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We're restarting the League of Legends division, and we need new players. never played it before? follow this link to signup for the game: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4d1612ec78971528795235

If you are interested in playing, please register for an account using that link, then add either myself: ChronosNite, Jaybreeze, or Sniped0ut and we can play with you or teach you how to play it. when you reach level 30 let us know and we will add you to the ranked team. :)

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It's a new game for xG to be spreading to since last season, we kind of failed at getting xG involved in it. we are trying to get more people active on it, and get a team going.

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The sun is death. It burns your skin. Don't be fooled by the tanned folk. They are satan's minions.


Clawing my way out of ELO hell if anyone needs a partner. Stomping kids with Irelia. She's too stronk

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Forever... Unless you get boosts. I played off and on but I played from 20 to 30 through and it took me days. I was in college at the time so I had a shitton of time to kill and it still took me forever.

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Btw i suck at RTS. I tried for a while to get good at WCIII and sucked, then tried again with SCII and sucked ass as well :/

But with you guys tutoring me...

Nevermind i'm fucked

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it might take a while then, but i'll play with you.


Hard on

Don't Worry, I'm actually good at this game. not a complete tard like somebody we all know

Cough @StenceHD Cough

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