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Abortion, Y/N?

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Alright this might stir up a reckoning but I felt like asking. You might find this hard to believe but I actually once got in an argument so heated about it, that the opposition actually punched me in the face (And she hits hard, believe me). Her point was that all life should be valued and that a couple shouldn't be having unprotected sex anyways.


My counter-argument was that people make mistakes, that some people just aren't ready. I said that it should be acceptable to a certain extent, for example:


- The mother/family isn't ready

- Isn't financially possible



But getting say five abortions after having so much intercourse should be restricted. Again her point is that an unborn baby is still a living, and shouldn't be stopped from enjoying life. Which spawns another typical debate of one side never giving way to the other (In a way I do agree with her, I just don't agree 100%).


So what do you guys think? Do you support Abortion? Do you think it's wrong?

Bring whatever views you may have. (Religious, scientific, cultural, etc.) Just don't flame each other. :)

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I only support abortion if it's for a rape victim or the woman is too young/not financially prepared. If a hooker or some slut gets pregnant she should have the kid because she knew what she was getting into.


If you don't feel bad for killing a bug, you don't feel bad for killing a fetus.

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I support abortions for a few reasons-

A doctor is better than a coathanger. If abortions ever became a illegal it would resort back to this.

Its the couples who decide to get the abortion i dont get why people bother with other peoples buisness. But also i hate all the christians who complain about it. It seems they care more about thousands of cells they call a human but instead the ones that are alive and suffering.

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Unless you are an idiot and just say "OH I'LL HAVE SEX AND KILL IT LATER."


Just being plain stupid and knowing your situation makes me say no.

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IF you don't want an abortion, don't get one. If you do, that your choice.


That's my opinion.


While I do agree, some people can easily turn that around and say something like "Oh so you support suicide too?".

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I believe abortion is wrong. This is because I think that there will always be someone in the world that will take care of a child rather than have you kill him/her.

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I think it depends if we can determine at what point life begins. But then we would have to define human life, which would be another issue in itself.


I say, if a woman is past the point in her pregnancy that we can consider the baby a human life then no. But obviously that would be a very difficult thing to determine.

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I'm pro-choice simply because if you take the freedoms away from the people that America is soley built on then what's next? We have the right to choose what happens to our bodies and blah blah blah. I don't particularly like the idea of abortions though but I still believe in the right to make our own choices. But there's the argument of just giving up the baby for adoption once it's born and allowing it to live its life and I have no idea what the counter-argument would be for that. Simply comes down to our freedoms to allow us to make our own choices. The reason that this is such a hot topic in America is because of all the Christians and their beliefs that they will so willingly shove down your throat. A country shouldn't be run by the religious beliefs of its majorit, especially such a diverse country like the US

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I think we need to regulate penises. And ONLY penises. Oh, let's also restrict the availability of resources available for men, and force men to get a psychological screening before they have sex. Every time. Now, I concede that pregnancy and sex are two different things, yes, but in context of the genders at hand, if men can't control the location in which their dicks are inserted, then it's no different than women being able to control their ovaries. Obviously. It's not like they're forced to ejaculate or even knowingly do. Therefore, let's have government screw with the personal lives of all men, and make their lives tougher overall.


On a serious note, my favorite argument for abortion is the one present by Steven Levitt, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and author of Freakonomics. If you've read the book, then you would know of the Donohue-Levitt Hypothesis which is the theory that legalized abortion contributed significantly to the falling crime rates in the 90s, which if you are from the USA, was a huge deal as many economists and sociologists were predicting "blood in the streets" during that same time period due to the rise of cocaine and crack and the crimes that came with it in the 80s. Now, correlation does not imply causation, which is a fundamental rule in statistics. However, a correlation can be a good indicator of a contributing variable among several other ones. Anyways, the main argument Professor Levitt offers is this: that mothers knew the situations they got themselves into, and took the responsible response and aborted their fetuses. Although disgusting, it is true that the majority of crime occurs in areas of poor, ethnic, urban neighborhoods, which also have women whose children will be more susceptible to crime due to these poor conditions. By aborting their children, oftentimes the mother-to-be were making a conscientious and logical decision to better themselves, and also to prevent their child from experiencing the horrors of reality. It's not about preventing the death of some future "Beethoven" or "Steve Jobs," but about true parenting and sacrifice. This is, in its own way, beautiful, and no government regulation should stand between a woman and her own difficult decision.

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I am pro choice, although it is my personal opinion that if you are financially capable you should have the child as long as its not a special circumstance(like rape ect).

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Um, excuse me! But we already have way too many humans running around the Earth. If no one is going to value these unwanted babies then good riddance! In fact, it's getting pretty bad out there and we should start considering some really late-term 'abortions'.

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I think that If it was unprotected sex that caused it, then you should have to keep the baby. If the condom broke, you must provide the condom at the abortion clinic and show the break.

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