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Imma just bring this up. Everytime Xavien is a ♥♥♥♥♥ to me I am always told the exact same thing "Oh something probably happened to him today thats why" No. It cannot always be that reason each time he's a ♥♥♥♥. Xavien is a good guy but he can big a complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weather he is having personal problems or not. He needs to learn from his mistakes like everyone else. In my opinion this was completely unacceptable. Duke was not even doing anything to xavien... Xavien gets away with a lot andnever really gets punishment probably cuz there so many fanboys lmao. and plus he even +1d his own protest.

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Isaac you're ego is so large, you have to put your own insecurities onto other people. Putting your own personal feelings aside, have I really been that bad for Xeno. Like Isaac have you ever thought that maybe your just wrong? At least I can own up for my own stuff like right now for instance, but you just make it seem like your just so god damn innocent in the world is just ridiculous. Also btw there's a difference between fan boys and asking for votes.

Like at least I know I'm mean, you just pretend to be a god damn victim all the time. Don't think I'm just being cruel thinking I'm the only one who thinks this, look around. And Like where are you guys getting this personal problem stuff? I never say that, ever. and you say I do all this ♥♥♥♥, subtract the duke thing and the time i said the N word 6 times, and when have done I anything bad? Its like you guys need some one to blame all the time, have you ever thought you're the problem. Good job.

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DuckiiJr, I don't want to be offensive.


But think about how many fans you have and how many people dislike you in the clan. You can't really say he hasn't gone unpunished because of having fanboys because there is a lot of ♥♥♥♥ people get away with besides Xavien, in more serious matters too.


And once again MAY I REMIND YOU ALL that this evidence is BIASED?

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Carissimi, your beautiful alright?



And once again MAY I REMIND YOU ALL that this evidence is BIASED?

Theeeeese 10charlimitsomehow

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Many others have had a third, and even a fourth chance. Less loyal than Xavien, and didn't do ♥♥♥♥ to contribute.


Lawd at this. So we basically have to give an equal number of chances to everyone as whoever has had the most chances in the past? Good call.



From reading the messages, it went way too far. Now, I'm GOING to assume that duke stated his distaste towards xavien's comments. In which case, what the ♥♥♥♥ bud. Just, no. Otherwise, not a lot of sympathy there.


Also, we're in a clan together, guys. This is kind of pathetic. On the one hand, from what I understand of the situation, duke you could have assumed that xavien was either failing to troll or just being a moron in the first place. Not much to be utterly offended by. Though the extremity that it reached was ALSO not needed. All over something that really didn't need to go to this extent.


It almost seems that we're more prone to getting into disputes with people within the clan than ones with one clan member to a non-member; a depressing lack of unity, brotherhood and comradeship (is that even a word?) within the clan.


I'm also going to throw out the fact that people go on the internet and play games to unwind. This kind of crap really isn't helping anyone.


Changed my mind. -1. This is all just really stupid. Some sort of action against anyone happening as a result wouldn't even begin to change things.

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i hate when we have problems within our own clan -.-

this community should be one of the best communities out there -.-

if u have a problem solve it between each other or learn to ignore others....

this just gives a bad name to the clan when we see members of the same clan fighting over this

if u 2 have a problem either solve it individually or ignore and never talk to each other

0 from me ( dont want either duke or xavien getting mad at me as i like them both equally).

shake n bacon : U STOLE WAT I WANTED TO SAY!

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+1 to unban netex, amiright?


Now, on topic; I like to lick my finger, press it to my butthole, and make it sizzle.


Now, slightly more on topic; Everyone here is wrong, because I am more superior to all of you.


Jokes. What Trif said is EXACTLY correct. Xavien is the nicest person in this game, imo. Whenever I join game he ALWAYS says "Hey josh, you're beautiful" He never disrespects people unless he gets disrespected first. I'm guessing because the WHOLE convo wasn't posted, duke said something, and xavien just retaliated. Xavien imo, is the best moderator there is. He's active, knows rules inside out (as well as most mods+) & everyone, or atleast most people enjoy talking with him.


Duke, you and me are great friends, in this game. I remember the first time I played the game with you, it was on lunar. It was like 10ish people on. I was warden, and you wwere like "her di dupr de durp, I'm cute", and I liked you. I told you to apply for xG, and I helped you get into it. I'm glad you got into xG, and I hope you stay in for a while. Also I hope you get moderator because I think you'll be a great asset. (Promoting duke to be mod? I think so.) You and me became good friends, even though you were a poop face<33 Buut I know you, and I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt someone unless they did something to you first, but that's the same with xavien. I'm not +1ing, nor am I -1ing. Because I don't see any proof of you NOT saying anything, and I don't see anything about xavien doing something that wouldn't cause him to retaliate...


tl;dr: Neither duke, nor xavien are correct here, and duke & xavien are both cute<3

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-1, This is getting out of control, nothing but flamewars and shitstorms. Stop the fighting already, it's ridiculous. All I see in this thread is Fanboys vs Fanboys. This did not need to be made public, also, it's the internet guys. Chill.

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this is LIGHT name calling at most, but then u took it too facebook, that went a little far... duke


and c'mon comparing him to netex, wtf... carrisma whatever her name is compared me to netex lol, NO ONE IN XG IS EVEN AS BAD A NETEX


and duke u tend to start stuff and u get mad easily, but then u said go on ts3 and im cool well no one gives a flying ♥♥♥♥, when u get mad u take it out on jb




ITS LIKE WW1 where britian cut the cord with our commincation with Germany, WE NEVER GOT THE GERMANS SIDE IF THE STORY SO IT MADE GERMANY LOOK LIKE THE BAD GUYS...


why dont u show us the whole story?

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