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As for Jake you comment

^Didn't feel like quoting that giant wall of text, but basically :

I obey the rules when the server is full. When it's just me and a few other buddies of mine, obviously i'm just trying to have fun. And no, I won't let your little demos and big words stop me or the people in the server from enjoying themselves, sorry. *THIS IS THE POINT IN PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. YOU KNOW, HAVING FUN?*

I'd also like to point out that in the last paragraph of that post he said he'll troll and disrespect mods constantly whenever in the server. Request for clan removal?

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Blow it out your ass jake, you are a moron. It does not matter whether the server is full or empty you are a moderator who is expected to follow rules at all times. here let's say it again since you seem not understand


No where did i say i would troll or disrespect mods. you just think you can twist my words so let me give it a try with some of your.


Basically what you are saying is as a mod it is ok for you to dictate when and how you will follow rules?

Your saying because there are only 12 ppl on a server that it's ok for you to ignore rules and approach the game how you see fit as long as you are having fun lol what a moron. next you will try to abuse admin and claim disrespect agianst me for posting in forums like half the mods that abuse and never think ppl will report or catch their mistake. lol I'll look forward to being in game recording for your next big act. But let you know I can trash talk you all i want on forums with in reason and you have no power or pull for this part of the clan and you can't punish me for shit said here to you tho i really hope you will try. Just get used to the fact you cant fuck with MajorB.


Quote from EZ-KILL

Also, major, I want you to know, my had nothing personal with you or anything that's happened between us, & I know you & I have a history, but that does NOT influence my decision. Just, I need to see a more in-game improvement from you. As for the forums, what you say here, is mostly good & true.



EZ you know me and you are straight, I jsut cant stand some of the ppl in the clan who think they run shit here after only being here for 3 months or so and they think they and push around anyone who isnt a moderator or because they have it they can have more pull in the clan when in fact they are the ones who can be replaced and should be on egg shells worried if ole B is gonna catch them fucking up since the mods that do their jobs correctly never get pointed out only the bad ones do ( JAKE or DRIZZY). And you also know EZ i dont bitch unless someone in xG does something wrong, or bashes me then usually I lay into them and they get upset and cry disrespect or w/e the cry babies claim 99% of the time,because i wont stop and usually i end up showing the higher-ups the proof of those so called good mods that turn out to be trash (jake). Ez you should of warned them not to mess with MajorB unless they are ready for a battle. because i dc how many ppl try to bash me you guys wont win


MINECRACK is a moron who half the time isnt good for anything other then rebelling which on a side note he is decent at and makes the game fun as a CT, But other then that you are completely and utterly stupid if you dont think i ever slay myself you try to use 1 situation where i was in the right against me lol GROW UP CLOWN I slay myself half the time even when im not wrong jsut to keep ppl from crying like you who rebel and die and claim freekill like a bitch would.

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^Didn't feel like quoting that giant wall of text, but basically :

I obey the rules when the server is full. When it's just me and a few other buddies of mine, obviously i'm just trying to have fun.


...Seriously? I don't think you have grounds to criticize him based on this. Part of being a mod is upholding the rules AT ALL TIMES, not just when you need to cover your ass.

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ShakeNBake's comment +1

Part of being a mod is upholding the rules AT ALL TIMES, not just when you need to cover your ass.

<---- because jake thinks it's just when he has to cover his ass


JAKE's Comment

I obey the rules when the server is full. When it's just me and a few other buddies of mine, obviously i'm just trying to have fun. -1 <-- the clown admits he doesnt follow rules.



BTW ADMIN CLOSE THIS THREAD, I'll apply after promotion and demotion week.

Let's only hope for jake sake i forget about it and decide to not post demos. I rather not have him thinking im out to get him, im just pointing out your not in charge and your not untouchable and people will be watching your actions so tighten you shit up atleast when im around and I'll move on to the next mod who fucks up remember we are suspose to be making make the clan better not bash ppl but make sure to stand your ground on an issue just because i cuss back or point things out does not mean i hate you. I just expect more from mods

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Unfortunately, I never said I don't follow the rules when the server has less people in it. I simply implied i'm a bit more lenient when it comes to shit like the structure of the day. I'm not gonna get on someone for pardoning a few people who fucked up the afk check and call it "favoritism" when there are seven people in the server.

I don't know what kind of "battle" you think we're in, but it's sad and childish. I honestly don't believe you'd do good with mod, not anything personal against you.

Seriously, can't you handle a little criticism?

If anything, I wouldn't admit to being more lenient on anything if I was "trying to cover my ass".

I earned my mod because one of the co-leaders trusted I would do good with it. He can be the judge if being honest and up front makes me a bad mod. You can continue to "trash" me or whatever you think you're doing, I will not be responding to this thread again.

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Blow it out your ass jake, you are a moron.


we are suspose to be making make the clan better not bash ppl

*Clap clap clap*


Ez you should of warned them not to mess with MajorB unless they are ready for a battle. because i dc how many ppl try to bash me you guys wont win


tighten you shit up atleast when im around

Self Centered not caring about others.



MINECRACK is a moron who half the time isnt good for anything


you are completely and utterly stupid




Amazing work done by MajorB. I don't like to hate but a lot of us are just saying we don't want you as mod.


I just expect more from mods

We expect more from members. All you do is insult, disrespect, and argue with people when it's not going your way. It is not all about you, this is why we have a community. You are not representing xG well at all but these are my opinions. If you bash me because of my opinions, it shows that you are really immature and not fit to be a moderator.

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MajorB . I'm starting to think you are out to get people. I found it a little exaggerated that you said to not mess with you unless you're ready for battle...? You need to calm down. If you have a demo then post it or show other people that can do something. Don't just say you have demos and then not post it. And you do know how to quote correctly right

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LMAO exactly dont fucking run your mouth and then try ot act high and mighty, you are a fucking retard if you think im gonna say im sorry to you or any other xG member. You will not sit on the threads and talk down to me and then expect me to not come here and do the same, and then you try to point a finger at me for comments i made lol get over yourself and off the dick you rode in on. Turd I wont bash you for your opinions, you are entitled to them but if others want to blame me for things i do in game and hold them over my head ( WITH NO PROOF REMIND YOU) and then on top -1 me with out a respective reason to how to improve, you can fuck off as well. You can try to act like your being the mature one walking away, but the fact remains Dont run your mouth about how i speak to you when you provoked the situation, by commenting in a unproductive way. I will talk down to you if you attempt to do so to me. I will in essense go to "battle" with you if I feel you need to be put in the spot light. and maybe it's me but it seems to strike a nerve when i do so. and I am out to get people. Specifically I'm out to weed out moderators that get their position and then misuse it, and then get up-set when its pointed out. you may have earned your mod at the time Jake, but you do not deserve to keep it with some of the demos i acquired. and if you have not notice I DO NOT NEED ANY OF YOUR APPROVALS TO GET MOD WETHER YOU +1 or -1 it's just a small factor to the higher-ups to help make a decision (The only thing they suggested was to be nicer to donks like you, seems i'm still working on it). If you have not noticed it's kinda amazing our higher-ups check forums daily and have yet to step in. Why because they know no matter how harsh or abrasive I may be i speak the truth and I will continue to hunt down and point out any and all fuck ups made by mods with in reason for the situation. It's just funny how everyone who has comments has been told in game by me something to correct when a mistake was made and got offended thinking im telling you how to do your job lol get over it, you messed up and were corrected say ty and blow a dick for a happy ending. I dc if you dont want me as mod or not, you also cant say wether i would abuse it or not until i have it any how and show you for my self how i will act.

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All you are doing in your post is insulting and disrespecting the ones who gave you a -1. We are just clearly saying that we don't want you as mod. It is not only higher-ups jobs to decide a mod. The community has decisions if they want you as a mod. You cannot be posting straight insults to people. We are not talking about battling, I don't know where that came up. You need to be respectful and commited to the clan. If you tell us to make the community better. You need to help but it's showing that you aren't.

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MajorB, the things you are saying are getting a little out of hand.. If major wants this closed, @Aegean! @@serbiansnaga or whatever, please close this. If not, people who have already posted their opinions, stop posting.

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That's what I thought, now close this mother-fucker.

Next time don't come at me like that with BS, and be productive with your opinions/comments. Maybe I'll do the same and be a bit more respectful of you for doing so. and who knows you might hear MajorB bitching a little bit less in the future if you do.

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