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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/13 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    People talk behind other people's back. It's only natural. When you say those sort of things to someone, it's almost always taken in a confidential matter. You wouldn't straight up say those things to the player/member, maybe word it differently but you wouldn't deliberately say those things. What you may consider disrespect/harassment, may not be taken the same way if directed at others. Not everyone will see this as disrespect, some might, but you can't just speak out for them. For example, if someone like Charrax calls me a "faggot who shouldn't be a part of this community", I'll simply laugh because he's being his douchey self and I know he is just messing around. If he were to say that to someone else, that depends entirely on where they stand. Another example would be this; Offender to Person A - "You're a tool" Person A - "Love you too bb" Bystander - "That's offensive" Completely differentiates between the person. One is clearly perceiving it as disrespect and believes it is offensive, while the other is taking it as a joke. Without the opinion of "Person A", then yes it's easy to call someone out on disrespect and make them look like a bad guy, however; it wasn't Directed at the Bystander. What I'm getting at is simply this; Disrespect is only disrespect if it in any way offends or upsets the person being "disrespected". If it's not even being targeted at you, why should you take the effort of being upset or feeling harassed when it in no way pertains to you?
  2. 1 point

    Anime drawings :D

    Pokemon is Anime right? This is the back I made for my last phone I named him "Scrub-a-dub"
  3. 1 point

    A dumb rule.

    What if there in ISO and they get out before you say out of cell rebel, I have always wondered that.
  4. 1 point

    HighSociety - Counter-Strike: Source

    You're here, aren't you?
  5. 1 point

    -Echo-'s GFX shop

    donate to me and I'll put a fat resource zip folder together for spray making for everyone
  6. 1 point


    Thread TL;DR (In general) - Stop banning people for simple mistakes, cut a little more slack. There is a slay command for a reason, is there not? (In general) - If you're going to post a Member Protest on the terms of disrespect, you better have proof of disrespect toward Yourself, not others. (Charrax) - Tone down on the disrespect on everyone, or atleast towards those who take it personally. The chances of finding a Div Leader who is all Pro and no Con are either slim to none. Everyone has something they excel in, and something they fail in. In this case, Charrax does everything server related right, but he runs a tight ship. If you people are seriously upset with the disrespect, this has hopefully been a wake-up call for Charrax. For future reference, when posting about disrespect, only include disrespect TOWARD YOURSELF. Not everyone else takes what Charrax says in a hostile way, so don't speak for everyone. It will not help your case, because first of all you shouldn't be posting in regards to someone else being disrespected. Show some proof if he's disrespecting you. Not proof that he's disrespecting others. Don't really care if I'm not a gmod player, but this right here is muckin' things up. - Dat guy, Forest
  7. 1 point

    A strange request

    What I mean is, don't feel like just because you're a member, you can't do anything. Things like hosting a Community Night, or some sort of thing like that doesn't require you to be a Staff Member. It requires Help from some yes, but you can just be a member and host that sort of thing whenever you want (Just as an example). Be unique, do something that'll catch people's attention. Make a video sponsoring xG, or a find a way to make us more publicly known then we already are. The possibilities are endless, you just need to come up with something and just do it! You don't need the approval of us to do things (to a certain extent). Be creative, and you'll most likely gain our attention (y)
  8. 1 point
    JailBreak IS the best. Also, just giving my opinion on the matter. We have it set at 90 seconds for CS:S, which I think gives a perfect amount of time for the Warden to give their orders. After all, the most important orders are the beginning ones. It weeds out the baddies and gives a (more-so) manageable amount of Ts. Das jus wut I b thinkin' yo.
  9. 1 point

    Regarding Wolven Dominion

    Refrain from starting a discussion/argument or instigating any sort of griefing/flaming. If you have given your opinion and your vote, then you have no need to post anymore. This goes for everyone, no exceptions. I will again remind everyone to stay on topic and only post how they feel on the subject, nothing more. Further discussion will result in the closure of your post. Thanks.
  10. 0 points
    Good proof dude good proof. Btw you can get banned for this.
  11. 0 points

    Muh Freedoms

    What's it like being retarded? I mean Canadian? What's the difference, right?
  12. 0 points

    MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source

    Crazy nigger, clearly has to be here. +1
  13. -1 points

    Kidnap Gkoo or Eric.

    Good luck arth. It's every prop. GO has new props. All you'll get is a skeleton map. For it example: It's like from this map. Converting it to GO. Turning it into this map.
  14. -1 points

    Wassup Bitches

    y the fuck didnt u ban this faggot. jk <3 miss u man +1 he will be hte first good admin on since everyone started leavin xG
  15. -1 points

    HighSociety - Counter-Strike: Source

    -1 Poser
  16. -1 points

    Regarding Wolven Dominion

    Don't tell me what to do!
  17. -1 points

    Regarding Wolven Dominion

    Stop yelling.
  18. -1 points


    +1 I dont like disrespecters
  19. -1 points

    Wassup Bitches

    zPlooChi was wondering if he rejoined xG with the swag and swerve he got, would zPlooChi have a high chance to get his administrator BACK?
  20. -1 points

    -Echo-'s GFX shop

    its a secret c;
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