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Addressing everyone in xG as a whole

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There are so many things I have to say to you guys as a Co-leader talking to his fellow members and staff. I have so many things to address but hard to explain without making this a novel. I'll put a TL;DR up here and you can choose read on if you wish.


TL;DR : I'm leaving 18th to 23rd to my friend's cottage, and my view on people leaving or complaining about the community


So if you decided to read on, I'll start off very simply, I will be gone to my friend's cottage, we are going to be fishing, swimming, tanning and drinking for about a week. I will not check forums or anything cuz honestly I need a break from all that shit. I've been dealing with so many xG problems at once, you guys do not realize the amount of work I put into this clan. I am not saying I am the only one, but to attack Serb, Silence or I with "give excuses, doesn't do their job, corrupt" etc is fucking pathetic. I will address all this later but lets start off from the beginning.


Lets see the root of the problem. For some reason you people have a mindset that this community that has about 1000+ members, about 200-300 active members across about 30 servers, to ALL be buddy buddy, to not have cliques, and to like the same thing and never have arguments, debates, drama or other things. If you are looking for something like that, a clan of this size is not for you. Feel free to move on to Deviant like many others if you wish to be in a small tight-knit community. This is how xG was when it first started, but it can't be anymore as we grew into something new which all things do after time and effort. Oh and btw no that was not something to "attack" Deviant with, they are just a newer clan.


Anyways you guys complain about staff, sometimes it's even staff who complains about other staff or members. You people either get upset over EVERY LITTLE THING, or do not give 2 fucks to mention it to anybody, but decide to use it as an excuse when you are leaving. Let me give a scenario to you guys.


You guys tell me "Oh people complain about him all the time, obviously he's doing something wrong, you don't need proof just demote him and act like a co-leader for once"

Hey "idealists" imagine you are in their situation. You do nothing wrong, you actually find that people aren't familiar with rules, and when you punish them for breaking it, they hold a grudge and complain about you. If I didn't work on "proof" and they complained to me about you, and I just demoted you, you find that fucking fair? I would love to see how you would just shrug it off for getting demoted or kicked out of the clan with just hearsay.


You want to help the community? Go take some proof and actually LEARN the whole story before complaining. You know how many times I've talked to people and they tell me one thing, but when I find logs, check the story with other people etc and find out the truth, that the people who were misguided are like "oh... I didn't know" No fucking shit you didn't know, you just based all your anger on hearsay.


Here's an example, and old friend of mine messaged me with complaints about racism in the server. He threatened to leave the community if I don't do anything about it since I'm obviously "corrupt" but guess what happened? I did my homework, and the people who complained were saying racist stuff themselves! Did they mention that in the complaint? Nope. Did they ask any of the staff in the server for it to stop? Nope. Did they laugh and join in? Yes.


Anyways a message for you guys. We are not all seeing. I have put in about 300-400 hours into all the servers put together, and easily the same or even double on steam, teamspeak or forums dealing with other people's issues. Fun fact, I was the one who went into HG's teamspeak multiple time and hours at a time, convincing them to unban every single person in xG from their servers. Did I have to do that? No. Do I play on their servers? No. This is why to say I "make excuses" or the fact that we don't do shit is fucking ignorant. Although silence fucks around, he puts countless amount of hours into our community, and he got a job and puts every cent into the community. On Teamspeak, for the many people who never go on you have no idea how much fun we have using skype to prank call people, or just having huge tiny chat parties or even discussing random shit. There will always be drama in the community, but at the end of the day we are all just having fun.


We do our best for the community, you don't agree with it, report the problems with actual proof, full stories and put some fucking effort in it. You don't give a shit about the community and just think it's shit? Then leave, find another clan to satisfy your idealist perfect community. I'm gonna change the member qualifications for the first of August and it will be up soon. Hope this opens people's eyes a bit, I was planning to take some quotes from members who are blatantly ignorant but I decided not to do that. You know who you are. To all the rest of you who are doing a great job in this community, whether it being a member and just having fun, or a staff member and helping our rules be enforced, thanks for everything guys.


~Aegean! The Cum Guzzler

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It's annoying when people don't realize how hard you work. This isn't the first time I heard you mention this. It is a thankless job at best when you are doing it right. You know I can relate. That said, whats up with my MOD app slacker.

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I'm playing the worlds smallest violin.


Nah jk, hopefully the clan doesn't go to hell in the 5 days you are gone :0. Lol you know I appreciate everything you do for all of us nigga<3 xG needs you.

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HEY NUKKA dont drink and swim we would miss you <3


And That is why i came back Aegean and Serbian and most of the div leaders actually do work to help the community =/


But Aegean is still fat

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I read the whole thing.


And I have nothing to argue against.


Except that you should have come to Los Angeles a long time ago so you could have said hi to me <3

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