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Farewell my amazing friends

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Wow it's been such a roller coaster ride for me being in this clan :p. I have had such terrible times, but also so many awesome times with amazing people here! There's a big part of me that wants to stay here (especially since i've been here for 2 years), but I just don't feel quite welcomed or even helpful at all like I used to. I was told no matter what I could never be mod again, including that I am not even allowed to donate for mod. So yeah basically I will be pretty useless to xG anymore. I feel like every friend I have had here has or is slipping away from me and leaving me. I think I know why though. For all of those who I have pissed off or completely fucked up with... I am truly sorry. For my so called “attention whore posting” I am sorry. And for the people that have stuck up for me and stuck with me no matter what, I thank you so very much. You have no idea how much many of you mean to me. Even my haters and trolls I thank you. You have made me a little stronger than I used to be. You guys truly have always felt like a family to me. A lot of times sadly I consider you guys over my real family xD.


I am glad I got to be mod and admin for xG I really am. I loved to help you guys. So I would like to thank you guys for giving me that opportunity :).


@Link_ (Aegean): Thanks so much for the great times. For making me feel welcome. For sticking up for me and for showing you care. You are truly 1 of the best xG has ever had. Keep up the great work Aegean :). Ever since I have met you, you've been not only a good friend, but an honest friend as well.


@@serbiansnaga : Serbian. 1 of my favorite people in xG ^_^. Thank you also for making me feel welcome and for being a great and honest friend. You're a great co-leader keep it up man :). C ya around timelord :p.


@@silence : Despite your cruel jokes I actually grew to like you xD. To be honest you made me more happier than sad/pissed off. And you were (despite the jokes) a good friend to me actually :). Keep on leading this awesome community man! :D


@@SkullKing : Easily 1 of my best friends :p. I'm sorry for everything I put you through I really am. I know it's really hard being friends with me :(. I feel you to are sleeping away from me. I feel like I am losing you and I really don't want that. I love you man. You have made me so happy and all. Thanks for sticking with me. I hope you will still stick with me until the end.


@@speedlimit56 : Thanks for truly showing you care. You are always so fun to hang out with and I enjoy talking to you :). Thanks for being such a great friend Speed! <3. Keep up the good work as mod.


@@Bigga : Bigga my nigga! My brotha from another motha! We never really talked much but I had fun when we did lol. You're a good guy keep it up bro!


@@Duke : There's not much to say. I'm deeply sorry for all the trouble I have ever caused you. And despite you hating on me and being an ass, I actually thank you for it. I probably needed it haha. Maybe you will have a little relief now that I am out of here. Farewell Duke and keep up the awesome job as mod! You're a pretty good one honestly :).


@@HongKongFooey : You were always such a good friend to me. Thank you so much hongkong for everything you've done for me. And for understanding what i've gone through. Sadly I have also lost you because of my stupid ass decisions. I am so so sorry. I am honestly a COMPLETE dumbass. You are a friend I really didn't want to lose :[. Farewell my old friend.




@@KingJ : LOLEXDEE yu are haker tht neds ban so admun pls ban haker name kingj ok ty


@@Neo : Always have fun talking to you and you are always very nice to me :D. Thanks Neo!


@Zeal : Probably 1 of the nicest people I have ever met. xG needs more people like you man. Love you zealio! I hope we can stay friends. Take care <3


@@Jihad : Ah Jihad! One of my most favorite people in xG ^_^. Keep it up on that division leader! And huge congrats on being a daddy :). I hope everything goes alright. I know you will be a great dad. Take care <3.


@@Reflex : Hey bebe. Sorry I chetted on yu ok pls frgiv me!


@@Chrono : Despite your shmelliness, you are actually a pretty cool guy :). See ya around!


@@Stence : You've always seemed like a pretty nice and generally fun guy. Haven't really talked to you much, but at least I can't remember any bad memories involving you :). See ya!


@Poncher : Keep on being an amazing admin! Good luck with everything. Maybe soon you'll get to be a division leader haha :D.


@@VanillaGrape : Before you suddenly disappeared I had a great time playing with you and talking to you. You are so damn funny xD! And then you came back and I was excited. Turns out you're still the same Grape I used to know! Which is a good thing btw.


@@xShadowSpyx : You are by far the best mod/admin I have ever seen in xG. This community needs you! Continue doing a great job man :).


@@Celestia : Fuck the haters. You're a great person, and a great friend. So thanks for all the great times! Hope to still talk to you every once in a while.


@@Tiberia : I love you, you sexy drunk ass mother ducker.


@@Speechluss : We used to talk all the time and be emotional with each other (LOL THAT SOUNDED 100% GAAAY). But now we don't talk much. But thanks for being there for me bro. You're a good man.


@@Trif : At first I was afraid. I was petrified. I kept thinking I could never live without you by my side. But I spent so many nights just thinking how you'd did me wrong. And I grew strong. I learned how to get a long!


@@Teezar : You've changed a little bit since I first became friends with you. Thankfully not in a bad way ^_^. You're a good friend don't forget that. See you around!


@Zolo (Lock, Ace, Shiro, Yolo, Gengar, Ace, Charp, Chaipo, Appa, Aopo, Kaicha, Latios, Luminary, Toshiro): I love you, you stupid hacker you.

@@Sep0h : You're a cool dude. No bad memories with you :D. +1 to that! Good luck with everything.


@@bees : OMG SO HOT. Haha love you bees :). I've had so much fun talking and playing with you. Maybe I'll continue to scrim with you <3.


@@BillyMays : SCRIM FAG LOLOLO. In all seriousness.. you are a pretty cool and chill guy honestly. And you've made me laugh when I was down lol. So thanks for that. You've actually been a pretty nice guy to me :). Keep up that co leader shtuff!


@@Microsoft : Sucked to see you not be a div leader anymore because of Minecraft falling. You were a great div too... well at least you're still mod! So keep it up :).


@@Arthman : Seems like me and you haven't got along recently xD. But you've been a good person to me for the most part :3. Congratulations on being a soon to be husband! Happy for you man. :)


@RpgS : Gracias for donating for me to be unbanned <3. Bai now!




@@Ero_Sennin78 : lmao all I can say is FUN TIMES ERO. FUN TIMES. Farewell big daddy.


@@Warriorsfury : I'll be honest here. You used to be annoying as fuck. Then became pretty cool and chill. You're almost a big kiddy now! Soon young warrior. Soon.


@@Starbuck : I actually met you a pretty long time a go when you had your own clan. I met you even before I met Silence :). Though I never really talked to you xD. Keep it Starbuck!


@@Drendan : So many people seem to find you annoying, but I never have :). Your a good kid and fun to talk to! Fack the haters.


@@OriginalCat : We don't talk much. But anyways you are such a nice person :). Thanks for the good memoriessss cat! Good luck with school and stuffs.


@@G1McKenzie : Fack you


@@Deodate : Just look at your signature :).


@@GanjaMonster : You're still a good guy in my mind. Wish you could forgive me :(. Farewell Ganja.




@@Hudson : You've always been fun to play with :) Thanks and see ya later cat tamer!


@@Duplolas : Never found you a bad mod :). Never had a problem with you either! See ya around.


@@Jamal : Wherever you been... just remember you da sexiest black man around. Well... actually Bigga is. So SECOND sexiest black man. Bai.


@Tezz : Sexy.


@@m608ike : You've recently become a good friend to me :). Thanks man. Hope to see you around and talk still!


@@AznPikachux3 : Where have you gone? BABY COME BACK! If you see this. I love you.


@@Gawd : Good luck with your life man :). Hope everything's been going good! You're a good person <3.


My hands hurt. I might type the rest of you up later. But for now let me finish this.


It's been a great time guys. I love you all :). I might re join in the future. But if I do it wont be for a while.


Now for some questions you may have with answers.


Will you still play the servers?

Maybe. To be honest all the servers have gotten very boring and annoying to me. I will most likely scrim though.


Will you be on teamspeak?

Most likely yes.


Are you changing your name?

No. I've been Duckii Jr. for almost 2 years now and I am still proud to be Duckii Jr.


Do you still talk to Duckii? How's she been?

Yes I do :). She's still mah best friend. She has been good! But sadly she's super busy so I rarely get to talk to her :'(. She has a job now and is taking lots of difficult classes (AP and stuff).


Are you joining another clan?

Possibly might be making a clan with my good friend TriggerTwitch


Is it true you have a boyfriend?



Alright guys I guess this is farewell. Thanks for the experiences you guys have given me :). I hope that I have given you good experiences. I hope I have put a smiles on your faces.








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Oh man dude, I thought I would be the one leaving before you... Damn I hate to see it come to this, you will be missed no matter what you think! We all had a little home in our hearts for duckii's little junior :')

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Didnt even read but im thinking this is one of his "im leaving"

"HEY IM BACK" things...

or he wants attention


Dude, shut up. If you're gonna keep being a prick, why are you still here?


Duckii, i never thought id see this day come. Ima miss you man. Despite everything thats happened, i still believe you were one of the best kids we had in this clan. You were a great mod for a long time. Sad to see you go :(. All in all, im gonna miss you. Stay strong brother, stay strong.

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Didnt even read but im thinking this is one of his "im leaving"

"HEY IM BACK" things...

or he wants attention


Dude fuck off hes actually leaving

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