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I just recently read Trifs post, and saw how fast it was closed. It had good intent from both sides, but in the end- was just flamewar with nothing positive coming from it as the end result showed. I do not claim a winner or a loser. Just like to point out the end result of nothing positive.


In regards Id like to make a post about improving and updating.

Mostly this post will have to do with xG and Forums and Jailbreak.


---FIRST---Lets start with basics:

As it was so well said: this clan is a dictatorship:

Wiki defines it something like this: "2.A government controlled by one person, or a small group of people. In this form of government the power rests entirely on the person or group of people, and can be obtained by force or by inheritance. The dictator(s) may also take away much of its peoples' freedom"


I have to say many of us, go into things feeling xG is a democracy.

Wiki defines it something like this: "Democracy in its purest or most ideal form would be a society in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives"


For those of us that go in thinking that logic, and what is right will win. We are dead wrong. Period. Its simply not possible when things are run by dictatorship.

You will have to let that go, and accept it.

A better approach would/will be to try suggest idea's that the few in power can/could agree to. Such things would be those that would have a positive overall effect, that can be done with the amount of effort, those in power are willing to give/allow.


An attacked on those in power has no effect in a dictatorship. An attack on the dictatorship policy has no effect either. Its like reporting silence for nuking us in jailbreak. It has nothing to do with what is right/wrong. Logic is not a factor either. Thus attacks are pointless and immune, with no result.

I talk of those in the highest of power. Not of the lowers- (Mods being a prime example, are not immune, they are like knights and can be destroyed at the kings command, only by the kings will alone. He does not need a reason.)





In general, the most basic of fix we could use in forums is to restrict the flamewars/pointless replies. Its not a new issue, been brought up too many times.

A suggestion would be to, select say 2-3 active volunteers who's job would be: to report people that are just flaming or making pointless replies in a thread and/or remove the flaming/pointless thread and/or impose strikes or restriction to the user that is flaming/pointless posting.


Now I understand we have people looking over forums already. But its alot of work to stop flaming/pointless replies. Theres plenty of people willing to help with only this area, and do most of the work- for free.

Perheps create a 3 strike policy or some policy to help prevent flaming/pointless off subject posts, by showing there will be a result against those doing it.

And find a few volunteers to enforce it, either by listing those that make the offense- so that the higher ups can review and enforce. Or by giving the volunteers the power to do it themselves.

At first there will be ALOT of work and alot of shitstorms about it. But once people see its enforced they will learn to control themselves and the work load will go down rapidly.


Lets be clear, this is not to ban/restrict speech. Its to help remove pointless flaming and pointless posting in threads. To help improve the health of the forums for everyone.

If you reply to a thread it should be ABOUT the thread TOPIC and it should be positive or neutral. Not just a s h i t storm, and trollinlolololing...

A reply can be negative but it should have some sort of reason/form for being negative. Not just " your an effin moron, no one likes u, stfu" or " I like trains."


If the forums could be cleaned up in this way, it would give it a more mature and positive, safe/ productive environment.


It can be done, it will be more work on those in power OR for those volunteers choosen. But the upside/rewards are worth it and positive for everyone that can be easily obtained.

The improvement would help attract more members as well as keep those already here. Also another side effect would be a greater step forward in positive directions. Instead of the constant negative flamewars/trolololing that doesnt move forward in anyway shape or form. We would see a greater amount of threads about positive improvements that will help us grow and expand in positive directions across all subjects/areas.


To put in simply terms, the forums should move us forward in positive/useful way as best as possible while removing all things that would stop/slow it down. (flaming wars / trolling / useless/pointless thread replies, ect ect)



CSS Jailbreak


An easy way to improve the jailbreak server is to improve the MOTD.

There are parts of the MOTD that could use updates, better wording and more details.

Considering the amont of effort that it would take to change the MOTD, this is a very easy fix and would help prevent alot of hassle/work on forums and stress in-game that can lead right to the forums as well.


First, we should have an entire section, related to the MOTD where people may suggest things to add to the motd or remove or update/reword.

Also a section to asks questions about how the MOTD is to be read and understood.


A great example is: Joke day. Triangle game for LR.

Although personally I dont agree to either of the above two because I find them HIGHLY opinionated. Many people still play them without admin approval, and many mods consider them official even though they are not in the MOTD and are considered illegal when they have not been given public admin voice/chat approval.


Another point would be wording in the MOTD thats says: A Mod is the same an Admin approval / A mod = admin. Because I consider them different while others do not. Mod = M, Admin = A

And do they need it to be approved BEFORE the game starts, or can they approve it after its already started, when someone tries to bring up the point of the game never being approved before the game started.


These above questions I ask are the sort of details about MOTD that could help take us into a better direction, understanding and agreement in the future to prevent unnecessary negative consequences.

Right now we end up in alot of crapstorms ingame, that can also spread to forums or even onto another xG server, from all the stress and misunderstanding it can cause.

This just results in more work for mods, admins, and the higher ups. Less work is more. We should go in that direction.



Let us keep what works and improve on that. Let us consider new items to be added to it, while removing or fixing those that need help.

In this way we can all benifit from the rewards of a positive step forward.




I would like to thank those that put hours/work in to try to improve things in a positive direction while not being paid for the effort they do.

Also if my words did not make it clear. I would like to say this is not a negative attack against anyone/anything or any form. My intention is to help, that is my only intention.

And last of all, please do not reply to this thread if you have nothing positive to add or meaningful, please do not post pointless replies that do not relate to what I have said.

I would ask the person/people in charge of forums to remove these types of replies.


Again please only reply to what I have wrote above in a useful manner.


Thank you for reading!

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Don't like flamewar threads? Don't read 'em! I don't read them, and i'm fine with them being there! Ba ha ha ha haaaaa!

But nah really dat ♥♥♥♥ is da dumbest fo real.


I also don't think there is a problem with the motd as much as there is a problem with people not reading the motd. Mods/admins just need to clear up things AT THE TIME IT IS HAPPENING in the server. Pyro mutes/unmutes himself to clear things up all the time, and it's GREAT. EVERY warday he is stating that there is no LR when it comes to the last T. Other mods+ should be doing that for everything, including games like piranha and duckhunt. Although if it is needed, I may be able to rewrite the MOTD. (Some people could say that I have a way with words. I know how to explain ♥♥♥♥ but keep it short and simple. Badabingbadaboom AWWSHITTT)

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I just recently read Trifs post, and saw how fast it was closed. It had good intent from both sides, but in the end- was just flamewar with nothing positive coming from it as the end result showed. I do not claim a winner or a loser. Just like to point out the end result of nothing positive.


In regards Id like to make a post about improving and updating.

Mostly this post will have to do with xG and Forums and Jailbreak.


---FIRST---Lets start with basics:

As it was so well said: this clan is a dictatorship:

Wiki defines it something like this: "2.A government controlled by one person, or a small group of people. In this form of government the power rests entirely on the person or group of people, and can be obtained by force or by inheritance. The dictator(s) may also take away much of its peoples' freedom"


I have to say many of us, go into things feeling xG is a democracy.

Wiki defines it something like this: "Democracy in its purest or most ideal form would be a society in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives"


For those of us that go in thinking that logic, and what is right will win. We are dead wrong. Period. Its simply not possible when things are run by dictatorship.

You will have to let that go, and accept it.

A better approach would/will be to try suggest idea's that the few in power can/could agree to. Such things would be those that would have a positive overall effect, that can be done with the amount of effort, those in power are willing to give/allow.


An attacked on those in power has no effect in a dictatorship. An attack on the dictatorship policy has no effect either. Its like reporting silence for nuking us in jailbreak. It has nothing to do with what is right/wrong. Logic is not a factor either. Thus attacks are pointless and immune, with no result.

I talk of those in the highest of power. Not of the lowers- (Mods being a prime example, are not immune, they are like knights and can be destroyed at the kings command, only by the kings will alone. He does not need a reason.)


On major decisions, the members always have a say on what will happen. If most of the members do not want something,(like tazers), then that something will be removed/won't happen. We won't keep something just cause we like it, if we did that then there would be only us playing.





In general, the most basic of fix we could use in forums is to restrict the flamewars/pointless replies. Its not a new issue, been brought up too many times.

A suggestion would be to, select say 2-3 active volunteers who's job would be: to report people that are just flaming or making pointless replies in a thread and/or remove the flaming/pointless thread and/or impose strikes or restriction to the user that is flaming/pointless posting.


Now I understand we have people looking over forums already. But its alot of work to stop flaming/pointless replies. Theres plenty of people willing to help with only this area, and do most of the work- for free.

Perheps create a 3 strike policy or some policy to help prevent flaming/pointless off subject posts, by showing there will be a result against those doing it.

And find a few volunteers to enforce it, either by listing those that make the offense- so that the higher ups can review and enforce. Or by giving the volunteers the power to do it themselves.

At first there will be ALOT of work and alot of shitstorms about it. But once people see its enforced they will learn to control themselves and the work load will go down rapidly.


Lets be clear, this is not to ban/restrict speech. Its to help remove pointless flaming and pointless posting in threads. To help improve the health of the forums for everyone.

If you reply to a thread it should be ABOUT the thread TOPIC and it should be positive or neutral. Not just a s h i t storm, and trollinlolololing...

A reply can be negative but it should have some sort of reason/form for being negative. Not just " your an effin moron, no one likes u, stfu" or " I like trains."


If the forums could be cleaned up in this way, it would give it a more mature and positive, safe/ productive environment.


It can be done, it will be more work on those in power OR for those volunteers choosen. But the upside/rewards are worth it and positive for everyone that can be easily obtained.

The improvement would help attract more members as well as keep those already here. Also another side effect would be a greater step forward in positive directions. Instead of the constant negative flamewars/trolololing that doesnt move forward in anyway shape or form. We would see a greater amount of threads about positive improvements that will help us grow and expand in positive directions across all subjects/areas.


To put in simply terms, the forums should move us forward in positive/useful way as best as possible while removing all things that would stop/slow it down. (flaming wars / trolling / useless/pointless thread replies, ect ect)

There's about 6 forum mods, and that's all we need. Members do report useless threads/posts and are definitely encouraged to. About the policy, if someone is flaming too much then they will be forum banned. That's how it's been. If someone has good intentions but it seems pointless, then there's really no harm in that. If someone is posting stuff like "Lol dude you should go kill yourself irl." or ♥♥♥♥ like that, there will be action taken.



CSS Jailbreak


An easy way to improve the jailbreak server is to improve the MOTD.

There are parts of the MOTD that could use updates, better wording and more details.

Considering the amont of effort that it would take to change the MOTD, this is a very easy fix and would help prevent alot of hassle/work on forums and stress in-game that can lead right to the forums as well.


First, we should have an entire section, related to the MOTD where people may suggest things to add to the motd or remove or update/reword.

Also a section to asks questions about how the MOTD is to be read and understood.


A great example is: Joke day. Triangle game for LR.

Although personally I dont agree to either of the above two because I find them HIGHLY opinionated. Many people still play them without admin approval, and many mods consider them official even though they are not in the MOTD and are considered illegal when they have not been given public admin voice/chat approval.


Another point would be wording in the MOTD thats says: A Mod is the same an Admin approval / A mod = admin. Because I consider them different while others do not. Mod = M, Admin = A

And do they need it to be approved BEFORE the game starts, or can they approve it after its already started, when someone tries to bring up the point of the game never being approved before the game started.


These above questions I ask are the sort of details about MOTD that could help take us into a better direction, understanding and agreement in the future to prevent unnecessary negative consequences.

Right now we end up in alot of crapstorms ingame, that can also spread to forums or even onto another xG server, from all the stress and misunderstanding it can cause.

This just results in more work for mods, admins, and the higher ups. Less work is more. We should go in that direction.



Let us keep what works and improve on that. Let us consider new items to be added to it, while removing or fixing those that need help.

In this way we can all benifit from the rewards of a positive step forward.


If someone has a question about the motd then they should ask a mod+. There is a suggestion thread someone but I don't remember which subforum it's in. What you said about Joke Day and Triangle Game are true and I'll see about that later. The motd does need some fixing up, imo. A mod approval is the same as an admin approval, but if an admin disapproves while a mod approves, the admins voice is stronger than the mods and the game is illegal.

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Besides the motd is full if i remember, If we were to add more rules and more detail about mods and such it will make it worst because there is a limit of words that can fit into 1 motd.

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+1 I think jill is right not trying to go against anyone but he makes a good point and duckii I think you are being stubborn about what people have to say its a suggestion and you down it like its a ♥♥♥♥ suggestion which its not at all sure some of it shouldnt be that way but your like nope nope nope nope.

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Theres plenty of people willing to help with only this area, and do most of the work- for free.

The thing about forum mods is that they are able to know the password and username of everyone on forums, I wouldn't trust all that information to anyone


I do belive the MOTD needs to clear up some things.


One question, what's going to happen with the wardays?

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Youre right, it is a dictatorship. But guess what? You dont pay to host the servers, forums, or teamspeak. Look at it this way, xG is a company and Silence has a majority share of the stock so he makes the more important decisions.

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I do belive the MOTD needs to clear up some things.


One question, what's going to happen with the wardays?


I talked to Duckii and the MOTD is going to be edited a bit with, including wardays

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Jaybreeze- my intent was for people to understand the way things are run. Many people come in thinking its a democracy, then become very upset and hurt by it. As if it was personal in some level against them, when it never was to start. They just never knew what was going on.

If they can understand this fact, they can have a better result on a realistic expectation from xG.


Heres part of my quote in an attempt for them to accept and understand while at the same time suggesting a positive step they can do.

--------"You will have to let that go, and accept it.

A better approach would/will be to try suggest idea's that the few in power can/could agree to. Such things would be those that would have a positive overall effect, that can be done with the amount of effort, those in power are willing to give/allow."-------


Jaybreeze its sounds as if I offended you. I would like for you to know that wasnt my intent. And I hope this better explains what I was trying to say when I first posted.

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Youre right, it is a dictatorship. But guess what? You dont pay to host the servers, forums, or teamspeak. Look at it this way, xG is a company and Silence has a majority share of the stock so he makes the more important decisions.




find the Q ^^

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