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CS:GO JB Fun Tonight

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I wasn't sure where to put this, so I'm putting it here. There were a bunch of fuckwits on the CS:GO server tonight. Admins were in and out while they could be and I thank them for that. However, the server quickly went to shit (worse than usual) when none were around. I don't normally take demos, but tonight was especially bad and some asshole that I've seen on the server playing normally a few times before decided to be a freekilling douche tonight. As such, I have a source demo that I took with a bunch of fucking around by several people, and I put status in console several times while doing it so there steam IDs are there, too. Is it worth attaching to a post? Will anyone watch it?

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It will bbe a while before CS:Go JB gets back to normal, as its a new game, and staff needs to work out the kinks. Plus lots of new people dont know how to play JB yet. My advice, avoid CS:GO JB for now.

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It will bbe a while before CS:Go JB gets back to normal, as its a new game, and staff needs to work out the kinks. Plus lots of new people dont know how to play JB yet. My advice, avoid CS:GO JB for now.

One does not simply stop playing JB.

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