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Farewell all of my friends. I have started to feel like very many people no longer want me here. Tired of getting yelled at and shit for stupid things. I have always tried to be nice and everything. Many of you are still great friends to me and I appreciate that thank you. However many of you seem to have a problem with me now. I don't really understand why. Guess it is just best for me to leave now. I also apologize for not being as active recently. I was trying to take a break from dealing with people and crap. Someone else deserves to replace me, my admin I mean. I am not going to delete any of you I like all you guys. Your very much like a family to me.


History of the duck (might be pointless crap in here that nobody cares about but hell):


I joined Xenogamers December 20th,2010. Before even joining xG though I played on 1 of my brothers accounts and joined a clan called Titties N' Beer. I remember the very first day of playing on xG. Silence was there and cock(y) blaster and few others. Silence was playing some recording of a kid going “hey hey hey it's bill cosby want some jello puddin” and I am like “I like these people!” I didn't have a mic at the time so I had to type everything. Back then my name was Siberian21. The 2nd day playing on the jailbreak server cock(y) and silence were making me laugh and it was super fun so I wanted to join. Cock(y) Blaster was the one who let me into xG. Weeks after I met someone who is still one of my greatest friends ever Duckii.


I also met Trollface (syn) he was a co leader at the time and a damn good one too. At times he was an ass and pissed me off, but he did it to get shit doneee. When things started going down with trollface I almost came along with him, but decided to stay with xG.


In early march 2011 me and Duckii were playing minigames alone and I really wanted to be her jr so I simply asked if I could be her jr and she said sure! So that is how I became DuckiiJr and I have been her jr for a year now ^_^ and very happy to still be DuckiiJr. Also that month is when I first became a mod :). I was super surprised that I got mod at the time because, believe it or not, I had pretty much no forum posts and never went on forums. Plus it was pretty rare for people with no mic to get mod (still had no mic at the time).


My brain is kind of fried right now I can't really think of anything else to put up lol. There is one last thing. Not long a go I met another great person, and one of the nicest you could meet, Wolfy. She has been an amazing friend to me. More of a friend than anyone has been to me in years. Because of her I have actually been more happy recently which I would think is a good thing haha. Plus me and Duckii have started to talk a lot more ^.^. So thank you wolfy so much love yuuu.


There is a good list full of people that I would also like to thank. People who have been great friends to me (hope I don't embarrass any of you):


Admiral Snackbar your seriously like a brother too me man keep in touch. Rabid your also like a brother to me and you always make me laugh hardcore when I am down lol. Jaybreeze, yes I am including 'Uncle Jay'. I have no idea why, but yeah xD I mean he's an drunk ass but damn cool and has kinda been a friend to me. SGTBLU I would like to thank you sgtblu even though I am pretty sure you also hate me now for some reason. We have had some deep conversations bro. Serbian you I consider one of my greatest friends. You have always been so nice to me and caring. You have seriously been a friend to me more than you can imagine. And keep up the great work as co-leader! HudsonJr. You have also been very nice to me, a great friend thank you. I very much enjoy talking to you so keep in contact haha. Otherworldly you have been very helpful to me and very kind. Although every time I talk to you my brain feels like it's being raped lmao. Chrono fatty. That is all. Floodles you are definitely considered one of my greatest/truest friends. You have been there for me an awful lot and shit XD. We have had some great conversations my friend! You always seem willing to help out and stuff. So I huge thank you to you! Rain thank you for being a good friend you have always been nice to me you rich bish XD. Pyro I can't forget my own cousin pyro x3. Thank you for being really caring. Your always fun to talk to lol. Keep up the great work on division leader! :D Papichulo you been like a bro to me. Always been pretty chill and nice haha. Keep it up on division leader ^.^. Smokeyyy basically the same as Papi to you XD. You always kept me informed on things and stuff :p. Kelly I really don't even know lmao. Fucked up times Kelly! But also really fun times. Thank you for always being nice to me and stuff. DuckiiSr your always fun to play with and talk to. I thank you for being so caring and nice to me ^_^. Lissa(carsn!) Some tough time with you lol. But you always backed me up when I was in trouble. You been there for me a lot thanks man. And last but not least! Aegean you sir I certainly count as one of my greatest friends. You have always felt like a brother to me for sure. Thank you for backing me up all those times when I was in trouble. Thank you for caring and being so nice. You made me feel super welcome in xG.


Almost forgot one more person, Darkenlight thank you for being a good friend to me. I enjoy talking to you and everything. Your one of the few who seem to chat with me everyday and one of the only people who message me first before I message them first.


I will most likely still go on teamspeak and maybe every so often the servers. I also might post still every now and then on forums. As I said before I am not going to delete any of you, but I understand if you delete me I guess. It has been a harsh time in xG, but it has also been a really great time in xG. Who knows maybe in the future I might decide to come back, but for now I guess I shouldn't be here. Farewell my friends <3



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I respect your decision, and I'll always love you Isaac <3.


You're one my best friends nowadays, I suppose. You've always been a good guy and I've never really seen you being mean (unless I asked you to :p). Good luck.


Oh, and damn reading that gave me a headache.

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damn duckiijr, sucks that ur leaving, but if its what u want to do, u go ahead and do it. hopefully u decide to come back in the future if u think its right for u, ill be seeing u around on the servers and teamspeak though

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Me hearing from people that one day on teamspeak about you leaving made me sad and scared. A. Because I thought you killed yourself ,because of what Skyler showed me what you did before you left and didn't come back online for at least a whole day B. YOU LEFT ARE YOU MAD! After giving you a stern talking about what you are doing was well paid off but, I guess it just postponed the inevitable. You didn't include me to the list which in my eyes thank god because I couldn't stand one more sentence before I would burst out in tears, but I guess I was not nice to you, I think, I never really talked to you before that one time. A whole bunch of people are resigning and you another oldie will leave along with many others, I hope you decide to come back someday,

For right now I'll be waiting for the day...

So long Isaac...



P.S. - I never understood how you felt about this clan and Duckii truly but now I think I do. You loved them both and you would put yourself on the line for her and this clan. I know it might sound weird from me saying you loved her but you did and I had no problem with this you were her Jr even though it was a little odd. Can you ever forgive my cruelty to you (If any because I don't even remember anything) and finally Isaac you don't deserve any of this torment from people even if you do say you do which I never understood how. You are always welcome here in my book.

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I swear to god if you don't say this is a joke, I will call your mother and tell her to ground you from PC until you decide to come back. >:| i'm not kidding, i got her number the other day while we were texting eachother on your pho--- er....


don't you dare make me go sit in a corner and cry... you are really the only person here who i have been able to have dem personal talks with who hasn't been a faggot about it at any point.

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Haha I never hated you! How could I POSSIBLY hate you? It sickens me to thing about it! I'm sorry for the times I have been a dick to you, its just the times you have been in my ts3 channel, I wasn't in a good mood, lol.

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Holy shit, the first properly written farewell letter I've seen, and Jesus Christ Almighty is that shit organized!?


I mean, look at that farewell letter! He could be the next George Washington up this shit man.


Anyway, later Duckii Jr. hope I see you on the servers.


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