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DuckiiJr. <(^.^<)

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>implying that duckiijr is like every other hacker on the internet

>implying that duckiijr is automatically a bad person for hacking

>implying that duckiijr doesnt regret his actions


+1 i literally heard slipery say that silence gave him permission to reapply even though silence doesnt handle the social aspect of the clan, he merely manages the servers, aegean and myself handle the clan issues itself and the slipery issue wasnt discussed with us, the fact that slipery was unbanned for wallhacking without even a ban protest gives me the precedence to accept duckiijr's ban protest without the community's consent, just like slipery

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-1 you hacked and still bottomfragged (most the time.) + isnt the rules of xG hacking is a permban? if not then this needs updating tbh



EDIT: tbh i dont rly care if he gets unbanned, just not gunna scrim with him

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>.> I've seen some people do some crazy shit and get 2-3 chances,In my entire time in xG i never once seen duckiijr banned for anything serious(or anyhting at ALL for that matter),and the only people who -1 him are the people who honestly dont know him,or believe nobody gets 2nd chances,and if u think nobody deserves a second chance look back at your life and see how many things you've had a second chance for that were WAYYY more serious for something like a video game. Duckiijr has dedicated so much time to the forums and the servers, and some people dont thank him for it, or even notice it,Ok, he hacked, so its not exactly the right thing he should have done, but just because he hacked doesnt mean you cant look back at everything hes done for and with the xG community. +1 if you havent already noticed that.

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Are you fucking kidding me? Yes he walled. But he didn't lie nor threaten to DDoS. Not only that but he wasn't on for maybe 2 hours a day and only scrimmed like rain.

From my perspective, DuckiiJr is pretty bad at css. And people constantly harass him for that when he scrims.

He's an ex mod now and he was a great mod. He's been here for the longest time now. He doesn't talk trash to anyone unlike other people who hacked that we know. Slipery got a second chance by watching a video. Heck, I'll watch ANY video to get unbanned and give full commentary on it. People who -1 and who liked DuckiiJr before are just doing it because people who don't like him tell them to.

Honestly, DuckiiJr has learned his lesson. He's not the type of guy to repeat offences. And for the love of god he can be permed from the scrim servers, he hasn't hacked on JB.

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The main reason I -1'd is well, this. We have rules for a reason don't we? Regardless if we gave others more chances in the past, WE NEED TO START SOMEWHERE. Why not here?


I know duckiijr was in the clan for the longest time, and I had a ton of respect for the dude. He never disrespected others and was an over all nice dude. But I can't take his personality + ways he helped the clan into consideration. (hence why mcneo stayed banned. I know the circumstances were diff so please don't get into it.)


I mean if i can go mass freekill + leave + get people that like me to +1 and unban then - why does the rule exist in the first place.


It's not like he's being discriminated against and giving less of a chance as others. He can get unbanned just as easily as others.


I dunno. Believe me duckiijr, this is not personal. I always thought you were a nice guy.

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He is an awesome person and deserves to be unbanned.


I've seen plenty of people here who had more than 2 chances from being perm'd even if they did deserve it. *cough* Peppermint *cough*

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This really isn't hard. If you like him enough then you should help him pay the 20 dollars and let him do the picture and sign.


Clearly we should just start throwing the rules out. This shits getting old and we are never going to stand by any of the rules. Why have them?


If we keep doing this shit where its like "oh well this guy out of it" and never finally put a stop to it then ITS NEVER GOING TO STOP. inb4 next thread where some dumbfuck hacks and then uses this exact scenario as his reason.


Someone pay the 20 dollars and let this retard post a picture of himself with a sign. This thread is so useless.


EDIT: I'd also like to add that every person that +1ed this thread is a literal dumbfuck. Don't really care how much of an asshole I look like. You might as well just +1 to letting people hack. Don't even pretend that's not what this says. It's fucking black and white that he knew the rules and PURPOSELY chose to disobey them. Don't fucking make this some shit that it isn't.

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I just want to say that when your VAC banned you can no longer play CSS at all. your banned on all servers.

if its a different account the -1 he shouldnt be unbanned.

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most people know i dont really like duckiijr =/



but he knew what he was doing when he hacked on the scrim server, he knew rain had done the same thing and was permed for it, he knew oscar hacked on the Surf server and is permed for it.... It's not like he didnt know he would be permed if he was caughtwith them and well he got caught.


-1 He knew full well what he was doing and knew it was wrong when he did it, he hacked on an xG server, and the fact hes an older member of the clan makes it even worse. He's not a bad person he just did something incredibly stupid. Like RPGs said some1 just help him pay the $20 and he can take the picture.

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You just disrespected everyone here. And I would also like to know... WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH!?

You have been being a complete asshole to me even before I first talked to you. I have never given you a reason to hate me at all. I have done nothing to you. I am sick and tired of your SHIT. I am sorry. But I cannot take your crap anymore. What have I done so wrong for you to hate me so much? And don't say because I hacked. You have hated me and been an ass to me for a long time now.


I'm sorry for snapping back. But I just knew you would make a dick post causing me to snap back. But never did I think you would go out and disrespect everyone here! I even asked nicely to not be an ass about your decision. But I just knew you would do something like this -.-

This really isn't hard. If you like him enough then you should help him pay the 20 dollars and let him do the picture and sign.


Clearly we should just start throwing the rules out. This shits getting old and we are never going to stand by any of the rules. Why have them?


If we keep doing this shit where its like "oh well this guy out of it" and never finally put a stop to it then ITS NEVER GOING TO STOP. inb4 next thread where some dumbfuck hacks and then uses this exact scenario as his reason.


Someone pay the 20 dollars and let this retard post a picture of himself with a sign. This thread is so useless.


EDIT: I'd also like to add that every person that +1ed this thread is a literal dumbfuck. Don't really care how much of an asshole I look like. You might as well just +1 to letting people hack. Don't even pretend that's not what this says. It's fucking black and white that he knew the rules and PURPOSELY chose to disobey them. Don't fucking make this some shit that it isn't.

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-1, xG has rules for a reason. He knew what would be the consequence of his actions, especially as a mod/admin and older member of this community. Honestly, whats the point of having rules if xG doesn't enforce them and lets people off the hook? If it were an xG member who just joined, I'm positive no one would even care if they got banned.

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You disrespect the entire clan by completely ignoring the rules and expecting to be unbanned for it. You are literally saying I am better than everyone here and deserved to be unbanned because I am so great. Shut the fuck up. You are nothing more than an attention whore and if this thread isn't enough to prove it your almost 3000 post count shows it (Most of which are more than pointless posts). I can't stand someone who just sits there "like look at me, look at me."


I thought ban protests were supposed to be for people WRONGFULLY banned. You aren't protesting your ban. You are asking for it to be lifted because apparently you are better than the rules. Theres a way to get unbanned without this stupid ass nonsense but of course you are clearly too fucking good for that. Like I said lets just throw the rules out. Clearly they are useless and don't deserve to even be read. Why do we even tell people to read the MOTD anymore? Whats the point? Everyone in the clan is too good for the rules. Why have them? It'd destroy alot of confusion as to why we have all the stupidest fucking ban protests that aren't even protesting anything.


Can we please get a [Lift My Ban, I'm Better than the Rules] instead of [ban Protest]? Clearly thats all that "Ban Management" is for anymore. And as for all you've contributed to the clan is a fucking joke. McNeo did everything for this clan that he possibly could. Your "achievements" don't even come close to what he did in such a little time.


As for being a good mod is more than a joke. If you mean playing favorites then you are the king. You pick and choose who the rules apply to. I would've -1ed McNeos thread too because he isn't better than the rules either. No one is. Why do you think you are? What makes you so fucking great that all of xG should kneel before you and say you know what fuck our rules we have DuckiiJr.?


And like I've said there is a more than simple solution to this stupid ass shit. Pay the 20 bucks and do the sign picture. Go work for one fucking day which with minimum wage is 3 hours to get enough to pay for your unbanning. If you really care enough to get back in then I think you can do that much. To be honest I have more respect for the other hackers that didn't make a ban protest. Atleast they knew that they didn't deserve the time of day because they broke the rules.

@@SkullKing That was a cute post, but at this point I really don't give a flying fuck. Strip me of Mod because I really don't know what rules to try to enforce anymore. Kick me out of the clan maybe I can try and get enough +1s to get unbanned. I don't want to leave, but fuck it if I'm not wanted here then tell me and I'll gladly get the fuck out of your lives.

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+1. Really good kid. Been talking to him alot. And as everyone says, he knows what he did was wrong. I believe he deserves a second chance. As alot of others have gotten. Good luck bud. Don't listen to all these assholes that just wanna -1 you for the sake of it.

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