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So basically yesterday I got banned for many reasons but mostly concerning trolling. Why am I here you may ask? I really want to be unbanned. The reason I think I got banned because I really was never informed was because of me trolling. I think I speak for everyone when I say when I was "trolling" at times I added a little entertainment to the server. Trolling isn't what I honestly meant to do and when I say trolling I mean hurting people verbally. My goal was just to make the server a little less same old for me and some other people. Also, my opinion on my "harassing" case was really stupid. For those who don't know I was harassing Megan and honestly she seemed chill and cool about it no hard feelings. I don't know if that's how she actually felt but she told Carsn she didn't care that much. Regarding the spray I did NOT make the spray for those who are wondering that was MagikBanana. I would never go that far with joking around. I just really hope I can be unbanned I have had fun on this server and I enjoyed playing RPG Surf.

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I agree since his record is clean i really think the ban is pretty unfair check bans and you can see total bans are just 1 which is the perma ban so yeah I think he should be unbanned.

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So what youre saying is that you have rarely been told that you have been trolling for the last month?


That by trolling you added entertainment to the server by making fun of people and using offensive language?


And last, that because no one responds to you trolling them, its ok to continue even tho its still rude and disrespectful?


And Scary, just because a person hasnt been banned before doesnt mean they dont deserve it. Its like saying that a serial killer can kill 20 people because he hasnt done it before.


-1 for the ban appeal.

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You are correct I have been told many times I was trolling but honestly I haven't made fun of that many people except the people that start to throw shit at me. Stego right now in RPG is it as fun as when it was when me and Carsn were playing?

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I would have to say a lot better. Im not saying this to insult you in any way, but it is quieter, there is less mic spam, less people are fighting, and people joke around and have just as much fun as when you were there if not more.


Pro Tip: Just because people are laughing and haveing a fun time when you are on or talking, doesnt mean it is 100% because of you.

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People with multi bipolar disorder can kill people and get away with it since that have more than one personality so they get put into an institution so they can get away with murder just saying

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Every time I've played with Mr.Sponge, it has been an enjoyable experience and infact he helped prolong my stay on the server many times. Even though my opinion doesn't matter since I'm not an xg member I feel that stego has taken things way out of line and in order to fufil a personal agenda, had him banned.

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+1 I think Sponge should be unbanned. Yes, he was trolling and he even admitted it. We all know he was but i think he wasn't trying to be harmful just more of an entertainer. I know that when sponge is on (or Carsn) it has made me stay on the server longer because they are funny. Also, stego your my friend but i think you where going out of your way "as i am quoting the bear" to fulfill your personal agenda and getting Spongeboob banned (also Carsn) So i believe he should be unbanned.

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Since you have been banned alongside carsN, I am a little prejudice of your nature. That being said, I believe you should remained banned, but not permanently. You should have your ban time reduced to a minimum of two weeks, instead of your current time. This way, you are given time to reconsider what you have done, with the goal of being able to play on our servers again.


+1 on the unban request, provided his ban length is shorten to two weeks.

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I'm conflicted to be honest. Megan may never have said anything to you personally but she told me plenty about you. And none of it very good. Megan is my friend and has never lied to me. And my proof in my ban request of you actually proved it all true what she said. You harassing her. Saying stuff that made her uncomfortable and over all troll stuff. Now Megan is a very nice girl and honestly doesn't care this way or that (I'm assuming based on our chats) because she can't hold grudges at all. But I take offence that someone would do such things to a nice girl who won't even tell you that what you are saying is bothering her, so I spoke for her.


I guess what I am trying to say is, -1 to an unban because all the reasons are founded and just.



(Plus she was very upset about the pictures thing and what happened is not cool at all)

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I believe that telling people things upset me just kind of provokes it. It's like saying "hey dont look over here" everyone looks. I believe I have asked you folk to stop once in a while but mainly I ignored it or gave short answers.


I think the picture thing was rather silly. Not only did I ask carsn not to go spreading my picture around with no glasses but after he got the one with pink ish hair he purposely spread it around to folk, or so Silence tells me. I know this hardly has to do with you Spongeboob, the main problem I had with you was when you were fake masturbating to it? That was a bit gross, and you were just being a bit annoying. I can't pin point how you trolled and I know that does not seem so good for my cause it's just you did somethings that were uncalled for.


I was hoping if I ignored the picture ordeal it would die down but it got worse so I asked Stego what to do and he recorded and got you baned. ^^;

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Thank you Cookie for pointing out the main fact in the xG clan. If you have a vagina you are the fucken shit in the clan. Let's say this wasn't Megan we were talking about let's say it was another guy for instance Stego. We talk so much shit to Stego but yet I hear nothing coming out of anyones mouth except from him. But, if I say one bad thing to a girl I get fucken banned. Plus, the "proof" of yours is really not big proof honestly what was I saying in those demo's that has anything to do with harrasment and/or trolling all I heard was SithSaber screaming about her "butt cheeks" but there I guess you know since YOU uploaded it, It must be 911 all over again right?


---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------


Honestly all the picture things should be traced back to MagikBanana because he took it upon himself to make that spray and post it everywhere. But, how did that honest and truthfully affect you when I said I was fapping to it? You knew it was a joke and I say that ALOT and you called that uncalled for? Come on Megan.

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    Hopps you get a gold star ⭐ Caribou