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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/14 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Graphic card upgrades

    Although it kind of depends on what games you mainly want to play, since different games make use of different ratios of CPU to GPU performance. That being said, the FX-6300 can do basically everything but max out GTA IV. I mean, you have $400 as a budget so you're already better off than the kids on minecraft forums wanting to upgrade from their peashooter GT610's and such. If you're able to , the GTX 970 that you've already chosen is a great card. AMD Cards have finally come down in price after the whole cryptocurrency hype, so you could snag a 280x for cheap if you'd like (although don't buy used). With Cyber Monday around the corner, you're bound to find some good deals.
  2. 1 point


    +1 get in here you glorious oldfag A-8 M-9 @Bach @kbraszzz how does this not have more vouches
  3. 1 point

    Snipsy gotsa leave

    My name is Snipes, I'm pretty gay. I wrote a song about you and you STILL leave jesus. We'll miss you, dude. Don't know where our source of retard will come from without you. Have a good life, man.
  4. 1 point


    @Bach :C
  5. 1 point

    Engie vs. spy

    Standards have professionals.
  6. 1 point


  7. 1 point

    Xg christmas song!

    Vector the Perming-Reindeer. (Based off of Trade Gaming History) (#R.I.P) You know MayMays, and Pony, and Kitsune, and Vixen; Moosty, and Scooty, and Kart, and Supreme. But do you recall? The most salty Reindeer of all? Vector the Perming-Reindeer, Had a huge banning list, And if you ever saw it, You would even say it blows. All of the other reindeer, Used to run and hide; They never let poor Vector, Join in any music maps. Then one foggy salty eve, Nommy came to say; "Vector with your list so big, Won't you ban Pony tonight!" Then how the reindeer shunned him, As they shouted out with grief, Vector the Perming-Reindeer, You'll go down with Gaming History!
  8. 0 points

    Snipsy gotsa leave

    Almost posted this in conversations. Been doing so much worse in school than I could be doing. Another thing, my brother, who i really haven't seen in months is coming home soon. Furthermore, quite frankly my dear, I dont give a damn. I cant be remotely committed to any type of sociability. Or any responsibility, and being part of a clan is a responsibility and extremely social at times. I honestly love you guish. I might not come back, I might play every now and then, but I really need to focus on school and family. I wish staying was an option. list of people ill miss? cooly, rejects, liekos, kb, bach, rolo, dan, moosty, kart, in that order. keep in mind they're more people ill miss but im a lazy asshole. which is another reason why im not doing as well as i want to be in school. And cooly, keep your cat bleached, heil panda.
  9. 0 points

    No admins/mods are deathrun?

    Pish posh. Everyone follows Kbraszz or stays on trade servers or JB
  10. 0 points


    I miss you already, baby.
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