that good day sir at the very end just proves how immature you really are.


Sub-Category II

Freedom of Speech


Why does this clan refuse to let anyone voice their opinion without other people calling them trolls or telling them that their opinion is wrong?


First of all, understand what a troll is.


A troll is anyone that purposely flames other people for a reaction or for the lulz.


Just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't make them a troll. For example, that retarded BF3 vs MW3 debate.

One person will argue that BF3 is better because of its graphics while the other person will argue that MW3 is better because it's more fast paced.


Neither side will win because everyone has this thing called an OPINION.






In order for this community to continue to thrive, some things need to be taken care of. Stop worrying about the little things in this clan and focus more on what's important.

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>inb4 tl;dr

>inb4 rage

>inb4 lock

>inb4 idiotic comments


Man your hands must hurt after typing all that, someone isnt gonna fap tonight

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Yes. I do agree that the community overly uses the word trolls. Trollz trolling trolley.


I believe myself arguments are retarded if they are pure insults but a debate is well justified and should be allowed to continue as long as people aren't shi-ittalking each other.


To add, I really didn't mind the the thread duplicates. I actually expected it to happen.

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Ducki perm banned because she wanted me to unban mullin after I have a word with him. I explained to him what happened, he understood my point of view, and dropped it. I do not understand why you would mention it after the conflict is resolved, oh well.


Another thing, I really don't understand why you talk as if you are much more sophisticated then all of us, and we are all derps or something.

Alright, so apparently many of you guys don't understand the difference between an opinion and constructive criticism.


Let me define both for you, shall I?


Now to my next problem. Ducki Jr. made a thread himself wishing all of us a merry christmas. It's the holidays, and you have NOTHING to do with moderating the forums, and he did it with only nice intentions. Instead of just saying "Thanks" or saying "happy holidays, but otherworldly already had a thread" , what do you say?

"This thread is pointless as we've already had one exactly like it." It was much easier just to be nice back, as you could tell his intention wasn't anything wrong, why did you have to act in such a pessimistic way? Maybe he didn't see Otherworldly's post, so you could have easily said it in a different way, which is why of cource people thought your posts were douchy.


Anyways, I do agree that guy who called you an A-hole was unneccesary also, I do understand why he said it. You might be annoyed with ducki Jrs posting, this was his christmas post, he was posting 2 video links and a picture he edited, and once again, he had NO wrong intentions, and since you are not forum mod, you do not have to read or moderate it, and can easily ignore it.


So those are my 2 cents on some of the things you said, if you don't agree, feel free to comment back and I'll be happy to respond. In my opinion, you are just upsetting yourself on Christmas, when these could be addressed at another time.

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Ducki perm banned because she wanted me to unban mullin after I have a word with him. I explained to him what happened, he understood my point of view, and dropped it. I do not understand why you would mention it after the conflict is resolved, oh well.


Another thing, I really don't understand why you talk as if you are much more sophisticated then all of us, and we are all derps or something.



Now to my next problem. Ducki Jr. made a thread himself wishing all of us a merry christmas. It's the holidays, and you have NOTHING to do with moderating the forums, and he did it with only nice intentions. Instead of just saying "Thanks" or saying "happy holidays, but otherworldly already had a thread" , what do you say?

"This thread is pointless as we've already had one exactly like it." It was much easier just to be nice back, as you could tell his intention wasn't anything wrong, why did you have to act in such a pessimistic way? Maybe he didn't see Otherworldly's post, so you could have easily said it in a different way, which is why of cource people thought your posts were douchy.


Anyways, I do agree that guy who called you an A-hole was unneccesary also, I do understand why he said it. You might be annoyed with ducki Jrs posting, this was his christmas post, he was posting 2 video links and a picture he edited, and once again, he had NO wrong intentions, and since you are not forum mod, you do not have to read or moderate it, and can easily ignore it.


So those are my 2 cents on some of the things you said, if you don't agree, feel free to comment back and I'll be happy to respond. In my opinion, you are just upsetting yourself on Christmas, when these could be addressed at another time.


Ducki perm banned because she wanted me to unban mullin after I have a word with him. [/b]I explained to him what happened, he understood my point of view, and dropped it. I do not understand why you would mention it after the conflict is resolved, oh well.


Why didn't she just do a day ban and then asked for you to unban him? Doesn't make any sense at all.



Another thing, I really don't understand why you talk as if you are much more sophisticated then all of us, and we are all derps or something.


Because most of the people on the forums ARE derps, which is one of the factors leading to the creation of this thread.


It's the holidays, and you have NOTHING to do with moderating the forums,


I don't care if it's the holidays, I don't celebrate Christmas. Also, who cares if I'm not a moderator on the forums? My opinion should matter and so should anyone else's.



It was much easier just to be nice back, as you could tell his intention wasn't anything wrong, why did you have to act in such a pessimistic way?


I'm not a pessimistic or optimistic person. I look at things in the middle, I try not to bias any of the things I say and I attempt to not come off douchey. I even stated this in the thread. I'll quote myself.


I'm not trying to be a douche about this but I for one don't want a thousand threads that are exactly alike plaguing the forums.


Maybe he didn't see Otherworldly's post


The time difference between the two thread is literally 4-5 hours. How could he have not seen it?


and since you are not forum mod, you do not have to read or moderate it, and can easily ignore it.


Again, what does being a forum moderator have to do with anything? I simply told everyone what I thought, I don't see the harm in that at all. If I find a thread interesting enough to post in, I'll post in it.


you are just upsetting yourself on Christmas, when these could be addressed at another time.


Once again, I don't celebrate Christmas, and this day has no significance to me.

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1. She didn't know if I'd go online christmas eve, as I normally wouldn't have been but my plans got cancelled.

2. Calling majority of xG derps, and claiming you aren't being douchy is a pretty interesting statement.

3. When someone is being nice, and you can't even see that and just look at the negative side of what they are doing, that would be pessimistic.

4. When you linked otherworldly's post, otherworldly's post was like 6 hours before, and like 7-8 threads down, I didn't even notice it till you mentioned it.

5. There is no harm in what you said, the way you said it was completely unnecessary in alot of people's opinions.

6. You might not celebrate christmas, but most of our clan does, and he was doing it just out of the holiday spirit. You might not have holiday spirit, and there is nothing wrong with that,but you don't have to be rude when he was just being friendly. If you have a free drink on your table from a waiter, and another waiter brings you another complimentary drink, would you complain to him and say "we already have one, leave" with no regard of what he is trying to do? OR would you say at least say thanks for what his intentions are?

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Its not a thousand...its 2...calm down there. And you ARE coming off as a douchetool. Just because u dont celebrate xmas, doesnt mean u have to bash it. Im not jewish, catholic, christian, or any organized religion for that matter, but if someone says "happy holidays", ill at least say "thanks, u 2" not overjoyed, not being an ass♥♥♥♥. Im not trying to start problems, but when someone does something to be nice, dont ♥♥♥♥ on them...

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1. She didn't know if I'd go online christmas eve, as I normally wouldn't have been but my plans got cancelled.

2. Calling everyone derps, and claiming you aren't being douchy is a pretty interesting statement.

3. When someone is being nice, and you can't even see that and just look at the negative side of what they are doing, that would be pessimistic.

4. When you linked otherworldly's post, otherworldly's post was like 6 hours before, and like 7-8 threads down, I didn't even notice it till you mentioned it.

5. There is no harm in what you said, the way you said it was completely unnecessary in alot of people's opinions.

6. You might not celebrate christmas, but most of our clan does, and he was doing it just out of the holiday spirit. You might not have holiday spirit, and there is nothing wrong with that,but you don't have to be rude when he was just being friendly. If you have a free drink on your table from a waiter, and another waiter brings you another complimentary drink, would you complain to him and say "we already have one, leave" with no regard of what he is trying to do? OR would you say at least say thanks for what his intentions are?


1. She didn't know if I'd go online christmas eve, as I normally wouldn't have been but my plans got cancelled.


Oh, so just keep the poor kid banned until you get back.


2. Calling everyone derps, and claiming you aren't being douchy is a pretty interesting statement.


No, I said MOST of the people. The majority of the people that post on the forums are almost always biased and tend to favor one side rather than think rationally.


3. When someone is being nice, and you can't even see that and just look at the negative side of what they are doing, that would be pessimistic.


I know what pessimistic means, you don't have to define it for me. What I said to Duckiijr wasn't negative, I just put it bluntly.


4. When you linked otherworldly's post, otherworldly's post was like 6 hours before, and like 7-8 threads down, I didn't even notice it till you mentioned it.


Why don't people scroll down or use the search function? It's really not that hard.


5. There is no harm in what you said, the way you said it was completely unnecessary in alot of people's opinions.


Again, explain to me how putting things bluntly is unnecessary? I'm not a very emotional guy and I tend to tell people the the truth straight up.


6. You might not celebrate christmas, but most of our clan does, and he was doing it just out of the holiday spirit. You might not have holiday spirit, and there is nothing wrong with that,but you don't have to be rude when he was just being friendly. If you have a free drink on your table from a waiter, and another waiter brings you another complimentary drink, would you complain to him and say "we already have one, leave" with no regard of what he is trying to do? OR would you say at least say thanks for what his intentions are?


Once again, I wasn't being rude. Also, the analogy you used is terrible. It's flawed because what if I was already full to begin with and I didn't want the drink? The same thing goes with the thread, what if I was already sick of seeing threads like it and I didn't want people to mirror it?

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Only ONE person posted a merry christmas thread, AND otherworldy posted it EARLY because he wasn't going to be able to on the day of christmas, so why would ducki jr. see if people posted merry christmas before the actual day of christmas?


Mullin was in the wrong, and did deserve to get punished, which once again, it was resolved, and why do you still talk about his ban? Had nothing to do with you, and we resolved it. Mullin and I talked, why are you still on about it? I'm done responding, your opinions are not straight forward as you think it is, and they are rude in some aspects, but oh well I'll let the community talk. It's christmas, I wanna enjoy the rest of my night. Have a good night sir

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Only ONE person posted a merry christmas thread, AND otherworldy posted it EARLY because he wasn't going to be able to on the day of christmas, so why would ducki jr. see if people posted merry christmas before the actual day of christmas? He was in the wrong, and did deserve to get punished, which once again, it was resolved, and why do you still talk about his ban? Had nothing to do with you, and we resolved it. Mullin and I talked, why are you still on about it? I'm done responding, your opinions are not straight forward as you think it is, and they are rude in some aspects, but oh well I'll let the community talk. It's christmas, I wanna enjoy the rest of my night. Have a good night sir


Fair enough. However, you fail to realize that I was only fed up with Duckiijr's insane amount of useless threads. The incident with the Christmas thread was only the last straw before I said anything to him.


He was in the wrong, and did deserve to get punished, which once again, it was resolved, and why do you still talk about his ban?


Did you read this thread at all? I was disappointed that he got permanently banned for such a stupid reason and I'm sick of people not standing up to authority. If I'm the one who has to, it's fine by me. I don't care if people see me as a douche from now on, I've said what I've needed to say.


Had nothing to do with you, and we resolved it. Mullin and I talked, why are you still on about it?


It may not have anything to do with me but that doesn't mean I can't say anything about it. Also, if you're wondering why I'm still on it, that's like saying "Well, 9/11 happened years ago, why are we still discussing it?"


I'm done responding, your opinions are not straight forward as you think it is, and they are rude in some aspects, but oh well I'll let the community talk. It's christmas, I wanna enjoy the rest of my night. Have a good night sir


I don't care if THIS thread comes off as rude, it's basically a rant.

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